
Naive hero and I were Forced to Share the Same Body

In a fantastical world, Morsh, a sinister guy with the ability to absorb other's power by killing them and absorbing their souls, and Pete, an innocent hero, were forced to share the same body. By day, Pete, the hero, held control, using his strength and courage to protect the weak and downtrodden. But at night, Morsh, the villain, took over, relishing in the power he could gain by absorbing the life force of others. Morsh is the main character, villain mc, no harem This is my first novel so please be patient and read atleast until chapter 20 before you change your mind. Follow Instagram - https://instagram.com/suraj_gariya_5

Daoistyglf7O · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Chapter - 51

Morsh looked up and saw the goddess descending through the clouds,

She waved her hand and Morsh's soul was forced out of the body and flew up to the goddess,

Morsh was floating parallel to the goddess,

The goddess said,

"What kind of evil technique are you using to summon those hideous creatures"

Morsh said inwardly,

'So she doesn't know about the dark energy.... what it's source then '

Morsh said,

"I learned this from the library "

The goddess was surprised when she heard this and said,

"How is this possible... it's takes thousands of years to master something from the heavens library "

Morsh smiled and said,

"It's because you are dumb "

Goddess angrily said,

"How dare you "

A golden magic circle appeared beneath Morsh and golden chains emerged from it and began clenching Morsh,

Morsh tries to break free but was unable to do anything,

The goddess smiled and said,

"This is not the summoning room where I can't do anything to you "

The chains were tightening more and more with every second,

The dark energy started absorbing the chains and strengthening the soul and itself with it,

Morsh thought,

'The dark energy is strengthening tremendously with these chains '

Morsh said after chains loosened a bit from the dark energy,

"So why did the goddess come here personally"

The goddess said,

"I noticed that thousands of souls were missing from my world so I checked and found that it was you stealing the souls "

Morsh said,

"So... "

Goddess said,

"So, either return the souls or I will seal you permanently "

Morsh smiled and the chains shattered,

The goddess was surprised and said,

"How did you break the chains "

Morsh said inwardly,

'Her spells are making me stronger... '

Morsh said,

"I will not give you anything back, so do whatever you can. "

Goddess nodded and a giant golden palm larger than the city made out of mana came down from the sky rushing toward Morsh,

Morsh looked up, smiled and said while extending his right hand forward,

"Dark God palm "

The goddess eyes widened when she heard this and thought,

'Did he learned this spell too... but why is he saying dark god palm instead of god palm'

A dark energy hand a fourth the size of the golden palm manifested and headed toward the golden palm,

Both hands clashed midair generating a huge shockwave,

The goddess waved her hand diminishing the shockwave,

She then said,

"How did you use that spell "

Morsh said,

"I learned this from the heaven's library "

The goddess thought,

'How did he learn that in five minutes... '

The golden palm was pushing back the dark energy palm and they were about to clash with Morsh,

The goddess said,

"Your palm don't have enough power to push back my palm"

Morsh was smiling while looking at the palms,

'The dark energy is absorbing the golden palm, but is slow'

Morsh released all of the dark energy he got from the chains on the dark god palm,

The palm size tripled also increasing the absorption rate,

The palms stopped for a second and the dark energy palm started pushing the golden palm back,

The goddess was shocked and said,

"What's happening??? "

The golden palm size was decreasing as the dark energy palm was pushing it back and absorbing it,

After couple of seconds, the golden palm completely disappeared and the dark energy palm returned back to Morsh,

Morsh's soul started flickering with the huge amount of dark energy that entered his soul,

'This much energy should have destroyed my soul, but thanks to this bitch's curse, I can handle it'

The goddess was looking at Morsh curiously,

'Just what kind of technique he learned that my attacks are increasing his strength'

'Also he should thank me... he is surviving due of my curse "

Morsh was still struggling to absorb the energy,

The goddess said,

"You thought you can absorb a god's attack without a problem "

"I will now show the power of a goddess "

She waved her hand and thousands of golden palms surrounded Morsh,

The huge golden palms had almost covered half of the world,

Morsh's eyes showed fear for the first time after he came to this world,

He looked around and saw the palms and then turned toward the goddess,

The goddess enjoying the fear on Morsh's eyes,

Morsh closed his eyes and after couple of seconds opened them with a smile on his face,

The goddess said,

"Have you gone insane just by this "

Morsh said,

"Don't just bark... bite too "

Goddess glared at Morsh with anger in her eyes and said,

"You have crossed the limit now "

She waved her hand and the palms began to move toward Morsh,

Morsh was smiling as the palms were getting closer,

'Let's see how powerful her curse is '

Morsh raised both of his hands and said,

"Dark God barrier "

All of the dark energy that he was absorbing redirected and made a barrier around him,

The golden palms hit the barrier from all sides,

The barrier shook with every strike of the palms as they began to stack over each other,

The dark energy has started to absorb the palms,

Morsh said inwardly,

'It was hard to absorb one palm's power... how am I going to absorb all of these '

The barrier was shaking violently with every strike but not breaking as at was repairing itself at the same time by devouring the palms,

After couple of seconds, the barrier fully absorbed its first palm and then its speed increased,

By the time, it devoured 10th palm, it wasn't even taking a second to absorb a palm,

The golden palm's stack was getting smaller and smaller and after some time the stack completely disappeared,

The golden palms were still coming but were devoured as soon as it touched the barrier,

