
Nano Machine: The 8th Young Master

What if a morally unhinged ex- gangster gets reincarnated into Nano Machine? Well this is the story that would answer that question. God chose him for his entertainment giving him the opportunity to live inside his favorite Manwha but there is a catch. He must not kill the main character and he must not steal Nano Machine.

Marcus_Adderley · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
81 Chs

Chapter 72

Chapter 72: A Violation of Rights (2)

It was a gross contravention of human rights. It is in the moral rule and actual rule of war that prisoners of wars should be treated humanely with respect but what the Demon Cult is doing is an extreme violation of moral law.

Pitting warriors to fight a beast for entertainment is a humiliation of the highest level. Martial artists can fight in wars, assassins, escort, subjugation, but never a beast. It is degrading for humans who reached the pinnacle of physical strength to be pitted against mindless animals.


"Yeaaaaaahhhh! Run! Run like a headless chicken!!"

"Oh how I wish I could paint this moment!" Shouts came from the onlookers; the Demon Cultist, as the martial artist of Jiangxi Force, ran around like headless chicken being chased by tigers.

"Remember do not use your martial arts or you'll die!" Cheon Mujin laughed out loud.

"You! You monster! How could you degrade us martial artists to this level!" One of the survivors, Ji-Hoon Kim of the Southern Edge Sect, the Unit leader of White Dragon troupe shouted furiously at Cheon Mujin.

Originally there were three unit leaders. The three unit leader was Ji-hoon Kim of the Southern Edge Sect, leading the White Dragon Troupe. Jin-soo Park of the Jin Family leading the Pearl Warrior Unit and finally Min-seok Lee of the Gongdong Monastery leading the Blue Swordsman.

However after the disaster one of the Unit Leaders died with only two surviving. Those two were Ji-hoon Kim and Min-seok Lee.

"This! I will not stand for this!" As an avid ascetic of the Gongdong Monastery Min-seok was the most furious from Cheon Mujin's senseless killing.

Ascetic teachings revolve around a philosophy of simplicity, self-discipline, and the renunciation of material comforts in favor of spiritual pursuits. Ascetics, practitioners of these teachings, often avoid killing as part of their ethical and spiritual principles.

Central to their beliefs is a profound respect for all forms of life, viewing it as sacred and interconnected.

They abstain from violence, including killing, driven by a commitment to universal love and compassion.

Some ascetic traditions incorporate concepts such as karma and reincarnation, suggesting that causing harm may have negative karmic consequences affecting the soul's progression.

The avoidance of killing aligns with the ascetic goal of spiritual purification, aiming to cleanse the mind and soul from actions that hinder enlightenment.

The only instance violence is allowed is when aggression can lead to peace, thus the teachings of martial arts did not die down in the monastery of Gongdong.

"Demon Purification Sword!!" Unable to contain his fury Min-seok brandished his sword towards Cheon Mujin sending arcs of blue energy towards his direction.

"Unit Leader Min-seok!" However they knew that what Min-seok was doing was futile, and could even put them in danger.

"Tsk. Not even half an hour passed yet we already have our first rule breaker" The Supreme Sovereign muttered amusedly. Then he swiped his finger in the air, motioning a severing movement.

Then in mid air, Min-seok's body suddenly split into two splashing gore all over the field. Looks of horror dawned upon the Jiangxi Force as they saw Min-seok, one of the most respected figures of Jiangxi die with one gesture.

The tigers didn't take their time to hesitate as the moment Min-seok's lump fell to the ground they avariciously hounded the body.

With that, they were reminded of the consequences of not playing Cheon Mujin's game. And so they complied.

Without their martial arts they fought all to survive. And after a grueling fight, only one hundred survive from the original two hundred.

"I-it's over…"

"We're gonna live"

"I survived!!"

Roars of victory left the survivors' mouths. Unaware of the psychopathy within Cheon Mujin's mind.

"Good job everyone." Said the Supreme Sovereign. Then he stood up from his seat and floated up in the air.

"You have all fulfilled your duty, it is now time to fulfill mine" He said with a smile. His words were the words they were yearning the most to hear yet his glinting eyes of malicious intent were in contravention of their expectation.

"As such. I shall grant you freedom" He smiled. Then he brought his hands up, as if conjuring something out of thin air.

Manifesting from the skies were a crackle of blue lightning energy. The energy formed from his palms shaped itself into dragons.

With two heads and a menacing horn, it looked down with its empty blue eyes.

Cheon Mujin then brought down his hands, like handing out a verdict.

Then the two dragons descended, opened maw, sharp fang, and lightning blitz. Like a punishment from heaven it struck down who remains.

For a split second. Despair descended. The Jiangxi Force expected freedom yet they were met with betrayal.

Despair is an abyss of emotion, a suffocating shadow that wraps its tendrils around the soul with a grip so tight it feels like the very air is being sucked from your lungs.

It's an overwhelming surge of hopelessness that drowns the spirit, a pitch-black canvas where every flicker of optimism is devoured by the consuming darkness.

It's the soundless scream echoing within, a symphony of shattered dreams and unfulfilled promises that resonates through the depths of one's being. Despair paints the world in muted tones, draining vibrancy until even the most vivid hues seem dull and lifeless.

It's a relentless storm, casting torrents of doubt and anguish upon the shores of the heart, eroding the foundations of resilience. In its grasp, time becomes a cruel companion, elongating moments into an eternity of desolation.

Despair is not merely a feeling; it's an immersive experience that stains every facet of existence, leaving an indelible mark on the very fabric of the human spirit.


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