
Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)

Watch the journey, as a boy wakes up in another universe, with Nano-Machines... {Be warned, this is mostly a action yet slow-paced fic. Mc is not ruthless either, so don't expect him to be. He will kill if needed and will not be afraid to.} . . . . . . . Picture is not owned by me. Series mentioned are not owned by me other than my own creative characters...

PettiaMius_6689 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
40 Chs

Time Spent...

~Omniscient Pov, 2 weeks later~




"14998... Fuuh~... 14999... Fuhh~... 15... Thousand! Ha!!" Ezra shouted, using his left hand to bolster himself upwards, landing gracefully.

"Woah... I can really feel the burn..." He said, wiping the sweat off his head. With another smooth fashion, he quickly unbuckled the weighted vests he had purchased recently.


"Phew! That feels better already... I might have to up the ante again though." He rubbed his chin realizing that the weights he had wouldn't be enough anymore.

"Hey ECHO... What's next?"

[approximately 15000 single-legged squats per leg, with weighted leg bands and wristbands.] She answered.

"Those are not going to be fun... I'm taking a food break, oh! And bring up my statistics please." No matter the workout he did, Ezra was always drained from it. ECHO knew what pushed him to his very limits and beyond. No matter the stamina or the amount of endurance he thought he had, she always humbled him each time.

[Of course, here is your statistics master...

Physical Age: 15 years / 481.55 years

Height: 5'7" / 6'6"

Weight: 110.42 kg --> 121.33 kg (Effectively 68.34kg)

Physical Strength: 354.32 kg --> 3.12 Tonnes / 223.44 Tonnes

Physicality: 7.61 --> 13.45 / 185.3

Perception/Reaction speeds: 254.11 mph --> Mach 2.1 / Mach 1,334.1

Movement-Speed: 21.74 mph --> 159.44 mph / Mach 12.33

Intelligence: Very intelligent / Mid Genius]

"To think I'd grow this much without focusing in on any of my stats... Is there a reason for that I don't know about ECHO?" Ezra asked.

During the two weeks, he had been training rather intensely to catch up on lost time. Additionally, he realized that his growth was much faster than it had previously been. A week of focusing on a single stat made it grow by 3 times, maybe 4 if he pushed himself then. Now? His progress shot up about ten times that...

Furthermore, he's been practicing control over his abilities, mainly his electrical abilities. For training during the night, he creates small balls of energy to float around himself in an orderly fashion, with the more balls he has showing his increase in control. Currently, he can maintain at least five of them around himself.

[There is a reason.] ECHO responded. [It's largely due to the new genetic data I've created. DNA is an interesting thing, and the way I have manipulated it causes the strains I create to be exceptionally efficient, as well as synergistic. The genetic material from the person you absorbed was already highly compatible with your physiology, and it contains unique sequences that enhanced your cellular regeneration and energy utilization.]

Ezra raised an eyebrow, understanding what she was getting at. "So, you're saying this new genetic material is well; In layman's terms, supercharging my physical growth?"

[Precisely.] ECHO confirmed.

[The DNA includes advanced telomerase activity, which significantly slows down your cellular aging, and promotes rapid recovery which you have felt the effects of... Additionally, its mitochondrial efficiency is much more potent than normal, allowing your cells to produce energy at unprecedented rates. This not only boosts your physical potential, but it also enhances your cognitive functions and reflexes.]

 "That explains the sensory overload I experienced... My body and mind must have been adapting to those new changes." He added.

[Exactly.] ECHO continued. [Your nervous system was recalibrated to handle the increased sensory input and heightened awareness. The process was intense, but your body has now adapted to the changes, making you more resilient and perceptive.]

"Yeah, I get that. At this point, there's practically nothing that can escape my sense of smell or hearing... It's almost unbearable sometimes." Ezra said, now remembering how he whiffed a scent of food from miles away from one of his neighbors...

[In addition to the physical and sensory improvements.] ECHO explained, [your immune system is now far more robust, providing enhanced resistance to diseases and toxins that I am aware of, very few things can poison or paralyze you. Not to mention that your muscular and skeletal structures have also been fortified, which increases your overall toughness and strength.]