The goddess was thinking while blankly watching the golden palms being devoured,

'What am I watching??? Is this a dream '

After couple of minutes, all of the golden palms were devoured by the dark barrier,

Morsh could feel the tremendously vast amount of dark energy on the barrier and thought,

'It's going to take some time to completely absorb all of this '

'And the bitch is here too '

Morsh waved his hand and the dark barrier disappeared,

He then redirected all of the dark energy towards the city and made a layer of dark energy above the city,

'I will absorb it later '

The goddess was staring Morsh without saying a word,

Morsh said,

"Is this all a goddess can do "

Goddess said,

"I can do more than this but how did you do that "

Morsh said,

"Don't tell me, a goddess like you don't know what I just did "

The goddess thought,

'I can't even erase him because of him being summoned '

The goddess thought for a moment then smiled and said,

"I will now block your access to the Pete's body and will never make a body for you "

Morsh smiled and said,

"If you do that, I will devour Pete's soul and take over the body "

The goddess said,

"You would have done that already if you know the technique"

Morsh said,

"It's because I am not sure what would happen if one of us disappeared "

The Goddess smiled and said,

"You are something else.... if two summoning were found out by the supreme gods, both the souls will be erased "

Morsh said,

"What will you do now? "

The goddess took a deep breath and said,

"I will bind you "

Morsh said,

"Then I will bind Pete "

The goddess said,

"Who said I am going to bind you to him... I am going to bind you to a weapon and give you to Pete"

Morsh smiled and raised his hand forward,

"I will bind you then"

"Dark god binding chains "

A dark magic circle appeared beneath the goddess and chains made up of dark energy came out of it and covered the goddess,

The chains also started absorbing her mana,

The goddess said,

"You think this can bind me"

The dark energy chains and the magic circle shattered and Morsh directed the dark energy to the layer,

The goddess angrily said,

"You disrespectful brat, I will now bind you to a sword for eternity"

Morsh said,

"Do it... I can get out of the sword and wander around and the supreme gods will find out about me and take your godhood "

The goddess said,

"How will you get out without knowing the technique "

Morsh said,

"I learned a lot of things from the heaven's library "

The goddess said,

"It's impossible for you to learn this many techniques in just five minutes. "

Morsh raised his hand forward, took some energy from the layer and chanted,

"Dark god thunderbolt "

The goddess eyes widened with shock as a small dark thunderbolt appeared in Morsh's hand,

'Just how many spells he learned '

Morsh threw the thunderbolt toward the goddess,

The thunderbolt was stopped just a meter away from the goddess by her golden barrier,

The goddess said,

"How did you learn that many spells in just five minutes "

Morsh smiled and said,

"I am not a fool like you that take thousands of years to learn a simple spell "

The goddess grinned her teeth with anger,

The dark thunderbolt was still trying to penetrate the barrier but the barrier was too strong,

But the dark energy has started absorbing the barrier's power,

After couple of seconds, a small crack the width of a hair appeared on the barrier,

The goddess was shocked and said,

"How is this possible "

The thunderbolt completely disappeared and Morsh redirected the dark energy to the layer,

Morsh thought,

'Just what is the source of the dark energy... It can even kill a god if strengthened enough'

The goddess was staring blankly at Morsh,

Morsh flew toward her and stopped just outside her barrier and said,

"Why don't we talk without anything between us or you are too afraid to remove the barrier"

The goddess said while tightening her fists,

"You think I am afraid of a mortal "

The barrier disappeared and Morsh flew close to her and said,

"Why don't we forget the past between us and start fresh "

The goddess angrily said,

"I don't forget things"

Morsh said,

"Then can we start fresh"

Goddess said,

"No can't do that either "

Morsh smiled and said,

"Then do you want to be enemies forever "

Goddess nodded,

Morsh said,

"Can we hold hands "

Goddess's mouth opened with shock and disbelief,

Morsh quickly grabbed her hands and said,

"I fell in love with you the moment I saw you... "

"And all the things I said to you were just to get you "

A took a deep breath and said,

"How can you lie about the purest thing in the world"

Morsh said,

"I didn't lie "

Goddess said,

"That's a lie too.... you can't lie to a gods"

Morsh smiled and said,

"Oh silly me... how can I lie to a goddess "

Morsh then bends down saying,

"I am really apologetic, and I will show my sincereness by holding your shoes "

Morsh holds her shoe with a smile and said,

"I am sorry "

Morsh placed a tiny amount of dark energy on the bottom of her shoe as he grabbed it,

'This better work... I have dropped too low for this '

The goddess kicked Morsh away and said,

"Your apology is a lie too... just what do you think I am"

Morsh was flown back some distance from the kick,

He steadied himself and said,

"Reject me but never say that my love is a lie "

The goddess said,

"I can't read your mind for some reason... but I can tell that you are lying "

Morsh said,

"Love is not a thing that you scan with you power, it's a feeling that you feel with your heart "

The goddess said,

"Don't say these types of things with a straight face... it's annoying"

Morsh thought for a moment and said,

"So what are you going to do now"

The goddess thought,

'He can be the key for me to win the hero championship, I need to use him '

She then said,

"You have learned a lot of techniques, so why don't we make a deal "

Morsh said,

"Now that's what I like to hear"




[Note- I am sorry for not posting chapters... firstly my pc got a miner virus and I lost all of my document in removing them and after that my account go hacked.... Also happy new year ]