
Nanny Sylvia

Sylvia Dunlop is a young lady who is twenty years of age, that was hired as a nanny in Mrs Jane rivly's home to take care of the three little girls. Rica- six years old Maya- four years old Lisa- Four years old Mrs Jane rivly was going on a business trip and hired Sylvia to take care of the children, but they made her life a living hell for Sylvia Dunlop. Read on....

miss_dorky · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs

Chapter one.


I walked into a large Mansion and I was daunt, I have never been in such a beautiful place in my life, I saw three children who stared at me in disgust but I smiled widely at them.

" Hi" I said and one of them started screaming while the rest started crying, I immediately apologized and they ran to Mrs Jane . " Am sorry" I repeated when Mrs Jane approached me " Am sorry" I repeated again.

" What did you do to them" Mrs Jane said and I froze, I didn't even lay my hands on them and they had started crying, was I looking horrible? " Nothing ma'am I just said hi" I said and she glared at me.

' Don't ever talk to them, don't even say hi, you scare my baby girls" She said and I was surprised. " But ma'am, I didn't even mean to hurt them" I said and she glared at me once more. " Shut your guts, and Follow me" Mrs Jane said and I immediately carried my luggages and followed her. She led me into a room.

" This is your room" She said and I froze, I have never been in such a room, with a massive bed, my own rest room and my own closest.

" Really I said in shock and didn't know when I started jumping.

" Don't act as if you have never been in a shelter before" Mrs Jane snapped and I quitted the jump and started packing some stuffs in my room with the help of Miss Jane.


We stayed at home watching the television show and the door opened, we thought it was mum, only to see someone on a white and black mini uniform coming inside with her luggages and she was with Mum. We stared at her and she looked around as if she has never been in a mansion before, we watched how she dragged her luggages and her eyes finally settled on us.

" Hi" She said, we couldn't hold back our tears and we ran to mummy, she looked so much like the last nanny, Nanny May, who always forced us to do what we didn't want to do. But the only difference was that the person smiled widely, but Nanny May always kept a straight face but that didn't stop us from crying.


Mrs Jane helped Sylvia to pack in the room, but at a point she stopped and called Sylvia's attention and Sylvia turned.

" Look, I didn't mean to be cold to you the first time but because of my girls, I had to do so" Jane said.

" That's not a problem ma'am" Sylvia said.

" Look, I hired you here, to stay with my baby girls, and I will not like anything to happen to them, I will be off for six months, for a business, so please" Jane said and Sylvia nodded.

"Count on me ma'am" Sylvia said.

" Don't call me ma'am, call me mother" Jane said and Sylvia nodded.

" Yes mother" Sylvia said and Jane smiled. " Do they have a father" Sylvia added and Jane frowned.

"He lives in a different home with sluts, he never even stays at home, he's outside the state, he abandoned me and my baby girls Last year so I had to fend for myself and my babies" Jane said and Sylvia nodded.

" When will you leave?" Sylvia asked.

" A day after the following" Jane said and opened her arms for Sylvia. "I trust you" she added and Sylvia hugged her.

" Thank you mother" Sylvia said and Jane broke the hug.

" Pack and come down for dinner" Jane said and looked at her once more.

" Are the children aware that you're leaving?" Sylvia asked.

" No...shhh" Jane said and left.

P.O.V.〰️ SYLVIA 〰️

I watched mother leave and smiled, I didn't even remember the earlier event on my mind, cause I was already used to it. I lay down on the soft bed for up to ten minutes, drowning in my irresistible imagination before I remembered myself.

" Ooh... let me go and get a shower" I said and entered the bathroom and freshened up and came out, packing my hair into a pony tail, and entered my closet, I put on a mini skirt and a tee shirt and I wore my flip flops before coming downstairs and saw the kids staring at me and I wondered what I did to them, I ignored them and looked around and Mrs Jane mentioned my name.

" Yes mother" I said and turned to go.

P.O.V〰️ RICA 〰️ MAYA 〰️ LISA 〰️

We sat down on the couch and started at the witch, coming downstairs, she looked at us and ignored us , she didn't even say a word to us. We didn't flinch, we just kept staring at her in disgust and we were distracted by mum's voice.

" Sylvia" Mum said and we were suprised , her name was Sylvia.

" Yes mother" She reliped and we looked at each other " Yes mother?" We said in unison and followed her immediately. We heard mum talking to her calmly and we were shocked. Mum is meant to shout at her or scold her. But she almost talked like whispers,so we decided to come in.


Jane asked Sylvia to help her cut onion,so that she could prepare a fried rice for dinner and Sylvia was cutting it when the girls came in.

" Rica, Maya, Lisa, what's the problem" Jane said still frying the chicken and Rica pointed at Sylvia.

" She's our problem" Rica said.

" Mum She's gonna feed us poison" Lisa added and Sylvia froze and turned to them.

" Poison?" Sylvia said and Jane looked at Sylvia.

" It's okay, go inside your room and rest" Mrs Jane said and Sylvia closed her eyes and took a deep breath and left.

" Come here you three" Jane said and dragged there hands, and took them to the sitting room. She sat them down on the couch.

" You see that nanny here" Jane said and they nodded. " Respect her as if she's your elder sister while am here, If you disrespect her am gonna give you three five spanking without a dime mercy". Jane said.

" Mum we're sorry" The three girls apologized.

" Now go and apologize to your big sister" Jane said and they nodded and left.

P.O.V. 〰️ RICA 〰️ MAYA 〰️ LISA 〰️

" Mum said we should respect that nanny as our big sister while she's still around, but we are going to make her stay a living hell in this mansion" Rica said.

" She's not going to take advantage of us like before" Lisa said.

" Yes, and, and, she changed her name to Sylvia, just for Mum not to recognize her" Maya said.

" But I never knew mum was so dumb to repick the same nanny that caused us pain" Rica said.

" Yeah, it's so stupid" Maya said. We said to each other as we climbed the stairs to her room.

P.O.V 〰️ SYLVIA 〰️

I was looking at the mirror and searched in my face how horrible I looked like that scared the kids from me, I haven't even got to know there names. I heard a knock on the door and I opened it only to see three little angels, that saw me as a beast.

this is my first time writing here, how do you see the novel?

miss_dorkycreators' thoughts