
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Memory Wipe

It's been an eventful month Master still makes me eat at the table, Grayson died sixteen days after being bound when his body could take no more and gave into the pain. Jake hasn't left yet but he hasn't seen his sister since her enslavement, he goes back and forth between the states and here. He bought a house here but refuses to give up his citizenship to be a full citizen here, so he has dual citizenship but is not able to buy slaves, but he can capture a free female if he wishes. He helps Langley and Kelcey as well as three male doctors who came over, out in the hospital. It's been nice not having to leave Natria as often as I once had to, but I still go over for work three times a week.

"William said you can take the two new slaves out for a treat since they've been doing well," Master said, when he came out of his office.

"Master, I haven't had my period since three weeks before Kennedy died, I just thought it was stress, but now I'm not so sure," I said.

"Let's go, Langley is in and we can get checked out then you can go out with the two slaves," Master said, making his way out of the house, I followed after him and we went to the hospital.

"May I ask a question, Master?" I asked, and he nodded his head but did not stop. "Master if I am, will we keep him?" I asked.

"Of course slave, there is a reason I don't permit others to use you when you ovulate I don't want them to impregnate you, you are my slave, you are only to carry my children no matter how many I decide you are to have," Master said, I shuddered.

"Yes Master, may I be honest Master?" I asked.

"Of course, but it doesn't stop you from being punished if it's something you know I don't permit slave," Master said.

"I know Master, but I wanted to say that I enjoy the possibility of carrying as many kids as you wish for me to," I said.

"Do you, my little slave, enjoy being bred like a filthy mutt?" Master asked.

"Yes Master, and I'll be sad when it's no longer possible," I said.

"Then I'll make sure you're bred as often as I desire," Master said.

"What if I don't want any more kids?" I asked, Master stopped and turned to me.

"Bow down slave" Master snapped, and I did, I bowed to him, crossing my arms in front of me, and my head between my arms.

"I meant no disrespect Master," I said, when I felt his hand pull my head back, I strained my neck.

"I decide if you are to carry my kid's slave, consider it an honour I chose you" Master growled as he put his foot on top of my arm.

"I do Master I do please don't" I gasped out.

"I do with you as I wish because you are just a slave" Master snapped, stepping down on my arm, when I heard a crack and the pain that followed soon after. I screamed out.

"I'm sorry Master, I know you do, I want what you want I was just curious please forgive me" I whimpered, not moving as I wasn't given permission to break the position, I had tears streaming down my face as the pain in my arm hurt, but it wasn't the first time Master broke a bone.

"Curiosity gets the slave punished, now follow me," Master said. I stood up, cradling my arm to my chest and followed after him.

"I meant no disrespect, Master, I don't even know why I said it, god it was such a stupid remark, I don't even know why you keep me, I'm such a stupid slave," I said. Master grabbed my arms and pinned me to a building, a scream left my mouth.

"Don't you dare degrade yourself, slave, you are not stupid, I keep you because you are a good slave, because you're worth keeping. Trust me if I didn't want to keep you I would've sold you a long time ago slave, yet I wish to keep you" Master said, I nodded my head. When he let go, the bones in my arm rubbed together and caused me to scream out again.

"Please allow me to have a cast Master, I'll be good, please Master it hurts" I pleaded.

"Fine, but if you do anything that requires a punishment I'll have it taken off until it heals and then it'll have to be rebroken to be put back into its natural position," Master said.

"Can I ask a question, Master?" I asked, and he nodded as we continued walking to the hospital. "Will that include after it heals as well? Or will it only be until the cast is taken off?" I asked.

"Until your arm is healed," Master said, I nodded.

"Jesus, what did you do to her?" Jake asked.

"I broke her arm, she needs a cast, and then you can go get Langley," Master said. Jake looked at me with pity, but I gave him a smile.

"Why did he break your arm?" Jake asked.

"Because she said something she knew she shouldn't have, and I couldn't punish her any other way because we were already on our way over, and I didn't want to ruin the day for the other two slaves since they have earned a day out," Master said.

"Before you created this country, it would be considered abuse what you're doing to her," Jake said.

"Exactly before he did, but even if it wasn't we would still get it casted. It's not hard to come up with a story. Don't you ever call what Master does to me abuse, it's far from it, I am a slave, Master has every right to do as he pleases to me" I snapped, I was angry that despite what he saw over the past month he still believes there is something inherently wrong with us for being slaves.

