
Nahobino In Marvel

The Nahobino, a fusion between the concept of power and knowledge, has been fighting demons in the Netherrealm for more than a thousand years. After finally making it out, he finds himself in a new Earth. P.S. - There's no chapter schedule, chaps may come out fast or slow, just keep this story and come back to it every now and then.

7DeadViolets · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Let's Hang Out

It was another beautiful day in the prefecture of Ibaraki. The greenery all across the city swayed in unison. A lovely breeze washed over the meadows, gardens, and grasslands, exuding a symphony of nature. Today was a day for the people to relax. It was a work holiday which allowed the common folk to spend time with families, sleep in, and laze around.


As the wind traveled through every part of Ibaraki, the sweeping of a broom constantly sounded. A beautiful woman in Japanese traditional clothing could be found at a two story shrine, sweeping away dust and dirt. A lovely tune traveled throughout the home. It was her voice.

"Hmmmm ~ Hmm ~ Hmm. Hmmm Hmm ~" Inari hummed. 

The Nahobino could be found on the front porch. He sat on the edge of the floorboard, a steaming cup of tea in his hand. A bunch of utensils were lying behind him…reminiscent of those needed to perform the tea ceremony. Gazing at the endless field of blue flowers, enjoying the warm sun, and listening to nature. 

This was how Shin spent his days. A pack of foxes lazed around the field, most likely attracted by Inari. A few birds sat perched on the rail beside the young man. Their chirps only added to the sounds of nature. 

His thoughts were empty…along with his gaze. A blank slate. His body was a thrumming conduit of power, all of it held within. The graceful control over his bodily movements and ability were down to the microscopic realm. This state was known as Mushin. 

Such a state was something every warrior strived to reach. It made them unbeatable. Untouchable. Shin had just reached this realm, the peace and tranquility of his home finally allowing his mind to explore the ways of existence. 

He could finally ponder the things he'd long since put aside. Interactions from the Netherrealm. Words he said. Words he should've said. Things he wished he did. Things he could've done better. People and demons he met along his journey. Other Nahobinos. 

"Hmph." Shin grunted. 

With this new state, his attack and defense would be automatic. His evasion and movement unconscious. It was truly a good day. A beautiful day in fact. Inari's gentle hums brought him back to the present. 

Only then did he realize that a cup of tea rested in his hand. His body had unconsciously performed the tea ceremony while he sifted through his mind. Taking a sip of the cooling liquid, he closed his eyes. 

"Mnn. Bitter. Mnn. With a sweetness in the aftertaste." He analyzed his creation. 

"Shinnnn!" Inari's voice called from the back side of the shrine. 

"Yes, little angel?" He answered in Japanese. 

"I'm not little! But I am indeed an angel. Aren't you grateful to have me here?" She responded, also in Japanese. 

"Of course. What is it?"

"I wanted to tell you that the first floor is clean. Don't you go dirtying it!" 

"...Thank you, Inari. I will keep that in mind."

"Thank you, my lovely angel. You're the best and I would do anything for you. I love you so much, Inari! That's what you should say. Hmph!" The fox goddess quietly muttered under her breath. 

"...Thank you, my lovely angel. You're the best and I would do anything for you. I love you so much, Inari." Shin's therapeutic voice washed over her ears. Inari's face turned red. She didn't know he heard. 


Caught red handed. That was how she felt. Unknown to her, a slight smirk tugged at his lips. Life was so peaceful here. He couldn't get enough. Shin prayed everyday that it would remain the same. He was tired of fighting. 


Shin's phone was ringing. Pulling out the smart device from one of his robe's hidden pockets, he checked the screen. It was a message from you know who. The one and only person who has his number of course!

'Heyyyy.' It read. 

'Hey.' He responded.

'Wyd?' Reading this message, Shin's eyebrows scrunched up.

'What does that mean?' He typed. 

'Omg. It means what are you doing.'

'I'm drinking tea.'

'You always drink tea.'

'I've made it a routine. Such a thing is good for the soul.'

