
Motivation and unexpected news.


{Berlin, 1938, 10:15}


- Ah, crap. - Nameless groaned, slowly rambling down the street and rubbing his head.

- What, does that hurt? You deserve it. - Wolfgang laughed as he walked to his right.

- Fuck off.

In fact, his head didn't hurt that much. After Nameless' little prank, Agna went upstairs and started throwing small lightning bolts at him with anger. And though he dodged most of them, one still hit him in the forehead. Yet he was not pissed off. For him, it was nothing more than a game. Besides, he could easily defend himself, but why would he? Why ruin his own fun?

As for the lightning that hit him. A normal person is not mad at a little kitten for biting him, is he? Neither is Nameless mad at Agna for this little "bite".

Anyway, after a little "game" with Agna and drinking tea, the guys finally got ready and went to the magic department.

It was a pleasure to walk on the streets of Berlin. For 1938 this city was extremely progressive and highly developed. And even if the main funding was spent on the creation of a new army, the government still did not forget about the improvement of normal life. And although many years later people will think that human life was terrible, for that time it was not so bad.

At the moment, the guys were heading towards the Brandenburg Gate. That's where the portal to the magic department was. In fact, it was quite common practice among magicians, as well as devils, angels, and other mystical creatures. Unfortunately, it was necessary to hide from ordinary people. The sudden appearance of various monsters, magic, gods, and other things could simply destroy the world. Not in physical terms, but rather socially. Persecution, illegal experiments, the new Inquisition, and other "delights" would have appeared. And then either total control of one side or a war on extermination. Although there are nuances, one of which is faith. But that's the subject of a special conversation.

- Look, Nameless... - After a long silence, Wolfgang spoke to him. - What are you going to do next? What are your plans for life? What's your dream?

- Cufufufu, I don't understand. - Falsely laughed Nameless. - Why bring up such topics? Let's just talk about, uh, magic. For instance, what's your strongest spell? Mine is...

- You don't change the subject. - Wolfgang cut him off. - Answer the truth to at least such simple questions. I'm not asking you for more than that yet.

Nameless thought with a fake smile. He can become a magician in the army, deserter and become a mercenary killer, go into the woods and start to increase his strength, join some faction, work as a theft. But he didn't like any of those options.

The factions would only make him a servant, no more. Going into the forest is inefficient and just stupid. It's tantamount to running away from problems. Mercenary killers are only executors, without their own will and morality. That's not the option for him. Thieves are the prey for everyone. In the army, you can end up like a cannon fodder.

However, he has a high rank in the army. Even though it has little to give him, he is unlikely to be sent to death. So he decided to stay in the army for now.

As for the life plans. His gaze fell to the ground, and his palms clenched in his fists. That's funny. No family, no home, no friends. He has absolutely nothing. He has nowhere to go back, nothing to fight for. Freedom, equality, brotherhood, patriotism, and a happy future. Beautiful fairy tales for stupid people. Only weak people, morons, and marionettes believe in them. He doesn't need it. So what does he want? What are his goals and dreams? What's he still alive for?

- Haaah, well, I'll answer your questions. - Seriously answered by Nameless. He wasn't smiling, laughing, or joking. - I have nothing, no home, no family, no goal, and no dream. Huh, not even a name. So I figured I'd join the army, kill, catch and torture people. Maybe then I'll find a reason to live.

- What about helping your homeland? - Wolfgang asked quietly. He had no idea that such seemingly ordinary questions would show him the true Nameless' thoughts. He considered that the guy before him was not a human, but a sword without a sheath. And the worst part is, this guy's approximately only eighteen years old. - Why don't you just believe in something? Faith's a pretty good way out.

- Faith, hehe... - He heard a sad laugh from Nameless. - Faith is a weapon against the weak... Or ignorant? How can I say this...? I don't see much difference, though.

Seeing people who talk about believing in something, God, country, or whatever shit, I have a vital need to puke in the first closest alley. Or even better, right on their inspired faces. I have never considered myself a saint, but I can say with certainty that I have never lied to myself like them. And these "saints" do nothing but lie. Who will you deceive to say that you believe in God? I believe in myself in the first place.

You're trying to trust barriers that have never really existed. You're trying to prove to everyone that someone will defend you, even though your notorious God or county doesn't really care about your problems or your pathetic life. Do you think somebody will protect you? Do you think he's gonna save you from a car accident or a bullet intentionally fired into your head? No one cares!

In this world, you're alone and you only have to believe yourself. If I do believe, it's only in myself. No one will protect me better than myself. No one will love me more than I love myself. No one will help me be stronger than myself.

- What a detailed answer. By the way, we're almost there. - Shockingly, Wolfgang answered. He certainly did not expect such a speech, and so decided to change the subject quickly. - Look ahead, have you seen this gate in your life before? It is beautiful.

It's true, the view before them was delightful. The Brandenburg Gate represented a triumphant arch. The total height of the construction was more than 25 meters. It was mounted on six supports 11 meters wide. Each of the supports consisted of paired Doric columns. The total length of the gate was 65 meters. The monument was built of stone blocks.

А six-meter sculpture was installed on the carved ceiling. It depicted a wagon harnessed by four horses under the control of the goddess Victoria. In the year of the presentation, Victoria was clutching an olive branch in her hand, symbolizing the peace. When the quadriga returned from France, the branch was replaced by a cross.

