
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


"Master, I can't move as fast as I could" I whined as he sped up his pace, as he wanted to show me our new home.

"Don't complain, slave, I'll punish you even if you are pregnant" Master said.

"I'm sorry Master, but I'm literally going to pop any day now, please slow down," I said.

"Well we're almost out of the airport, and our car is already here so don't complain," Master said.

"May I ask a question, Master?" I asked as we got in the car.

"Sure slave," Master said.

"Did you already file for independence?" I asked.

"Yes we are officially our own country, I'll take you on a tour after," Master said.

"Okay Master, will other people be coming here soon?" I asked.

"Yes, the gang are just packing up, the other slaves will be coming in later today, then we have a few hundred people looking to move here by the end of the week. They'll all renounce their citizenship to the US, get a new passport, driving id, etc. and move here. While the both of us won't give up our citizenship, because we both have work to do there so we will have to go back and forth" Master said.

"Do the other people know what to expect here?" I asked.

"Of course, it's in our constitution, they'll read it, and sign some papers, letting them know what to expect, that slavery is legal, that females are slaves, and only ones with collars are owned, I can let you read it later if you wish," Master said, I nodded.

"Yes please Master," I said.

"You will be expected to be on your best behaviour at all times," Master said.

"Yes Master, what about the horses, will they be coming over?" I asked.

"Of course, slaves need a way to have transportation," Master said.

"So I take it we won't be permitted to drive," I said.

"Slaves are property, they don't need to drive, be happy I'm allowing you to ride," Master said.

"I'm sorry Master, I didn't mean for it to come off as a bad way, of course, I am happy that you permit me to ride, it's one of my favourite activities," I said.

"Maybe I should think of putting a break on you spending time with the herd," Master said, I bit my lip and looked down.

"If it's what you wish, Master," I said.

"You're not fighting me on it?" Master asked.

"Your Master, I'm slave. I don't wish to fight with you Master. Obviously, it wouldn't be something I would be thrilled about because I like spending time with the herd, but it's your decision and I'd rather accept it than risk being punished, it's not something I view worth fighting for" I said.

"What do you view as worth fighting for?" Master asked.

"Well there was our first daughter, I fought for her and I wouldn't take it back, our son, and any future kids, or calling other slaves Mistress, that's about all I can think of that I fight for," I said.

"And you fought two of them," Master said.

"With valid reason, all slaves are equal because we are property, we are nothing, and to call another slave Mistress, is like calling Hunter Master, it ain't right we're animals all equal, as for our daughter, she was a part of you, I had to try to save her. Yet when you reprimanded me I quickly did it because you are my Master" I said.

"I shouldn't have to reprimand you, when I tell you something I expect you to accept it because you are a slave," Master said when he pulled into a house.

"I'm sorry Master, sometimes it's just hard to accept something because I am human, I try I really do, but some things I find harder to accept so I fight back a little, I'm sorry" I cried out, I had tears falling down my face even though I tried to wipe them away.

"It's okay, slave," Master said, cupping my face, making me look at him.

"I'm sorry for crying Master" I sniffled.

"Hey, it's okay slave, your j-" Master said when I cut him off.

"Don't say hormonal" I said, Master chuckled.

"Exactly my point," Master said, booping my nose, and I pouted at him.

"I am not, I'm pregnant, and just want him out already, I am done with this" I whined.

"He'll come when he's ready," Master said, giving me a kiss. "Now let's go see our new house," Master said, before getting out, I opened the door and got out of the car.

"Master, when is Langley, and the other doctors coming or are we giving birth here or going back to the States?" I asked.

"We're going back in about an hour, or so, I just wanted to show you around before other people come," Master said.

"What if I start going into labour before then?" I asked.

"Well then you're out of luck, our flight isn't here until an hour and we're alone," Master said.

"Well good thing, early labour can take hours because I started having contractions before we left but I just thought they were braxton hicks but they haven't stopped they're still at irregular times so far it isn't too bad but I know it will get worse, I just hope we get back to the states in time for his birth," I said.

"You should've told me, slave, we wouldn't have come for another few months if I knew that" Master scolded, I bit my lip as tears fell down my face.

"I'm sorry Master" I whispered, looking down.

Master let out a sigh, "I'm sorry slave, I shouldn't have went off on you, you thought they were braxton hicks I get it, I'm not mad slave" Master said.

