
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


I couldn't stop smiling as we made our way to the area our reception was. Master brought me to the centre and held me close as we danced. "Nice dress slave" Master whispered in my ear.

"I hate clothes Master, it was my father's idea, I hope you're not mad at the last-minute wardrobe change, Sir Jorge gave the go-ahead" I whispered.

"How can I be mad when I get to see your beautiful body, watch as the goosebumps travel your skin and how your body reacts to just a simple touch," Master said, I nodded my head as a small sigh left my mouth, I was content being held in his arms as we danced. "What do you think of your brand?" Master asked.

"I wish you would've told me but it's beautiful Master," I said.

"I don't need to tell you anything slave, what I choose to tell you is because I decide to, not because you deserve to know," Master said.

"I know Master, I don't deserve anything, and what you do give me is more than enough and I'm grateful for what you give me," I said, smiling up at him. "I'm sorry that it came out that you thought I was telling you that you should've told me, that was not what I was going for, I was trying to say that it would've been nice to know you planned to brand me not that I deserved to know, I should've worded it differently. But it is beautiful Master, and it's permanent, thank you" I said.

"Your welcome slave, your mine and the world will know it. You can't belong to anyone else, you're my slave until your death" Master said, as his hand caressed my brand, my leg felt like it was on fire and I whimpered out in pain, he smiled at the pain he was causing me.

"That makes me happy Master, I don't want to belong to anyone else or worse be set free," I said when the music came to an end.

"May I have a dance?" Dad asked as he came over, he disregarded me completely and asked Master, which made me happy, knowing he is respecting our relationship by asking the one who makes all the decisions.

"Have fun, slave," Master said, kissing me before leaving.

"So did you know he was going to brand you?" Dad asked as we started dancing, it was a little weird, but I didn't think too much into it.

"No, Master didn't tell me but even if he did there would be nothing I could've done differently," I said.

"How is your leg?" Dad asked.

"Sore, but I mean I was burned so I wouldn't expect it to be sunshine and rainbows," I said, dad shook his head and laughed. I laid my head on his shoulder as we danced.

"I'm glad you found your person princess" dad said.

"Me too, Master is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I wouldn't trade him for the world," I said, looking over at my Master as he talked with Jorge I smiled as I watched him.

"When did you fall for him?" Dad asked.

"When I saw Brandon again, I realized how far I've come from being the scared girl in a trunk, and that he was the one to make me who I was. That his collar kept me as his, that I had someone I could care about and as long as I was pleasing he would care for me, and the attachment I had for him quickly turned to love. I couldn't imagine my life without him, I still can't. He's given me everything I didn't know I needed and I can't thank him enough, he's shown me how much he cares about me in the simple fact of owning me, of wanting to keep me even when I screw up that it causes me to be punished, that he's willing to keep me in my place, to show me that I have a bar to reach and I do reach the bar he set for me because if I don't he punishes me until I learn, and I haven't had to be reprimanded for dropping below the bar since he found me" I said, dad hummed as we danced not talking just enjoying the silence that when the dance ended I quickly made my way over to Master.

"Were you good slave?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master," I said, he nodded.

"Good, I want you on your best behaviour slave no matter what," Master said.

"Master, may I be a little playful with my response?" I asked, he nodded and I smiled. "Am I not always on my best behaviour Master?" I tease, he shook his head with a smile on his face.

"My my little slave one would think you're asking to be punished" Master whispered in my ear.

"Aww shucks my plan is foiled" I teased. Master held my hand as he led me away from the reception, going into the basement and into the punishment room.

"You've been very naughty little slave," Master said, as he grabbed the whip, I shivered in anticipation.

"Then maybe you should put the slave in her place," I said, lust clear in my voice.

"I may just have to" Master said, when I felt it strike against my back. "Don't hold back with your screams slave, I want to hear you scream and plead for mercy" Master said.

"I'll only scream and plead when it gets too much, I'm not giving in without being forced to," I said.

"Then I'll just have to remind you who you belong to slave," Master said as he whipped my back.

I could feel the whip cut into my back and I let out a blood-curdling scream, I heard Master laugh as he continued whipping me until I could take no more. "Master please have mercy please I beg of you Master" I cried out as tears fell down my face ruining the makeup that the other slaves did.

"Such pretty words slave," Master said but he didn't stop, if anything he went harder and I screamed out louder.