'You're good for my soul.' Illyana said.

'I actually do have a positive impact on the soul. Have you noticed?'

'Ugh. Nevermind.'


'At least you respond fast.'

'Am I supposed to respond slower? I'm still learning to do normal things.'

'NO! Keep responding to me as soon as you see my message.'


'Good.' She said. 

After reading the message, Shin put his phone down. He then sipped on his tea while deciding what more he should do today. Almost as if someone read his mind…his phone buzzed again. 

'Are you still in Japan?' The message said.


'When are you coming back to New York?' 

'Why would I ever come back? It smells.' He said. 

'Be serious. When?'

'Maybe when I have a reason.'

'I'm your reason to come back.'

'How so?'

'I haven't left the Institute since you brought me here. I want to go out and see the city. Come with me. The Brotherhood might still be waiting for me, remember?'

'I remember. I also remember that your school is filled with capable fighters. Why not bring them?' He asked.

'It isn't the same.'


'Yes, really! It has to be you.'


'Stop asking questions and just say yes!'

'Alright. Okay.'

'Don't go speeding over here with your abilities either.'

'How else will I get there on the same day?'

'Hehe…just wait.'

'Okay.' Shin put his phone away. 

"Where are you?" Inari's voice called out from inside. 

"Over here." He answered. 

The fox goddess came around the corner after following his voice. Placing the broom to the side, she kneeled behind him and wrapped around his neck. Her chin rested on his shoulder, those tails of hers wagging back and forth.

"It's such a beautiful day and I'm over here cleaning. What a waste." She complained. 

"I knew you would be a great fit here."

"Stop it. I'm not your servant." Inari hummed.

"Of course you aren't. You're much better than that."



"What am I then?"


Shin turned and whispered in her ear. The more he said, the stronger her tails wagged. It didn't take long for her to devolve into the fox she was. Her mouth was open as she happily panted. Leaning back, the Nahobino looked at his handiwork…Her eyes were shining.

"...You wanna do those things?"

"Mmhmm! Mmhmm!" She nodded furiously.

"Then get back to cleaning." He joked with a chuckle. 

It was a joke, but Inari took his words seriously and ran back inside the building. Her steps could be heard as she scrambled up the stairs. She was on a mission. 

Shin was quite satisfied with the current life he now lived. A great change of events. A welcome change. Thank kami he made it to that Leyline. While he missed his old partner, the Nahobino knew that routine dances and ceremonies would make up for it. Eyes forward. Stop moving backwards. He was trying hard to follow this creed.

Before he could fall deep into his thoughts, the winds changed. A portal appeared in the middle of the grass field. It was a bit unstable but seemed to hold up. Illyana shot out of the portal and fell right on her face. It seems the kinks hadn't been ironed out yet. 

"Ooooof!" She grunted from the fall. 


Shin gave a soft round of applause. A blonde Russian beauty had just crash landed in front of his home. Interesting. Was this what she meant by 'just wait?'

"I'll give you 7 points. Great execution. Perfect accuracy and direction. Right in front of my home. If you landed on your feet I would've given you 3 more." He called out. She was quite far away.

"Give me a break! I just learned how to do this!" She yelled while getting up. 

Illyana wore a grey wife beater that stopped above her belly button. It showed just how nicely curved she truly was. Not to mention the newly added piercing to her belly button. Black short shorts that hugged her bottom only added to the look. With stylish black combat boots to complete the outfit, she resembled an ex military woman mixed with a bubblegum chewing hotty. 

The blonde mutant's eyes grew wide as she surveyed her surroundings. Blue flowers everywhere, a single tree in the middle. A large shrine that seemed to be two floors high, almost like a tourist attraction. Shin himself, sitting on the front end and dressed in traditional Japanese robes…all while still in his Nahobino form. What a beautiful scene.

"Whoa…" She muttered under breath.

Shin only watched with a calm smile as she approached. Illyana casually glanced around before reaching him. She stopped right in front of him and finally took in his appearance. The constant breeze of gentle wind caused his hair to flow. 