"No-" Ezra tried to say before being interrupted.



"Ah, crap! I'll be late for work!"

Ezra quickly washed off and threw on his clothes, grabbed his belongings, and dashed out of the bunker. 

'Shit!' He thought.

Bursting through the forest and into the city. He had to make it to work on time. Within minutes, he arrived at the cozy café where he worked as a barista.




As he walked in, he was greeted by his coworker, Lisa. "Ezra, you made it just in time! The boss has been looking for you."

"Thanks, Lisa," he replied, "I'll head straight to his office."

Entering the manager's office, Ezra found Mr. Thompson waiting for him. "Ezra, glad you're here. We've got a busy day ahead, and I need all hands on deck."

He nodded, "Yes, sir." Ezra, walked away to get ready. 

Without a moment's notice, he entered the changing room and went towards his section. 

'I've gotta work on my timing... Almost missed the time due to my questions.' He thought, taking off his shirt. As he finished doing so, he heard someone behind the door ready to come in, and given the scent, he knew who it was.

"Hey, Ez—" She stopped in her tracks. "Woah... Your, uh... Wow..."

Lisa stood in the doorway, staring at his shirtless frame. She had always had a hunch he was in good shape, but seeing the reality was, definitely something else. His muscles were more defined than she could ever imagine.

'His body's unreal... He's so, lean and muscular despite his small height...' she thought, her cheeks flushing slightly at the sight. She always found him attractive, since he was very handsome. But, his handsomeness was on the cuter side, but not his body, it was something else entirely.

Ezra quickly grabbed his work shirt and slipped it on, now feeling a bit self-conscious under her gaze... "Uh, hey Lisa. What's up?" He asked. Feeling a bit, awkward...

She blinked, snapping out of her trance. "O-oh, right! The—Uh, boss wants to see you before you start your shift! Something about a new menu item he wants you to try making." She stumbled.

"Ah, got it. Thanks," he said, trying to keep his voice steady as he finished changing and headed out.

As he walked through the café, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He glanced around, noticing a few female customers casting curious glances his way. He shrugged it off and made his way to the back office...

Inside, the boss greeted him with a smile. "Ezra, glad you're here. We've got a new menu item, and I want you to be the first to try making it. Think you can handle that?"

Ezra nodded, "Boss. What is it?"

The boss handed him a recipe card. "It's a special new latte with a twist. Give it a shot and let me know what you think."

Ezra took the card and studied it for a moment before heading to the counter to gather the ingredients. As he started preparing the new drink, Lisa approached him again.

"So~ What did the boss want?" she asked, still a bit flustered from their earlier encounter.

"He wants me to try making this new latte," Ezra replied, focusing on the task at hand. "Should be interesting enough."

Lisa watched him work, admiring his skill and dedication. "You know, you're really good at this thing. It's like you were born to be a barista."

Ezra just chuckled. "Thanks, Lisa. I guess I just enjoy making people happy with a good cup of coffee." He said. 

Being a week since he had gotten the job, he liked it a lot so far. Making great coffee was surprisingly, calming. And seeing how people reacted wasn't bad either, especially when they loved it...

As he finished the latte and handed it to the boss for a taste test, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The boss took a sip and nodded in approval.

"Whoah... This is, great, Ezra. Well done kid, I can't believe you're a week in." he said with a smile.

Ezra grinned, feeling proud of his little handy work. "Thanks, boss. I'm glad you like it."

As the day at the café progressed, Ezra found himself settling into the rhythm of the busy shift. Customers came and went, each enjoying their coffee and snacks. Lisa occasionally checked in with him, exchanging friendly banter and helping out where needed...

After a few hours, it was break time. He pulled out his laptop from his bag and opened it up, ready to dive into some self-study.

"Time to brush up on working on my coding skills..." he muttered to himself, launching a browser and navigating to a programming tutorial site. He started with the basics of Python, reviewing syntax and basic data types. Lisa peeked over his shoulder with curiosity.

