
Nara's Revenge?

WARNING!!: THIS BOOK IS RATED 18 Due to some mature content.... In "Nara's Revenge?," love turns into a wild ride of drama and revenge when Nara learns the jaw-dropping truth about her marriage to the man she thought was her soulmate. Totally head over heels for Nathan, Nara's whole world comes crashing down when she finds out that he only said "I do" because of her striking resemblance to his deceased ex-wife. Talk about a major plot twist! Furious but not about to let Nathan off the hook, Nara plans for payback. But as she gets deeper into her revenge scheme, she starts feeling all sorts of mixed emotions about Nathan. Is she still inlove with him or should she just forget about him and move on? With drama and excitement on every page, "Nara's Revenge" takes readers on a wild rollercoaster of love, betrayal, and redemption. As secrets come out and loyalties are tested, Nara has to decide whether to stick it out with Nathan or kick him to the curb for good. Trust me, you'll be hooked until the very end.

Favour_0574 · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

A sense of emptiness

Nathan stood there, stunned, as he stared at shards of glass scattered across the floor.

He did nothing, said nothing either, he just stared at her.

This wasn't the first time she had done something like this. In fact, she had done worse things before.

He knew he should feel angry. But all he felt was a sense of emptiness, a hollow ache that seemed to consume him from within.

Meanwhile, Nara's eyes gleamed with a mixture of stubbornness and sadness as she turned to leave the room, her nightgown clinging to her damp skin.

Nathan wanted to reach out, to stop her, to fix what he had broken between them. But he knew it was useless.

As Nara disappeared into the hallway, he was left alone in their bedroom, the echoes of their argument ringing in his ears.

"Oh my God!" Gwen exclaimed as she rushed into the bedroom through the open door.

Nathan clenched his jaws in annoyance as she walked in.

Gwen was Nathan's incredibly annoying sister who had a knack for making things worse.

"I heard the sound of breaking glass. What the hell has Nara done this time?" She asked with an angry expression on her face.

"It's nothing, Gwen," Nathan answered trying to brush it off.

"Nothing? Are you fucking kidding me Nate? That woman is absolutely insane. Are you hurt? Did she hurt you?" Gwen asked searching frantically through Nathan's body trying to spot some kind of injury.

"I said it was nothing. Stop making it a matter, Gwen." Nathan snapped but noticed he might have been too harsh. She was his little sister afterall and she was just worried about him.

He softened his tone and moved closer to her. "I'm fine, Gwen. Nara didn't hurt me."

"For now, but she is unhinged. What if she does something to you or even herself? She needs medical attention." Gwen replied sadly, her eyes simmering with genuine concern.

One would think she cared for Nara, but it was quite the opposite.

She would do anything to get rid of her.

"Nara is fine, Gwen. Stop worrying." Nathan stated with finality, and Gwen knew better than to argue with her brother.

With a sigh, she nodded reluctantly. She knew that she couldn't force Nathan to see things from her perspective, especially when it came to Nara.

"I'll handle things with Nara. You should go back home," Nathan added firmly.


"Go home, Gwen. That's not a request. You've already stayed here long enough," Nathan insisted, his countenance warm but his tone cold.

"I'm only here because I'm worried about you," Gwen countered,

Nathan couldn't help but smirk, recognizing the card Gwen was trying to play. "Well, I'm fine, so please, go home."

With a mixture of frustration and understanding, Gwen finally relented, knowing that she had done all she could for now.
