
Naoya Can't Apologize

Former middle school hottie Uchida Naoya transferred schools and now is in the presence of Furuhashi Miko, the girl he terribly bullied and rejected back in middle school, who is now everyone's "apple of the eye". For Naoya, apologizing would be a feat but due to their status quo, with Miko changing her image from a lame, fat middle schooler to a high school bombshell and Naoya suddenly nerfed from a handsome, extrovert boy into a plain, lowkey guy, it is now harder for Naoya to apologize. For Miko, her love-revenge plan is the thing to do to. Will a path for reconciliation open for them? Or will a different route instead opens that both of them never expected? P.S. I used the cover of the manga "My Charms are Wasted on Kuroiwa Medaka" since this story I am creating was somehow inspired by that series. I do not and will never own the cover page!

Michan_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

The Former Bully and My Bestfriend

*Uchida Naoya*

Who is this girl, anyway? Looks like she's a friend of Furuhashi.

"W-What exactly do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"If I may be so bold, what are you doing with Miko?" asked Akari.

First name basis... Alright, she must be a close friend.

"Uhm, I just invited her to our shop to make up for accidentally hitting her with the ball during our last PE activity," I said.

"'Make up', huh?" said Akari. "That's kind of weird that such word went out of your mouth."

What is she implying on? Wait, did Furuhashi tell her everything?

"I-I don't know what you mean," I said.

"Hmm, I am not sure if you're pretending that you don't know me but let me show you something," said Akari.

Furuhashi's friend tied her hair in a side ponytail style.

Wait, I remember now. This girl is...

The girl who had been with Akari the very last time I saw her. She was the one consoling her in front of my past friend's eyes. Fool, how could I forget?

"Nanakusa Akari, am I right?" I asked.

"Bingo, bastard," said Nanakusa. "Well, I slightly changed my personal look so it's normal that you might not recognize me at first."

True enough, if not for Furuhashi's eyes and her hairstyle, I wouldn't know that they are them.

"I want to be cruel in flushing out information from you but since I am a nice person, let's play a little game," said Nanakusa. "Toss coin!"

T-Toss coin?

"I'll go with Heads, you go with Tails, agree?" asked Nanakusa.

"F-Fine, what are the mechanics?" I asked.

"If it went Heads, then I got to ask you a question and you are required to answer," replied Nanakusa. "Same goes with Tails, you ask and I answer. Got it?"

So she really wanted me to spill everything out, huh? Since this is a game, I might have a chance to get the answers I am seeking myself.

"Oh, and we only play three rounds since Miko might come back," said Nanakusa.

"Let's just start this," I said.

"Fufu, okay, then," said Nanakusa.

Nanakusa then tossed the coin in the air and she locked the coin immediately as it landed on her palm.

"Sooooo, what is it? Heads or Tailsss?" said Nanakusa.

She's really into this.

"Oof, heads," said Nanakusa. "Now, you have to answer my question."

"Fine, go ahead," I said. "I'll respond honestly."

She got this intense look towards me.

"Why did you suddenly change your bad boy image, huh?" asked Nanakusa. "I thought you were the punk that had this superiority complex over anyone. That was annoying as hell but yeah, what happened?"

As expected, I knew she would this.

"The Shibuya Earthquake, two years ago, remember it?" I said.

"As clear as yesterday," replied Nanakusa. "There were like 435 casualties in that event, if I recall it correctly. Truly terrifying, but what about it?"

"My mom was part of the 435 that died," I said. "I was with her that time, inside the shopping mall that was demolished by the earthquake itself."

"S-Sorry for asking. I didn't know," said Nanakusa.

"Don't sweat it," I said. "You see, my Mom and Dad have polarizing opinion on how should I act and treat people."

"Please continue, if you don't mind," said Nanakusa.

"My Dad, who was a former politician, had always taught me that I should always look dominant in front of the others so that no one would try to hurt me," I said. "My Mom, on the other hand, had always advised me that I should treat other people with kindness. Like, being nice to them or so."

