
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


"Hey, slave looking for a room?" Billy asked.

"Yes Sir, if there's one available," I said.

"Yes, you know where to go," Billy said, I smiled and nodded and led Jake to the back room.

"We allow the slaves to be tested before their auctions so they build back rooms so they can please their potential Masters, to try and get their prices up," I said, when the door closed.

"What happens if I don't allow you to please me?" Jake asked.

"Please Sir, I wish to please you, please allow me to" I pleaded, I felt a single tear fall down my face.

"Oh don't cry," Jake said.

"Please allow me to Sir," I whispered looking up at him.

"Do you wish to? Or is it because your Master told you to?" Jake asked.

"It's both Sir, I wish to because Master asked me to, I wish not to be unpleasing, please Sir at least allow me to please you, you can call it quits if I'm not pleasing enough for you, I wish not to have Master disappointed in me for not attempting to please you when you already practically said yes. Please don't make me disobey him, I wish to please you because it will make him happy, I have the desire to please you, please allow me to please you Sir" I said.

"How I've never done anything like this before?" Jake asked.

"Say whatever you wish to do, I'm an object that you can do whatever you wish. If you wish to whip me you can if it'll please you, if you wish to fuck me you can, if you wish for me to use my mouth I will. You have the control Sir for whatever you wish and I will obey, it's in my nature to submit, it's in all females' nature to submit when they learn it's more pleasing, and freeing to submit. Tell me what it is you desire to find me pleasing and I'll do it Sir" I said.

"Can you do a massage?" Jake asked.

"Yes Sir, whatever you desire I will do," I said.

"I'm going to strip down, is that okay?" Jake asked.

"There's no need to ask Sir, if you desire to be naked you can be," I said, Jake nodded and slowly took his clothes off, before laying on the bed, I walked over and slowly worked my hands over his body, massaging him and his tense muscles, there were a few cracks as I placed pressure on his back and he groaned out. "Sir, may I ask you to sit so I can work on your legs?" I asked, stepping away.

"Of course slave," Jake said as he sat up and I smiled at him. "I'm so sorry it just came out, I meant Jessica" Jake said.

"But a slave is what I am, no need to be sorry for calling me what I am, most men call us slaves, they don't wish to learn our names, just goes to show how natural it is. It's okay if you accept that I am lower than you are because I am" I said.

"It just feels wrong," Jake said as I worked on his legs.

"Did it feel wrong? Or did it scare you that it felt so right?" I asked.

"I don't know," Jake said, as I worked on his feet.

"Most slaves find it hard to believe that they find it natural the first week, but it is, they were just taught to push it down, we bring it out so they can accept who they are, it's okay to accept it, Sir. We wish for everyone to accept it one day, but for now, we are okay with our country and a few others accepting it, we don't hold back who we are, it's why I'm so proud to be a slave, I'm happy not to hide it anymore, and I'm happy others come around to it" I said.

"It just feels weird, different," Jake said.

"It will, but most come to terms with it, but it's natural, and nothing to be ashamed of. May I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course," Jake said.

"Please may I kiss your feet?" I asked, looking up at him, kneeling on the ground with his foot in my hand.

"But it's feet," Jake said.

"And they belong to a Master that is worth worshipping, slaves love worshipping Masters, may I Sir?" I asked.

"If I say stop you will," Jake said.

"Thank you, Sir," I said, leaning down and placing gentle kisses on top of his foot and I continued to massage them. "Thank you for allowing this slave to worship you, Sir," I said, as I kissed his foot, his toes flexed as I kissed them. "There is nothing wrong with wishing to dominate slaves, it's what we need, don't be ashamed of the desire, slaves certainly aren't" I whispered.

"Slave enough," Jake said, I gently placed his foot on the ground. I looked up at him, wondering what he wishes me to do now, his cock standing erect, practically pressing against his stomach. "Take me in your mouth," Jake said.

"Yes Sir," I said, and I brought my head down to his cock, giving it a small kiss, before taking him in my mouth, I heard him groan as I licked at his shaft and fondled his balls. As I moved my head up I put the smallest amount of pressure with my teeth just enough to feel it but not to hurt him. I felt him twitch in reaction, I smiled lightly before continuing to please him. When he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back.