"Please Master please I beg you to have mercy Master please please I beg for mercy Master" I begged.

"Cum for me slave," Master said and continued whipping as my belly spasmed following his order I came. I let out a scream filled with pain and pleasure as my legs became shaky. When Master stopped whipping me, I was able to calm down.

"Master, may I hug you?" I asked.

"Of course little slave" Master said, I smiled and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him, "I love you little slave" Master said.

"I love you too Master," I said, when Master touched my back, I pressed my body against him. I whimpered out as he dragged his nails into my back.

"How are you feeling, slave?" Master asked.

"Amazing Master, I wish today never has to end but it must," I said.

"Well we are alone right now slave," Master said, making me look at him.

"We are," I said, smiling up at him, I could see his eyes darken. When he leaned down and kissed me, I wrapped my arms around him, pressing my body against him and kissed him back.

"Your mine slave," Master said when he pulled back.

"Yes Master, only yours" I whimpered, as his fingers rolled my nipples between them.

"Punishment position little slave," Master said as he withdrew his hands, and I got into the position he ordered when I felt him between my thighs. "Such a good little slut so wet and ready for anything aren't you?" Master asked.

"Yes Master, please" I whimpered.

"Tell me what slave or I can't give it to you," Master said.

"Please take me, Master, please fuck me, please Master" I whined.

"Such a good little slave, my good little slave," Master said as he started to thrust, I screamed out in ecstasy.

"Thank you, Master, thank you" I moaned out when I felt his hands in my hair and he pulled me back until I was against his chest.

"Play with your self slave please yourself show me how much you love when I take you," Master said, and I immediately started circling my clit, my hands were shaky as my breathing increased.

"Master please faster" I panted, and he obliged, he sped up as he started to suck and nip at my neck after moving my hair over my shoulder. Before biting down hard enough to break skin. I shivered in delight as he sucked to soothe the pain as he started to twitch, sending me over the edge once again. I squirted over him pulling him deeper. We stayed like that for a while before he stood up.

"Stay put I'm not finished slave," Master said when I felt the whip continuing to strike my back reopening the wounds, cutting through the dried blood and I whimpered out.

"Master please please have mercy your slave is begging you to show mercy on her please Master" I begged knowing how he loves when I refer to myself in the third person.

"Beg more slave," Master said.

"Please Master your slave wishes for you to show her mercy Master please she begs to be shown mercy. Please show your slave mercy Master it's all she begs for Master she is begging to be shown mercy please Master please show mercy to your slave Master please" I begged.

"Only because you beg so prettily and because everyone is wondering where we are," Master said.

"May I wash up before going back, Master?" I asked.

"No slave, I want them to see what I've done to you," Master said.

"May I wash my face?" I asked.

"No slave, and if you ask one more question without permission I will punish you, I'm being nice since it's our wedding day but don't forget your rules slave" Master growled.

"I'm sorry Master, please forgive me," I said.

"Only because I love you slave, but if you break a rule again I will punish you for it," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, and he nodded.

"Now let's go back to the party," Master said, I stood up and followed after him. I kept my eyes lowered in submission.

"Master, may I ask a question?" I asked and he nodded. "Is asking permission to do something asking a question?" I asked.

"Explain slave," Master said.

"Like if I ask for permission to hug you, can I just ask for permission or do I ask to ask a question?" I asked.

"Physical contact just ask permission, other than that ask to ask," Master said.

"Thank you, Master," I said, and he nodded. When we were outside once again, I enjoyed the sun on my body as we walked towards everyone.

"Are you okay Jess?" Jackson asked when he saw me.

"Never better," I said with a smile.

Master leaned in "be good slave" Master whispered before leaving towards Jorge.

"Was that you screaming?" Jordan asked as he joined us.

"Yes," I said simply.

"What happened to your back?" Jacob asked, coming up from behind me and touching my back, I sucked in a breath.

"I was punished, but I was asking for it and I knew it was only a matter of time before Master punished me today," I said.

"How were you asking for it? Why?" Jackson asked.

"I was being playful and bratty, with his permission, but he knew that I was doing it so he'd whip me, and because I wanted it, but once he starts I have no say on how hard or long he wishes to whip me for. I asked for it but had no control over what happened, I could beg and plead for him to stop, but it is his decision whenever he decides to stop" I said.

"I oughta go over and show him how to treat a lady," Jordan hissed.