There are five passages between the pillars of the Brandenburg Gate. The middle passage was the widest. It was intended for ceremonial corteges of rulers and crowned guests. The side aisles were intended for the passage and passage of ordinary citizens. The boys went straight to the middle one.

- And how do we get in? - Asked Nameless, looking at the passages.

- It's simple, watch closely. First, you come up here. - Wolfgang answered, getting up in the approximate center of the passage. - Above us now is the Victory Sculpture. It's kind of a beacon. Then you have to use an identification ring. It's given to all magicians, but since you don't have it, I'll take you. Come closer.

After listening to Wolfgang and coming up to him, Nameless suddenly felt how the world around began to change, and then they disappeared in a flash of light. Teleportation for space magicians, especially for the blind, is very different from that for ordinary magicians. For ordinary wizards, they either appear immediately at the place of teleportation or as a certain passage through which they move. However, space magicians literally feel the changes in space, all the features of the transfer, and other details. And such little things can say a lot about who cast the teleport spell. Quite unusual, but for space magicians, this is a common thing.

The next moment, the guys were in the middle of a huge room. It was a dome-shaped area with a diameter of about 50 meters and a height of 20, divided into six parts, each of which contained a monument with an eagle holding a swastika and numbers from I to VI. It should also be noted that the room itself had many guards, dressed in black robes, hiding the whole body, including the face. What was underneath them was not known.

- Welcome to the transshipment center. This is where we can get to the place we need to go. - Wolfgang exclaimed merrily.

- Um, I only see a crowd of guards and six monuments. - Confusingly said Nameless. - Although, given the fact that this is a staging area... These monuments are most likely teleports. Where do they lead?

- Let me explain. - Wolfgang answered and started his monologue. - I'll start with the transshipment center itself.

As you noted, the transshipment center is divided into six parts with a teleporter. Each teleporter leads into its own artificial dimension. There's no other way to get into them. And that's why it's so defensive.

Teleport number I. It leads to the hall of work. There you can register, get assignments and awards, see your rating, and so on. We magicians are like some kind of guild in that way. However, I must say that this is only for the time of peace. When the war starts, we become an army. Although the rewards don't go away, of course. It's a kind of motivation.

Teleport number II. It leads to a business dimension. There are magic shops, farms, simple houses, warehouses, and so on. But, it's all private property of magicians. There are no military facilities. You can go out there and buy something later.

Teleport number III. International Library. This is the first general place that is shared between all the magicians of the world. It was caused by the fire at the Library of Alexandria. Many books and knowledge were irrevocably destroyed back then. To prevent this from happening, this space was created. It is the most protected of all. Of course, you won't find a superior spell or forbidden knowledge, but otherwise, you can look there. You must also add that this place is completely neutral. For example, if there is a war between France and England and the soldiers of these countries meet there, they will not fight under any circumstances. Otherwise, an instant death at the hands of other magicians. Also, only people are permitted to go there, as it is the legacy of humanity. That's why devils, angels, and others are not allowed.

Teleport number IV. International Hall. Just a place for communication, relaxation, and making contacts. Designed to prevent the division of magicians into fixed groups. It is important to remember that a magician is a magician, no matter who he serves and who he works for. The second and last general hall. The only hall where other mythologies can also be found.

Teleport number V. Prison. This is where those who betrayed Germany, killed high-ranking personalities (although there are rules here), broke critical laws, and so on. Let me tell you a secret, it also includes too strong and uncontrollable magicians who have gone mad. It's just a simple precaution. You can only get access from the right people. Who are these people, I don't know.

And the last teleport number VI. Hall of Authority. What's going on there, I don't know at all. Only that access can be gained if you are chosen by the Reichsfuhrer. By which criteria, I don't know either.

- Okay, I get it. - Nameless a little surprised to hear so much information. - Then we have to go to the first teleporter now, where I get the needed ring, and then we split up. Am I right?

- Well, yes. I'll probably go back to Lady Agna, in case she needs my help. And you, as I understand, will go to the International Library.

- Yeah, you're right. But, I would eat first. Do you know where the nearest restaurant is?

- Haah, go into the business dimension. It's got everything you need. My advice is "Gebratener Phönix*". There's a pretty wide variety of dishes and delicious food.

And so quietly talking, the guys first teleported to the Hall of Work and then reached the assistant counter. The hall of work itself was just a big room with three floors, a few assistant counters, and a couple of tables and chairs to wait on. Nothing unusual nor fancy.

- Hello sir, what can I do for you? - A young girl dressed in a standard military uniform asked nicely.

- Hello, I'd like to get the things I need, as well as the squad where I was assigned. - Nameless answered calmly with a kind smile. - I must be recorded as Nameless.

- Of course, I'll check right away. - Said the girl and opened a big journal. Then she put the name of the Nameless and his rank in it. A second later, all his information slowly appeared in it. - First of all, you are the Brigadeführer, so you'll soon get your uniform, personal journal, and other belongings. And secondly, you're assigned to the 44th unit under the command of Agna von Hasenclever. Your belongings will be delivered to her residence address.



*Gebratener Phönix means Roasted phoenix.