"On your hands and knees slave," Jake said, so I did, I got on my hands and knees, spreading my legs apart for him to be able to enter me. I felt his hand travel down my back. I shuddered as he touched my clit. "So responsive," Jake mumbled.

"Sir, may I cum?" I asked, my face heating up.

"So soon slave?" Jake asked with a smile in his voice, then I felt him lightly suck on my folds and his tongue swirled around my clit.

"Yes please Sir," I said, desperation clear in my voice.

"Yes slave you may," Jake said, I screamed out my submission as I came, my body shuddered and spasmed. As I came back down, Jake thrusts in with no warning, his thrusts were fast and hard as he also played with my sensitive clit. Within no time I was a moaning mess, mixing in with his moans "I can see why you undoubtedly enjoy being a slave," Jake said.

"I do Sir, I enjoy it very much, all females want in the end is to submit, they just need to learn it" I whimpered, Jake pulled my hair back making me arch my back, a moan leaving my mouth at the possessiveness of him. "Sir please may I cum" I whimpered.

"Beg slave and then I'll decide," Jake said, as he increased the pace of his fingers.

"Please Sir, please let me cum I beg you Sir to let me cum please I'm desperate to cum Sir please" I begged.

"Not til I say so slave" Jake said, I nodded my head my body feeling like it was on fire but the heat wasn't overwhelming I gave into it as his thrusts increased. I whimpered in need as he stopped.

"Please Sir please don't stop I beg you not to stop Sir please I wish to submit, show how well trained a good slave is Sir please allow me to" I cried out.

"I'm just getting something slave, do not move," Jake said, I stayed as he left me. "Stay quiet, slave, not a sound leaves your mouth understand?" Jake asked, I nodded my head, telling him I understand. "Very good slave," Jake said, as he once again started his thrusts, but every so often I felt a crop hit my ass, small moans and whimpers left my mouth, but not anything else. When he held himself deep in my belly as he came, "scream out your submission slave, cum" Jake said, and I threw my head back howling out my submission, as my belly spasmed and he continued to crop me.

"Thank you, Sir, thank you so much" I screamed out before calming down, when Jake pulled out I did not move until he gave permission as I didn't want to be displeasing.

"You may move and talk again, slave," Jake said.

"May I ask something, Sir?" I asked, kneeling and looking up at him.

"You may," Jake said as he got dressed.

"Did you find me pleasing Sir?" I asked.

"Very much so, I never thought I'd understand why you and they would wish to be slaves, but if it's what you desire and it seems you do, who should try to tell you it's wrong when it's so natural," Jake said.

"I'm glad you found me pleasing Sir that makes me happy, all any slave wants is to be found pleasing," I said

"Well I found you pleasing slave," Jake said, and I smiled up at him.

"You know, we do need a doctor here, I'm sure Master would be willing to allow you to stay if you wish," I said.

"I don't know, I enjoy living in the States," Jake said.

"Why? What's so great about the states? You'll have to push down who you are, you have to pay for everything, at least here everyone is accepted, everything besides certain things are free, and you can have your own slave after a year if you wish to own one" I said.

"Quiet slave" Jake snapped, I lowered my eyes, as a tear fell down my face, I hated when people found me displeasing. "Why are you crying?" Jake asked.

"Because I was displeasing Sir, I shouldn't have questioned your decision because it is your decision to make, and just because I'm happy here won't mean anyone else will be, I'm sorry for questioning your decision Sir," I said.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you, and you were not displeasing, it was just too much at once, I need time to think," Jake said.

"I hate being displeasing Sir, the worst feeling any slave can feel, is being displeasing to our Master or someone our Master loaned us to, it's almost as bad as being set free, it's why as slaves we try our best to be pleasing because that is what makes us happy. Slaves enjoy their place, if we didn't we wouldn't be here, a few slaves, actually about ¼ of the slaves across the island came here of their own free will, to willingly enslave themselves, I was one of the few that willingly enslaved themselves" I said.

"How? I thought you were sold to him?" Jake asked.