While I was explaining, Nanakusa has been listening intently. I could feel the genuine intent on listening to my story.

"When I was a kid, I was frequently bullied by other kids," I said. "They always would say that I am pale, thin, and weak. I was a bookworm to begin with so I wasn't really that of a show of."

"That's kinda unexpected," said Nanakusa.

"I know it sounded bullshit but it was the truth," I said. "I often came home crying, filled with bruises and dirt since I was beaten up by other kids. Dad had enough of what he was seeing therefore he forcibly transformed me into someone that every kid would almost worship of."

"Like, how did he do it? And for how long?" asked Nanakusa.

"The whole summer vacation before the 4th Grade in Elementary," I said. "He taught me martial arts, confined in a room then lecturing me of what should be done, like I shouldn't mind of the weak since they are just bound to be eaten by the strong. He forcibly made me watch action movies filled with violence and vulgarity, something that a 4th Grader shouldn't be viewing in a hope that such would make me realize how the strong are coveted and the weak are ignored and thrashed."

Yes, that guy pushed his ideals onto me. And I wasn't able to stop it since I thought, that was the most effective thing to be safe from being hurt by other people.

"I still came home with bruises as I went by my Elementary stage but those were the fights that I had won," I said. "My Dad had always applaud of my actions and he delivered a satisfied upon seeing me. This was the opposite for my Mom. She always reminded me to stop it as other people were hurt because of me. I tried explaining to her my side but she kept rejecting my mentality to the point that I got annoyed and often ignored her."

Yes, that was one of my biggest regrets.

"I went on to middle school with this behavior and I actually got to be the most respected dude in our campus back then," I said. "And because of this, I verbally and psychologically hurt Furuhashi. The last thing that I did to her was the thing that struck me that time because after that, she vanished."

"So you clearly recall that day, huh?" asked Nanakusa.

"As a person seriously repenting on it, it was clear like it happened just a while ago," I said. "Weeks after Furuhashi disappeared, my Dad was reported to have committed corruption on his department. Everyone heard about it and started to ridicule me, even my 'lackeys' back then. The respect that I established was quickly disregarded and the bullying that I experienced back when I was a kid started to happen again."

"No wonder, they trampled on your classroom seat," said Nanakusa.

"When I was struggling to keep my balance during the swimming class coz of leg cramp, everyone just stared and laughed on me as they thought I was just doing it for attention," I said. "I was only saved by the teacher. After that, I've had sleepless nights thinking if I was right all this time or should I have listened to my Mom."

"Hmm, so you had it hard on your end too, huh?" said Nanakusa.

"I realized that I should drop off the act and to revitalize myself from that time," I said. "To atone for it little by little, I invited Mom for the first time to eat out for her birthday using my savings. That's when the earthquake struck. If not for her protecting me, I would have been crushed by the concrete above us. Just when I was dedicated to change, something like that happened. There were no nights that I wasn't crying until I came to the point of realization that I should continue to live and walk through the path of change."

"And that starts with you apologizing to Miko, right?" asked Nanakusa.

"You couldn't be more correct," I said. "That was the first and ultimate objective I need to accomplish."

"Then, why don't you just tell her right away?" asked Nanakusa.

"D-Dummy! There should be an order of things for that!" I said. "Plus, I still couldn't face her completely for that. I would be nervous if ever we're alone together, you know. So, I'm grateful she brought a companion."

"You just invited her to go for a dessert and now you're scared?" asked Nanakusa.

"Those are two different things!" I said. "Wait, I've said enough already! Toss the coin already!"

"Hahaha! You got me, huh?" said Nanakusa.

T-This woman... She's annoying.

Nanakusa tossed the coin and it went Heads again. Darn it!

"Hahaha! It seems that I am pretty lucky today," said Nanakusa.