"You will do no such thing, he knows how to treat a slave and he is in his lane with how he treats me, you stay in your lane Jordan" I growled, I was seething in anger.

"Slave here now," Master said, and immediately I went to him. "What's going on slave, I thought I told you to be good, but you just made a scene?" Master asked.

"I'm sorry Master, it was Jordan, he said he should show you how to treat a lady, and I allowed my anger to overpower me," I said.

"Kneel at my feet slave, you've lost the ability to stand and you will keep quiet unless I say otherwise by a tap on your shoulder," Master said, immediately I knelt at his feet, I hated disobeying him. I watched as people danced and laughed with one another, a few of the slaves were mingling and flirting with my brothers, hoping to impress them so they'd attend their auction. I noticed the slaves leave the reception and headed inside but I didn't think anything of it. I didn't speak or move until Master went to move, and I crawled after him, not wanting to be alone. I whined in protest as he sped up, "hurry slave" Master said, stopping and looking back, when eventually he was in front of everyone. "If everyone is ready for food, follow Jorge into the area we will be eating," Master said, and Jorge made his way into the warehouse and everyone followed him leaving only me and Master. I looked up at him, wondering what to do. "You will walk down the stairs but as soon as you reach the bottom you will continue crawling," Master said, and I nodded, not able to verbally agree. I let out a soft growl, trying to communicate with him, and I tried not to make it threatening so he didn't take it as a challenge to his authority. "You may speak slave," Master said.

"I'm sorry for causing a scene Master please forgive me, Master, I don't like when you're disappointed in me Master," I said looking up at him, as a few tears fell down my face.

"I forgive you slave but it doesn't stop your punishment," Master said.

"I wouldn't wish to stop it Master, I earned it I know that, I just hate it when you're disappointed Master, especially when I knew better. I should've just came over when Jordan said that and told you to let you handle it, I'm sorry I'm not the best slave, the other girls are better than me and they've only been here only three months at most, you should be with one of them, they'll listen and treat you well" I said, looking down as tears fell down my face, it's only a matter of time until I do something that can't be corrected and he'll realize he made a mistake and set me free.

"Don't you dare say that slave" Master said as he bent down to me, cupping my face and making me look at him. "They mean nothing to me, they are only to earn me a profit nothing else, but you my perfect little slave, you are the most devoted slave I've come across, you are the most beautiful slave I've seen, you are the one who knows me and knows what I want before even I know it and you give it to me with the most beautiful smile as you humbly serve me like the perfect slave you are. You are the one I love, you are the one I married, and you are the slave I wish to have kneeling at my feet at all times. Don't you ever put yourself down again slave because if you do I will punish you until you realize you are wrong, I will whip you as you tell me how good of a slave you are, do you understand me, slave?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Good, because if you put yourself down for not being a good slave, then you're saying that I didn't train you to serve perfectly," Master said.

"That's not true Master, and I'll refute it until the day I die, you have trained me to obey perfectly, it's on my end, not yours, you have been the best Master any slave can ask for," I said.

"Then don't bring yourself down, slave because that's what you're implying," Master said.

"I won't Master, because that's not what I wish to imply," I said, he nodded.

"Good," Master said and stood up. "Stand and face me, slave," Master said, and I did, he cupped my face and kissed me, and before I could kiss him back he pulled away but he put my hands around his neck before putting his on my waist and started to dance. I couldn't look away from him.

"Master, can I request something?" I asked.

"What slave?" Master asked.

"Promise me that you'll never free me, even if you wish to divorce me, promise you'll keep me as your slave no matter what," I said.

"I promise slave, but why would you think I wouldn't want you as my slave anymore?" Master asked.

"In the hospital, you said you'd sell me if I ever acted on my feelings, and since the proposal I have done nothing but act on them, and since the agreement with dad you can't sell me so next only you'd be able to do is free me and I don't want that, I'd rather die a slave and happy than die free and miserable. I would rather kneel at your feet and submit to my Master than wake up every day knowing what I've lost" I said, Master smiled before kissing my forehead.

"You will never be free slave, you are and can only be a slave, we both know that," Master said and I nodded.

"Thanks, Master," I said when he spun me and I laughed out. I started to fall when Master caught me.

"I will never let you go slave, you are mine and no one else's, I own you mind, body, and soul" Master said.