"Well back when we lived in the States, Master owned a gang, most of the members live here now, but he bought, trained and sold slaves. I was one of them, but the second day he let the females run through the woods with a five-minute head start before him and the gang chased her. If the females managed to make it to the road they were allowed to leave, in the 76 years they played only one slave made it to the road, and that was me. I managed to outsmart them as they rode the horses and dirt bikes in search of me, I made it to the road and waited for someone to come out and find me, well it was Master who found me, he told me I was free to go and do as I pleased but I begged and pleaded with him to allow me to stay, to be trained, and enslaved for my life. Then six months went by, and I was sold to a male, Jesus I can't remember his name now, but he sent me free after three months, it's what he did, bought slaves and set them free after trying to recondition them to the real world, it sucked but as a slave, I couldn't do anything, but Master found me, and after another three months, I went back with Master, where he then kept me as his slave so I wouldn't be freed again. Then Master almost died, my father sent his gang two separate times and when Master found out my father is a feared gang leader, so he gave me back to him for a month, I grew unhappy and just wanted to be with Master again, my father saw that and gave me back on three conditions, and I've been with him ever since. I willingly enslaved myself a few times through the time I've known him, but I would never wish to be free ever, and neither would most of the slaves on the island" I said.

"Sounds like it's been one hell of a roller coaster," Jake said.

"It has been, but I wouldn't change a minute of it, I love how my life has turned out and that my father and brothers finally came to terms with my need to submit, let's go I want to show you something," I said, standing up and smiling at him.

"What?" Jake asked.

"Just follow me, we're getting Jet and Hunter and I want to show you something," I said.

"Tell me now, slave," Jake said.

"Yes Sir, there's a plan coming with visitors and things soon, I wish to show you something with them," I said, he let out a sigh but nodded and followed after me.

"Why?" Jake asked.

"So you can see for yourself, you still seem to find it hard to believe that females just wish to submit, so I want to show you without girls from the outside world," I said.

"I do believe it," Jake said.

"I don't doubt that, but there's still hesitation about it from you, I can sense it, it's something slaves know about men, when they fully accept that we enjoy being in our place we can feel it deep in our bones, and same with men who accept it, they can feel when a female accepts it, they can feel it as well, especially when it happens right in front of them, also I enjoy greeting the people from the outside, on the flight over they usually read through our constitution and what may happen when they land, females know that while they may only be visiting there is a chance a Master finds the way their body moves is nice and wishes to enslave them, they know the risk, but because we have everything free they accept the risk, most travels for vacation, and honeymoons are my favourite, you'd be surprised how often a newlywed husband just leaves his wife, in my eyes we're doing her a favour, her husband just dumped her because another male wishes to claim her but then again unless the husband has a collar around her neck she isn't owned, it's in the constitution that any female who has a collar on her neck is owned, so before they leave the airport he could always put a collar around her neck and it would stop the confusion" I said.

"That's sick," Jake said.

"We need to make money some way, and the fact that most husbands don't even try to stop it is sad because if they claim her it would make her owned, then there is nothing a Master could do, even if she isn't wearing a collar, the husbands just needs to say along the lines that they are together, married, owned, whatever just needs to show she isn't alone and free to enslave when they do say it they get their wife back, and that's when we know that the slave is happy because her Master is willing to fight for her and we wish not to intervene. And some even stay, they learn our ways and have someone train their wife while they learn how to own them, because they see how happy the slaves are here, and wish for their wives to be just as happy, the wife the newly enslaved, has no say if they leave, she legally isn't allowed to leave once her Master says she is a slave and isn't permitted to travel without his permission, often we all rely on instinct, including Masters, because we know it can be trusted, and most of the slaves that go through our auction house are bugged, we had a runner before I came along and when I found out I created a tracker that makes its way under the skin and can be tracked no matter where the slave goes, and only Master is able to order it to be removed, in case an owned slave gets taken or tries to run, we can track her and bring her home" I said.

"Tracking?" Jake asked.

