
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

New Slave

We spent two months tracking her, scaring her over the whole country. Right now we were in Tucson, looking for Tiana once again, pushing her until she willingly comes up to us. We've been to fifteen different states, with multiple cities in them, and I knew she was getting tired, her spirit was breaking, as she isn't running as far as she did in the beginning, we've been in Arizona for two weeks, with six different cities, when in the beginning she would immediately leave the state. "Master, do you think she'll give in soon?" I asked.

"I do slave, then we'll head home and get you checked out," Master said, I smiled.

"I wonder what we're having this time, I pray for a boy, I don't think I can go through another abortion," I said.

"You will if I deem you need to slave," Master said.

"I know Master, it's just hard each time," I said.

"I know slave it's hard on me as well, the firstborn needs to be a male, after that I don't care," Master said.

"May I ask a question?" I asked, and Master nodded. "So you want to have more than one Master?" I asked.

"Yes slave, but on the island, they will be slaves, at the beginning they will be free, but they could be captured, so we'll need to raise them with the expectation that they'll one day be enslaved," Master said.

"Yes Master, deep down as females it's ingrained in them to be slaves, they'll be happier as slaves," I said.

"Talking like a true female," Master said, squeezing my hand, I smiled at him. "Now let's get out and walk around, I'm sure we'll see Tiana soon," Master said, I nodded, it was dark out and we were walking along a trail that Tiana takes every night. I held Master's hand as we walked along the trail enjoying the fresh air, hoping to see Tiana.

In the distance I saw Tiana, and as she went to run in the opposite direction, she stopped, lowered her head and walked towards us "please just take me I'm tired of running I can't seem to get away" Tiana sobbed.

"Very well slave, let's go home," Master said.

"I'm not a slave" Tiana cried out, enraged.

"But did you not just say to take you?" I asked, she shook her head as tears fell down her face.

"Arms behind your back now slave," Master said, slowly she put them behind her back and I passed Master the rope and he bound her arms behind her back. Master brought her to the car, tied her feet together, and then bound her arms to her feet so she'd fit in the trunk. I opened the trunk and she started to cry harder.

"Please no please I'll be good" Tiana whimpered.

Master got a gag and forced it in her mouth, shutting her up "yes you'll be good because if your not you will be punished, bad slaves get themselves punished and you willingly came up to us and gave yourself to me" Master said, Tiana whimpered as we put her in the trunk. Master closed it and we got in the car.

"Well this has been a fun road trip," I said.

"That it has slave. How do you think Jasmine is doing?" Master asked.

"I think she's learned to accept it, knowing she'll never be free because she's been tracked after getting caught by Jorge," I said.

"Yes, good invention you did, little slave," Master said.

"Thank you, Master, When I heard about how she ran, I had to find a way it wouldn't happen again," I said.

"Yes the bug is an interesting design," Master said, taking my hand in his and it was quiet.


We pulled into the warehouse, where we got out and Jorge came out, "hey boss" Jorge said.

"Hey Jorge, a slave's in the trunk, she's yours to train, and train her well, she willingly came up to us and gave in," Master said.

"Another mouse boss?" Jorge asked.

"Yes, you know how my slave loves the chase," Master said, a smile on his face.

"Yes that she does," Jorge said.

"You can handle her, come along we need to go see our doctor slave," Master said, and started walking, I followed after him as we went to one of the off-buildings on our property where we set Langley up in.

As we entered a naked slave, Langley, smiled at us "you think you're pregnant again?" Langley asked.

"Yes," I said.

"We know she is, her last period was three months ago, just want to see how she's progressing," Master said. Langley nodded and brought me onto the bed, I got up as she put the gel on me, before putting the doppler on it.

"So it looks as if you are 14 weeks, you should be able to find the gender of the baby in a month, its heart is strong, fast which as you know we like. There are no health conditions that I can see," Langley said.

"Thank you, slave," Master said as Langley cleaned me up and then wrote a prescription.

"Take this to the pharmacy to get your prenatal, and I'll see you again in a few weeks," Langley said, passing Master the prescription. Master nodded and we left.

"May I ask a question, Master?" I asked, Master nodded. "Master, may I sleep?" I asked.

"Yes, go home, and go to your spot," Master said.

"Thank you, Master," I said, smiling and going to Master's house, going to his room, I took my dress off, folded it and put it in its spot before laying on my bed on the floor at the foot of his bed.

