
Nara's Revenge?

WARNING!!: THIS BOOK IS RATED 18 Due to some mature content.... In "Nara's Revenge?," love turns into a wild ride of drama and revenge when Nara learns the jaw-dropping truth about her marriage to the man she thought was her soulmate. Totally head over heels for Nathan, Nara's whole world comes crashing down when she finds out that he only said "I do" because of her striking resemblance to his deceased ex-wife. Talk about a major plot twist! Furious but not about to let Nathan off the hook, Nara plans for payback. But as she gets deeper into her revenge scheme, she starts feeling all sorts of mixed emotions about Nathan. Is she still inlove with him or should she just forget about him and move on? With drama and excitement on every page, "Nara's Revenge" takes readers on a wild rollercoaster of love, betrayal, and redemption. As secrets come out and loyalties are tested, Nara has to decide whether to stick it out with Nathan or kick him to the curb for good. Trust me, you'll be hooked until the very end.

Favour_0574 · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Best friends

Nathan watched as his men escorted Charles into the room. Though they didn't lay a hand on him, Charles appeared badly bruised, his nose swollen and red, his brown hair tousled.

"Charles. Thank you for coming," Nathan acknowledged, his tone measured as Charles approached the table.

"It's not like you gave me a choice," Charles retorted, his frown etched with resentment.

Nathan's smirked. "Please, have a seat," he instructed, gesturing to the chair opposite him, his authority palpable.

Reluctantly, Charles seated himself, his gaze locked with Nathan's in a silent battle of wills.

"Seems Nara really messed you up, huh," Nathan observed, his smirk widening slightly.

"Yeah. You married a fucking psycho," Charles replied bitterly, wincing as he touched his injured nose. It hurt like hell.

"So, when did you get back?" Nathan inquired, his voice tinged with concern. He knew Charles had struggled in the aftermath of Rebecca's death, spending almost 2 years in a mental facility.

"Two days ago. I'm doing much better now," Charles replied, his grin unsettling.

"And yet you attacked my wife."

Charles chuckled dryly, "You used to call my sister that just a few years ago, right before you killed her."

"I didn't kill Rebecca, Charles, and you know that," Nathan countered, his expression pained.

Charles laughed once more, displaying signs that he still hadn't properly recovered. "Do I?"

"I loved her."

"And yet you replaced her. With a freak copy. Your bastard! You fucking killed her! And I'm gonna prove it to everyone!" Charles erupted, his voice trembling with rage.

Nathan's heart sank at the accusation, he simply stared at Charles, sadness evident in his eyes. He had known Charles all his life, and it was heartbreaking to see him like this. Charles had been his best friend even before Rebecca came into his life.

"Why attack my wife, Charles? She hasn't done anything wrong to you. If you have a problem, deal with it with me and me alone."

Charles's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Oh, so you care for her? This makes my plans so much more exciting. I actually thought you wouldn't care what happens to her."

Nathan struggled to maintain his composure, his patience wearing thin. "I'm going to let this slide, Charles, for Becca's sake. But if you ever try hurting Nara again, a broken nose would be the least of your worries." he threatened, his tone deadly.

"You better finish me off now, Nate, 'cause if you let me walk out that door, I'll come back. And I'll bite even harder," Charles sneered.

Before Nathan could respond, Louis entered the room, his grave expression troubling.

"Sir, please, we must leave for the estate immediately," Louis addressed urgently, his usual professional voice tinged with emotion.