"Learning some new tricks, huh?" she teased playfully.

"Yeah, trying to sharpen up," Ezra replied with a smile. "It's been a while since I've dug into any of this stuff." Which was true, at least in this life, in his past. He wanted to be a programmer. But, that never worked out...

Lisa nodded. "That's pretty cool. Ya' know, you're always up to something interesting."

They chatted for a bit about hobbies and work, Ezra explaining his recent interest in programming and Lisa sharing her passion for photography. As they talked, the café buzzed with the usual sounds of coffee machines and chatter, providing a comforting backdrop to their conversation.

Ezra clicked through the tutorial, absorbing the information and jotting down notes. By the end of his break. He continued until his time for work was up...




"Alright, I'll lock up." Ezra offered.

"Oh, thanks. See you tomorrow..." Lisa waved him goodbye.

As Ezra left the café, he noticed a commotion a few blocks away... Sirens blared in the distance, and a crowd was gathering near a bank.

'What's going on?' Ezra muttered to himself, his curiosity piqued a bit. He approached a bystander who was watching the scene unfold.

"It's a bank robbery." the man replied tersely, eyes fixed on the police cars pulling up. "They're still in there..." Ezra sighed at the news...

'2 weeks, and now this? I guess this city's got more in store for me.' Ezra's eyes sharpened, and he soon disappeared...




Inside the bank, tension hung thick in the air... Three masked individuals, armed with rifles and handguns, stood near the entrance, their backs against the marble walls. They wore dark clothing and had balaclavas covering their faces, making them difficult to identify.

Behind them, several hostages sat on the ground, hands held high in surrender. Some were visibly shaking, while others tried to maintain their composure through forced calmness. A security guard, bound and gagged, lay on the floor near the entrance.

One of the robbers, a tall and muscular figure, paced back and forth, occasionally shouting demands at the police outside through the shattered glass doors. "Back off! We have hostages! Don't make us hurt anyone!"

A woman, presumably the bank manager, sat at the desk, negotiating with the robbers in a trembling voice. "P-Please, let the hostages go. We'll give you what you want."

Meanwhile, the police had surrounded the bank, taking positions behind their vehicles and negotiating with the robbers through a megaphone. Negotiators were trying to buy time and gather intelligence while SWAT teams prepared for a potential breach.

Inside the vault, another robber was hurriedly stuffing bags with cash, his movements quick and precise. He periodically glanced towards his comrades, ensuring they maintained control over the situation.




Ezra stood there, now donning a white mask and dark hoodie; Standing outside the bank, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before him... He assessed the situation instantly: Three masked individuals, armed to the teeth, held hostages at gunpoint, while the police surrounded the building, trying to negotiate a peaceful resolution...

'I'll hurry this up...' he muttered to himself. He couldn't just stand by and watch innocent lives be put at risk, at least not if he could help it. He had to act fast.

He quietly snuck himself into the area, his movements fluid and silent, his enhanced agility allowing him to navigate the area with ease. He made his way towards the back entrance of the bank, his eyes scanning for any potential weaknesses, any way to gain access without alerting the robbers...

As he reached the back entrance, a fire escape led towards a narrow alleyway. The door was locked.

'Tch... Of course, it is...' He thought, annoyed. But not surprised.

Locked as it was, it wasn't a match for his strength. With a single, powerful twist of his wrist, he forced the door open, the hinges groaning slightly in protest. With that, he slipped inside.

Since he knew that the robbers were likely armed with high-powered weapons, he couldn't afford to make reckless moves. He needed a plan, a strategy to get to the hostages without putting them in further danger...

He glanced up at the fire escape, a narrow, rickety ladder leading to the second floor. He knew that the bank's layout was typical, with the vault on the lower level and the teller stations on the upper floor.

'That's it... The second floor.'

If he could reach the second floor, he might be able to get a better vantage point, a way to assess the situation and find a way to take down the robbers without causing any collateral damage.

Taking another look around, he saw a way towards some progress.

He smiled, 'Looks like I'll have to light 'em' up...' 