What kind of question would she ask this time? She looked so carefree, even spinning a fidget spinner on her fingers.

"When will you apologize to her?" asked Nanakusa.

Ah, the question that I don't know how to answer myself.

"Why are you trying to rush me on this?" I asked.

"Oh, I thought you would know," said Nanakusa. "Anyway, just answer the question."

"S-Soon, if I feel like doing it," I said.

"Hmm, I can sense uncertainty on that," replied Nanakusa. "Are you really trying to genuinely apologize to my best friend?"

Now, she got this serious look.

"Of course, I just can't find the right opportunity and I feel like now is not the right time," I said.

"If now's not the time, then when?" asked Nanakusa. "Ain't you just being a coward now?"

"What did you just-!" I reacted but got interrupted.

"Sigh, my bad," said Nanakusa. "However, you must do it the soonest possible or else, you wouldn't like the result."

R-Result? What is she talking about?

"Since you couldn't give me a definite answer, then I'll toss the coin for now," said Nanakusa. "Ready?"

We're still into this?!

Nanakusa tossed the coin and finally, it landed on Tails.

"Crap, this coin must be rigged," said Nanakusa.

"Hold it! Don't change the coin!" I said.

"For God's sake, what's your question?" asked Nanakusa. "I'll punch you if that's a complicated one."

Now, she's into an aggressive route?

"What exactly caused Furuhashi to change?" I asked.

Nanakusa smirked at me while I asked my query.

"W-What's wrong?" I asked.

She started to narrate a line that even myself couldn't bare to hear.

"Hmm, 'Why would I date someone as ugly, fat, and disgusting as you?'," said Nanakusa. "I believe this is enough as answer."

I am so disgusted on myself. This was the final line I said to Furuhashi a day before she disappeared. It was the nail in the coffin to her limit.


I tried to explain but Furuhashi suddenly returned.

"Sorry, it took me some time," said Furuhashi. "There were five old ladies in front of the line and it took eternity for them to finish their business."

"I thought you took a dump," said Nanakusa.

"Idiot, why would I do that here?" replied Furuhashi.

Ah, I didn't notice that my break would be over already. I had to go back.

"My break's over, so I'll be going back now," I said.

"Already? Ain't you just running away?" asked Nanakusa.

T-This girl wouldn't stay quiet, would she?

"Huh? Running away? From what?" asked Furuhashi.

"Ah, Uchida-kun and I were talking about a recent horror movie that he watched and he told that he might be seeing ghosts during day time as well," said Nanakusa.

"F-For real?!" asked Furuhashi.

Nanakusa gave me a thumbs up, seemed like she was proud of herself for covering me when she almost blew it firsthand.

"Uchida-kun," said Furuhashi.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Thank you for today," said Furuhashi. "Please do work well."

Whenever I see her being nice to me, a sudden surge of guilt flows inside my heart. This time, I will not take her kindness for granted.

"Yes, take care on your way home," I replied.

Nanakusa was right. I shouldn't delay the situation and instead, I should face Furuhashi head on.

I looked at Nanakusa for the final time and told her my thoughts.

"School festival, six months from now," I said. "I will try it that time."

She immediately got what I was trying to imply.

"It's your choice," answered Nanakusa.

Yes, by that time, I should be ready to face her.

*Furuhashi Miko*

For some reason, I felt left out.

What the hell are these two talking about? Gah, I don't get a thing~!

It sucks that Naoya is back to his work as I couldn't fully execute the plan for today but it's fine. I'm sure there will be numerous opportunities for this.

"Fufufu," giggled Akari.

"What now?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just you two really fit each other judging from this photo," said Akari.

Ah, the picture she took earlier!

"D-Delete that now!" I reacted.

"Shoot, it seems the model of my phone doesn't have a Delete a Picture function," said Akari. "Sorry, Miko."

"That certainly couldn't be true, you dummy!" I replied.

Ah, my bestfriend sometimes is troublesome.