"Master I should've told you, even if I just thought they were braxton hicks," I said.

"I am telling you it's okay, slave," Master said.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"You're still going to beat yourself up over it aren't you?" Master asked.

"I can't help it, Master," I said.

"Would it help if I punished you?" Master asked, and I froze, stopping in my tracks, while Master was at the door.

"It would, but I don't think I can handle being punished, Master," I said.

"Who decides what you can handle slave?" Master asked.

"You do Master," I said.

"And if a punishment helps you forgive yourself a punishment you shall receive," Master said, he did a follow me motion so I followed him into the house, it was beautiful. My eyes wandered as we walked, taking everything in, it was all light browns and whites with hints of grey, gold, and black.

"May I ask what you plan to do, Master?" I asked.

"Slave rules," Master said.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Master, please forgive me," I said.

"If you break another rule, slave I will up it from allowing you to forgive yourself to punishing you until you can't take it," Master said.

"I understand Master, I'm sorry," I said.

"But to answer your question, there's a whip I wish to try out," Master said, when he went down a set of stairs and I followed after him.

"What if I were to say I forgave myself," I said.

"Have you slave and do not lie to me?" Master asked.

"No Master," I said.

"Then you need to be whipped slave," Master stated.

"Master, is there any other pun- never mind I'm not finishing that," I said, stopping myself from asking a question without permission.

"What is it?" Master asked.

"I was going to ask a question but decided against it, I don't wish it to be worse so I cut it off before I broke a rule," I said.

"What were you going to ask?" Master asked.

"If there was any other punishment you're willing to trade the whip out for? I don't know if I could withstand the lashes of the whip because it usually cuts into my skin, and since I'll more than likely laying on my back for hours on end soon, I don't know if a back full of cuts is the best thing" I answered.

"Slave," Master warned.

"I'm sorry, I know it's your choice and I won't fight you on it, it's not my decision because I'm a slave, my will is my Masters, and if it's my Masters will to whip me it's mine to be whipped," I said, hoping to appease him.

"You're lucky I love you, slave, I was going to give you twenty strikes, but I think I'm gonna lower it to twelve" Master said.

"Thank you, Master, your slave is grateful for any leniency you chose to show," I said, When Master entered a room, it held multiple 'toys' that could cause pain and I gulped.

"Arms spread out," Master said, I was confused but spread my arms out into a wide 'y' when Master grabbed a chain from one side of the room and clasped it to my cuffs, and then went to the other side and grabbed another chain clasping that one to my cuffs. It reminded me of cross ties we had in the barn. I realized I couldn't move to evade the whip, my arms were unmovable, and there was no slack on the chain. "Nice, isn't it slave? Now there's no way I can hurt our son and you can't avoid the whip" Master said, I didn't say anything but I was terrified as Master went to the wall and grabbed a whip, its edges were serrated.

The first strike hit my back and I screamed out as I felt it cut open my back, and the blood dripped down my body. "Please Master please use a different whip Master please" I screamed as I felt another strike. I couldn't stop the pained screams that left my mouth with each strike he did.

"I don't wish to slave, and if you speak again I will up it to fifty" Master said, my eyes widened, I was shaking but did not speak, but I couldn't hold the screams in.

After the twelve strikes of the whip, my throat was sore from screaming, but I felt better for not telling him I was having contractions, I hated that I needed to be punished when I did something that affected him negatively, but I also loved it because it showed I needed him to keep me in my place so that I could forgive myself for anything that affected him badly. I did not speak as he uncuffed me.

"Do you forgive yourself now, slave?" Master asked.

"Yes Master," I said, my head lowered as Master was in front of me.

"Clean the blood up, shower and we will head out for a tour," Master said, I nodded and grabbed the mop that was in the corner of the room and cleaned my blood off the floor, I winced as my back tweaked and the parts that were starting to dry and scab over broke open again. Once the blood was cleaned I left the room and went in search of a shower, when I found one I washed the blood off my body, feeling the water hit my back and go into the cuts causing me to hiss out. I've concluded out of all the impact tools he's used to punish me with, that this whip was my least favourite, but it sends the message. When I was dried I went back to find Master, who was now upstairs in the living room. "Good to go slave?" Master asked, and I nodded. He smiled, came over and we left the house, we got in the car and Master drove around the island.