"Yes, a bug that makes its way under the skin, it pairs up via bluetooth and can be tracked anywhere because we had a slave run in the past, it helped me when the man I whipped took my daughter and I had to exchange myself for her, the tracking bug allowed Master to find us no matter if we left the island or not. It's a safety precaution and it's only for slaves who go through the slave house, and Master owns them and wishes to keep his property safe, but other Masters are allowed to bug their slaves" I said when we were back where we left Jet and Hunter, I saw Master and he smiled coming over to us.

"Were you pleasing slave?" Master asked.

"Sir said I was Master," I said.

"Was she?" Master asked.

"Yes, even thinking I found her displeasing upset her," Jake said.

"That's because she craves to be found pleasing," Master said.

"Yes, she said that," Jake said.

"Master, may I take Jake to the airport to see the people get off the plane, and so that I can welcome them?" I asked.

"Of course, I know how much you enjoy that slave, and you've earned the slave reward," Master said.

"Thank you, Master," I said, smiling at him, and getting up on Hunter as Jake got up on Jet.

"See you later slave, behave yourself, and please anyone who wishes to use you," Master said.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"See you, slave," Master said, I waved at him and then Jake and I left.

"Master is so nice, he knows I enjoy pleasing others so he allows full use, not that many people take the offer because I am owned and very happily owned and only does as he wishes, and he wishes for me to please anyone who asks, we have a few regulars who come to the country just to use slaves that are ordered to please whoever, and they know most of the time I am ordered to be pleasing," I said.

"So this is a reward?" Jake asked.

"Of course, I enjoy welcoming people here because I can see everyone, get a feel for the slaves who will accept it and relay the information to Billy or Jorge and they work on enslaving them, I listen to instinct it's what I rely on most of the time to survive or get a feel who will be good to live on the island and advance us farther," I said.

"Is that why you offered me a spot?" Jake asked.

"No I offered it because I felt like you would be happy, Master doesn't know I offered it, but whether you know it or not, you emanate dominance, you have an heir around you demanding respect, but I only felt it after you slipped and called me slave, I could tell you slowly came to terms with the idea, even if you aren't completely there, with accepting it, while Master probably sensed something before that which is why he offered me to you because he probably felt I could help you, which I have whether you wish to admit it or not, you've come to terms with the idea that some females are a slave," I said.

"I don't understand why you believe all females are slaves," Jake said.

"Because it's true, they just need to get over a barrier to accept it and they do, at least all the females my Master has known and the ones that live here they've all accepted it. So I'm confident saying all females are slaves, they just don't know it, or if they do they push it down thinking it's wrong, and only when they allow it to come forward can they truly be happy" I said.

"I just don't see how all females are slaves," Jake said.

"Yet they are," I said, we pulled up to the airport, we got off and I tied them down as we headed inside. I smiled at the gatekeeper as we walked through.

"Why didn't they stop us?" Jake asked.

"Because one I am queen and two they know I am here to just observe or greet the people coming in if I see anyone interesting," I said.

"Like what?" Jake asked.

"Someone looking lost, some come specifically to enslave themselves but once they are here have no idea what to do or where to go, others I feel would be happier so I converse with them, it's really fun, and then there are slaves who come home from work or travelling some are my friends and I miss them," I said.

"I think I'm gonna go," Jake said, I shrugged my shoulders.

"If you wish, but I think it's an experience you should see, you'd be surprised how many females come here wishing to be enslaved but are too scared to say it, then there are some newlyweds who come here because it was the wife's idea because she's unhappy and wishes to submit but doesn't know how to tell her husband and gets herself enslaved," I said, smiling over at him.

"You had a wife come here to get enslaved?" Jake asked.

"She felt it was natural and her husband was on the fence, when she was enslaved as she wished, her husband left on the next flight out, it was sad really, she was hoping he'd be her Master and she broke down when he left her here. She tried to say goodbye and he just shrugged her off like the last six years they spent together meant nothing to him. But she's happier now than she ever was with him and she knows she made the best decision she could" I said.

"I have so many more questions about why she gave up everything to be a slave," Jake said.

"Because it's natural, she didn't want to fight what she is any longer and we allowed her a place where she could be who she is without any backlash from society because there were others like her all around her, slaves who loved every day, who loved to submit, and she was happy," I said.