"And I love it, Master," I said smiling up at him when he leaned in and kissed me, I immediately started to kiss him back. When he pulled back I wrapped my arms around him "thank you Master" I said, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me as close as he could.

"You're welcome my beautiful little slave," Master said, I didn't want this moment to end. "We have to get back to the party slave, everyone will wonder where we are again," Master said. I nodded and knelt back on the ground, he petted my hair and started walking and I crawled after him. When we entered the warehouse I could feel the concrete on my knees and hands and I whimpered but didn't stop until we got to the stairs, Master went down first and I stood up and followed after him, when I got to the bottom floor I immediately went back to my hands and knees crawling after him once again. He entered our dining room and all eyes were on us as we made our way to our spot at the small table in front of everyone. Master sat in his chair and I knelt at his feet. When Tessa brought over my smoothie and Master's food, and we all started eating. I enjoyed the smoothie, and fairly often my eyes would trail to Master's face and I stared at him, enjoying the way his jaw tenses as he ate, and he caught me a few times but just smiled and patted my head. I enjoyed the little bits of affection he gave me throughout the meal. When it ended and everyone got up, congratulated us once more and left, leaving only Master, and my family, but not once did I thank them, I couldn't not when I wasn't permitted to talk.

When dad came up, "congrats on the wedding, but I do expect the terms to be upheld," dad said.

"They will, Sir" Master said.

"Good, I'll see you later princess" dad said, and I nodded. When Jackson and Jacob came up.

"You better treat her right," Jackson said.

"I'll treat her like the slave she is," Master said.

"Treat her like a queen," Jacob said.

"She loves how I treat her, don't you slave?" Master asked.

"Yes Master very much so," I said.

"And you don't need to be worried about it, do you?" Master asked.

"No Master," I said.

"Tell them why you love me, slave," Master said, and I nodded.

"I love him because I'm his slave because he keeps me in my place, I love him even knowing the danger of it, I love with every ounce of myself. I love how he treats me, how he shows me how to care for him and his gang, how he shows me what it means to be a slave, to be female and to be his. I love that I'm a slave, and I love that he is my Master, I can't see myself anywhere else, I can't see myself being treated any differently because I love how I am treated. Most importantly I love how Master treats me, he shows me every day just by keeping me as his slave that he loves me, he's doing it because he knows it's what I want, he knows being his slave makes me happy and to make me happy he makes me his slave. He knows what I need and he gives it to me and I know what he wishes and I give it to him, he really is my other half, he makes me whole, he makes me feel loved in ways I've never felt, and there's not a thing I'd change about us" I said, looking at Master smiling at him as I said why I love him.

"A slaves love for their Master is not like anything anyone other than a slave will experience, because they know we expect the best from them, that we will provide for them, and that we will give them the structure they crave, she's spent eight months being free since she was enslaved and she's hated every minute of it, so I give her what she wants because it's where she is happiest, and we both know that if she is ever freed she wouldn't survive it again, I love her too much to let her die, so I will keep her at my feet in my collar where she is happy," Master said, as he petted my hair, I nuzzled my head into his hand loving the affection he is giving me.

"Well congrats on the wedding, we'll see you later," Jacob said and they both left, leaving Jordan and us.

"Can I speak to her alone?" Jordan asked Master, and Master looked down at me.

"Okay, ten minutes and you better not hurt her. You're permitted to talk slave but do not stand up" Master said.

"Yes Master," I said he nodded and left, leaving me and Jordan alone.

"I'm sorry," Jordan said.

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my brows, when I heard a gunshot, and then another and another. I jumped up and ran out of the room, I saw Master laying on the ground, with blood oozing out of his chest, a scream left my mouth as I ran over to him. My hands were shaking as I touched him, his eyes didn't hold the light they once did. I caressed his face as tears fell down my face when I grabbed his gun from his waistband. There was only one person who could've known what happened, I stood up and went back to the dining room. "What did you do?!" I screamed at Jordan.

"I saved you Jess your free," Jordan said.

"No no, I'm not. What don't you understand about me wanting it? I can only ever be a slave and now my Master is dead. He's the love of my life" I cried out. When Jorge came in. "He's the one who organized it," I said to Jorge he nodded and I left going back to Master's body. I curled up on his chest as I placed the gun to my head.

"What are you doing?!" Jordan screamed out when he was led in here by two of Master's men. I just glared at him and pulled the trigger welcoming the darkness.