
Nara's Revenge?

WARNING!!: THIS BOOK IS RATED 18 Due to some mature content.... In "Nara's Revenge?," love turns into a wild ride of drama and revenge when Nara learns the jaw-dropping truth about her marriage to the man she thought was her soulmate. Totally head over heels for Nathan, Nara's whole world comes crashing down when she finds out that he only said "I do" because of her striking resemblance to his deceased ex-wife. Talk about a major plot twist! Furious but not about to let Nathan off the hook, Nara plans for payback. But as she gets deeper into her revenge scheme, she starts feeling all sorts of mixed emotions about Nathan. Is she still inlove with him or should she just forget about him and move on? With drama and excitement on every page, "Nara's Revenge" takes readers on a wild rollercoaster of love, betrayal, and redemption. As secrets come out and loyalties are tested, Nara has to decide whether to stick it out with Nathan or kick him to the curb for good. Trust me, you'll be hooked until the very end.

Favour_0574 · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

I'l Handle it

Nara drove as fast as she could from the hospital, her heart still racing. Never in a million years did she expect to be attacked by some random stranger.

This was all Nathan's fault. With that thought, she immediately turned the steering wheel towards another direction. She would pay him a little visit at work.


Nathan was in a meeting when a raucous outside the office disrupted everything.

Nara barged into the office with Louis closely behind her.

Apparently, she refused to wait despite Louis repeatedly telling her that Nathan was in a meeting.

"Hi, honey," Nara greeted Nathan with a grin, ignoring the fact that she had just disrupted an important meeting.

Everyone present in the office turned towards her. She appeared disheveled, her hair messy due to the struggle with Charles at the parking lot, but otherwise, she looked really good in her blue denim.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir. I tried to stop her," Louis bowed as he apologized.

"It's fine, Louis. Even I can't stop her sometimes," Nathan replied calmly as he stared right at Nara, who smirked.

Nathan sighed as he rose from his seat. "If you'll all excuse me. It seems like my wife would like a word with me."

Nathan said as he walked towards Nara, grabbed her wrist, and silently led her towards his own personal office. Shutting the door behind him, he turned towards Nara.

"What the hell, Nara? What are you doing here?" He asked, trying not to sound angry even though he was pissed.

"Oh, sorry, did I interrupt your important meeting?" Nara began sarcastically. "Silly me. I was just too busy getting attacked by your friend to give a shit." Nara added angrily, poking Nathan in his chest.

"Attacked?" Nathan asked, confused, his brows furrowed as he tried to process what he had heard.

Nara took out her phone and showed him the pictures she took of Charles sprawled on the floor, nose bleeding.

"Look familiar to you?" Nara asked with a raised brow.

Nathan took the phone, his expression darkening as he examined the photos. "Charles?" He muttered, disbelief tingeing his tone.

"Yeah. Your good old buddy Charles," Nara replied sarcastically, but she was surprised when Nathan's hands cupped her cheeks, his eyes darting across her body.

"Did he hurt you?" Nathan asked, his voice almost unrecognizable. Nara was a little taken aback by the intense look in his gray eyes.

"Didn't you see the picture? He couldn't," Nara answered confidently as she stared at Nathan, who seemed angry.

Nathan nodded before his eyes finally saw Nara's bruised knuckles. His anger flared, a protective instinct rising within him..

"Louis is gonna take you home. I'm sorry this happened. I'll handle it," Nathan replied calmly, but his gray eyes said otherwise.

He gave Nara one final look before exiting his office.

Nara pouted. She wasn't done talking to him, and what did he mean by he'll handle it?

Not even a minute went by before Louis entered the office.

"Mrs. Hill, a car is waiting outside," Louis informed politely as he gestured towards the door.

"Yeah, my car. I drove, you idiot, and I can drive myself home," Nara answered dismissively as she stormed out of the office.

Today was supposed to be a good day for her. She had gotten her first ultrasound; she should be happy that her baby was healthy. Yet she gets attacked by some maniac. Couldn't she just be happy for a minute without something going horribly wrong all the time?