I wasn't asleep long, as I woke up by little bean playing tap dance on my bladder, I ran to the bathroom, and when I finished I was no longer tired so I worked on cleaning the house. When my collar vibrated as Master called me to him, I put the mop away and headed to the warehouse, I went in. Since no one was in his office I headed downstairs, listening to the voices. Everyone was in the dining room so I went in and headed to Master and knelt down. "Good job slave" Master praised, I beamed up at him as he petted my hair. "Let's eat since everyone is here," Master said, and I started to drink my smoothie. Tiana looked a little uncomfortable as she learned the ways of her slavery but she was coming along.

"Master, may I ask a question?" I asked, lowering my bowl, he looked down and nodded. "It's not my place but I'm just curious, do you plan to play the game with the new slave?" I asked.

"Maybe, I haven't decided yet," Master said.

"If we do, would you wish to play?" Jorge asked.

"If Master allows me to, I would like to," I said.

"What game?" Tiana asked.

"Did I give permission to speak slave?" Jorge snapped.

"No trainer, please forgive me," Tiana said quickly, lowering her head and continuing to drink her smoothie.

"We'll see," Master said, I nodded, lifted the bowl to my mouth and started drinking. When everyone finished the men left leaving the slaves, we each grabbed two or three dishes and headed to the kitchen to wash them.

"You do know they were always going to find you," Jasmine said as she was by me and Tiana.

"What do you mean?" Tiana asked, confused.

"They put trackers in us, and they put one in you before they told you to run," Jasmine said.

"You did what?!" Tiana screamed.

"You knew about us, and we had to protect our life. So I used a bug tracker and he did its thing, went into your skin like a flea and bam, we were able to track you" I said.

"Yes, after the game we were all tracked," Helena said.

"What game?" Tiana asked.

"We aren't permitted to say, it's the rules," I said

"Why did you put trackers in the?" Tiana asked.

"Well after I found out that Cain was one of Masters men, I started to invent a tracker that could imbed its way into the human skin, I didn't want the chance for slaves to report another one of Masters men, so if anything happens we can track them down, then without the slave, there is no trial, so they get free. We've also been selling it to gangs across the country for their slaves, we've become more rounded with what we sell, and have become more valued" I said.

"You bitch" Tiana screamed, and tried to hit me. I fairly quickly got her on the ground with her hands pinned behind her.

"What are you doing, slave?" Master asked coming in.

I jumped off Tiana, "she attacked me Master, any of the others can tell you that, I was just defending myself" I said, lowering my eyes as he glowered at me.

"Is this true?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master" Helena, Jade and Holly said at the same time.

"Jorge, come get your slave," Master said through his radio.

"Please no Master please I'm sorry I'm sorry please" Tiana pleaded.

"Listen here closely slave, all of you, if any of you harm my slave in any way I will not stand for it. I will punish you until you beg for death but I will not grant that until your body gives up, this is your warning. My slave is off limits, she wishes to help and be in her place, that's it. Do you understand?" Master asked.

"Yes Master," they said at the same time.

"Good, my wife is just as much of a slave as any of you, she has as much of a right to clean and submit as you do she has, after all, live here over five years, she's protected the gang when her own father tried to kill us, as well as risked her life to please me many times, and not one slave I've met has done what she has done whenever she's released she comes back because she knows it's where she belongs, she has made me well over five million dollars. She is the most important person in the gang, she is our queen, yet she still wishes to be a slave but do not let it fool you, she does have every right to the gangs' possessions, she just chooses not to use them, she will step up when need be to protect the gang, yet submit as soon as the danger passes. So I will protect her, even if it means another slave's death" Master said.

"What happened?" Jorge asked as he came in.

"Tiana attacked my slave, I was just telling them if any of them did it again it will result in their death, but because I just said it, make her punishment painful, but make sure she has energy for tomorrow, she's going to be doing a lot of running," Master said.

"So we're going ahead with the game?" Jorge asked.

"Yes, and I have every plan to win," Master said.

"What about your slave, will you allow her to join us?" Jorge asked.

"I haven't decided yet, it depends on how well she behaves," Master said.

"Fair enough, slave follow me," Jorge said, Tiana whimpered but followed him.

"Finish cleaning now slaves," Master said and left, we continued cleaning.