"...You can finally open portals. I told you that you had the ability."

"I never said I didn't believe you." She lied. 

"Is that so? I seem to remember you saying the opposite. Actually, that one time in Limbo-"

"Imagine if someone randomly came up to you and said you could fly! How would you expect me to believe that?" She cut him off before he could finish. She knew her lie was easily exposed. 

"Yes, yes. The difference is that it was me who said it. Not some random guy." He quipped. Illyana rolled her eyes. 

"You were random at that time."

"Yes, yes. You are correct." He nodded like a wise sage. She couldn't help but roll her eyes again. 

There was a moment of silence. Illyana was unable to look him in the eye for more than a few seconds. Her hands couldn't find an activity so she placed them behind her back. She even swayed a bit from side to side. The girl was happy, though she tried to hide it. 

Shin took a final sip of his tea before placing it further away. Only then did he look at her again. He raised his arms with a smile. His yellow eyes closed slightly. Seeing that his arms were open, Illyana immediately took the bait. 

She leapt onto him. Thin arms wrapped around the Nahobino as he suffocated from softness. The softness of her cleavage of course. With one hand he rubbed her back, the other stroking her hair. Good thing he moved the tea as it would've spilled. 

The young man was almost prone as she basically laid on top of him. She was very soft. Very very soft. Hmmm.

"Hey." He said. 

"Hey." She answered quietly. 

"...How did you know to teleport here?"

"No more questions! I have my ways, okay?!" She exclaimed. 

This was supposed to be a tender moment between them and here came Shin asking stupid questions. She wanted to punch him. Also…there was no way she'd tell him that she had his live location through the smartphone.

"...Alright. I guess I've been asking you too many things. Then…one last question."

"Ugh. What?"

"How has life been in New York?"

"Well…I've met plenty of new people. Made a lot of friends. Trained more. And…Xavier wants me to join the X-Men."

Shin immediately sat up, raising her up with him. Their faces were extremely close. She couldn't help but look at his lips. That was until she saw his expression. The Nahobino's face was deadly serious. Ready to kill type of serious.

"Did he look into your mind? Has he been influencing you?"

"No. He hasn't. Of course, there's his teachings…but he never tried anything. Especially after what happened to you." She answered quickly.

"Then are you going to join the X-Men?"

"I'm thinking about it."


"Ugh. Because I want to use my powers for something good! It would be a waste to do nothing. Especially when I can save mutants who might be stuck in similar situations to mine."

"In that case it is fine. As long as you have a solid reason. You can join with my blessing."

"What?" She blinked a few times.


"Did you just give me permission?"

"Yes, I did." He answered casually.

"I don't need your permission."

"You do, in fact, need my permission. If you joined them without me knowing…on top of what I gathered from that bald cripple, then I would've snatched you away from them." Shin declared. 

Illyana frowned. The two stared at each other for a moment. It was a challenging glare, waiting for the other to give in.

"You wouldn't do that." She said.

"...Not only would I do that, but I would've slain anyone who tried to stop me."

"Possessive much?" She joked.

"That is not the case. I'm only looking out for your safety."

"Alright…enough of this. And don't call Professor Charles a cripple. That's mean." She finally gave in with a sigh.

"......................" Not bothering to respond, Shin rose to his feet. 

"Are you ready to go?" Illyana asked. 


"Mmm-mmm. Not dressed like that you aren't. Everyone will stare at you." She disagreed.

Shin looked at his clothes, then back at her, then sighed. The two finally entered the shrine which allowed the blonde to get a better look at things. As she went on to explore, the young man went upstairs to change his clothes. 

He couldn't feel Inari's presence anymore and wondered why. As he changed into a more modern haori with black cargos and boots, he remembered. The fox goddess had been hiding away from humanity and the supernatural for centuries now. She didn't want to be anywhere near someone she wasn't comfortable with. 

"Inari, I'll be back in some time. Don't wait up for me." He spoke to the air, knowing that she could hear him.