"Slave, I was going to allow you to kneel while eating, but because of that outburst you will continue to sit at the table," Master said.

"That's not fair Master, I couldn't just bite my tongue as he said you were abusive," I said.

"Do you want me up it to where you don't get a cast, I can have it removed" Master said, when Jake finished putting the cast on.

"No, I'm sorry Master," I said.

"I didn't say he was abusive, just that if it happened before Natria existed it could end with him in jail," Jake said.

"Don't push your luck, Jake, I can always ban you from our country, and then you'll likely never see your sister again" Master warned. Jake left and we kept quiet waiting for Langley to come to give an ultrasound.

When Langley came in, "so you may be pregnant again, now hop on up and let's see," Langley said, I nodded laying back so she could do her thing.

She put the gel on and then moved the doppler, and as she moved it around I could hear a heartbeat. "So it looks like you are pregnant, you're eight weeks along," Langley said.

"Okay thank you, slave," Master said, Langley continued looking at the ultrasound, which made me nervous.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"I'll be back, I need to go get a second pair of eyes, just to check something," Langley said, before putting the doppler with the ultrasound and leaving the room. I looked at Master worried and scared, he held my hand.

"I'm scared Master," I said, looking up at him.

"I'm sure everything is okay little slave," Master said, trying to comfort me, I nodded my head.

"I hope so, Master," I said.

When Langley and Kelcey came in, Kelcey grabbed the doppler. "Yes, I see it too," Kelcey said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry Jessie, but this pregnancy isn't viable," Kelcey said.

"Please tell me you're joking," I said looking from Kelcey to Langley.

"I'm sorry, but you have an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus planted itself outside the uterus into the fallopian tube. You can try again if you wish, Master" Langley said, and I started crying.

"What if I don't abort him?" I asked.

"He'll continue to grow until he breaks the fallopian tube and you bleed out and die," Kelcey said.

"Well, is there any way other than surgery?" Master asked.

"Yes, two pills, one will stop his heart, and the other will dispel the tissue," Langley said.

"Go get the first pill she'll take it now," Master said, Kelcey nodded and left the room.

"I don't want to kill him," I said.

"Slave," Master said.

"You said after our son we wouldn't abort anymore of our kids Master," I said, looking up at him as tears fell down my face.

"It's your life on the line, slave, you know that's not something I'm willing to lose," Master said.

"You said it, Master, please I can't, not again" I cried out, Master cupped my face wiping the tears.

"I know what I said slave, and now I'm telling you to take this pill," Master said, as Kelcey came back and gave Master the pill.

"Please Master, maybe they're wrong, maybe the machine is broken" I pleaded.

"Take the pill slave," Master said, holding it to my mouth, I didn't want to but I opened my mouth and he put it in, I swallowed it, and curled up into a ball.

"Take this one tomorrow," Kelcey said, I didn't pay attention as I cried at the loss of another child.

Someone touched my shoulder "come on slave we have to go" Master said.

"Why? Why us?" I asked, looking up at him, and Master gave me a small smile.

"I don't know slave, but we will get through it," Master said.

"Is it punishment for aborting our daughters? It's not fair" I cried out. Master hugged me as I cried, he rubbed my back and held me close.

"I'm doing this for you little slave," Master said, pulling back and making me look at him. "You will forget taking the pill, we just found out we are eight weeks pregnant, and everything is okay, our child is still alive with a beating heart, there are no complications and we are excited to have another child," Master said before hugging me again.

"I wonder what we're having," I said, smiling up at Master.

"Me too slave," Master said as a tear fell down his face.

"Why are you crying, Master?" I asked, concerned.

"I'm just happy slave, I love you," Master said.

"I love you too Master," I said.

"Now you have a day out with the two new slaves, don't keep them waiting," Master said.

I nodded and got off the bed. "May I ask something, Master?" I asked, and Master nodded. "May I name this one?" I asked.

"No slave, you can name the next one," Master said.

"Really?" I asked, and he nodded. "Thank you, Master," I said and hugged him, he chuckled but hugged me back.

"Now run along," Master said, I nod my head and I leave the hospital and head to the slaves' house.