
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


I left the warehouse and went to the tack room and grabbed everything I'd need to ride Hunter, before grabbing the lead and halter to bring him in to tack up. I left the barn and went to the paddock with a bag of apples.

As the ten horses in our herd and all ten saw me with apples, they came over and I gave each horse one until I got to Hunter last. I put the halter on and then gave him the apple, before leading him back to the barn. Once we entered the barn I put him in a stall where he could eat as I tacked him up. Once he was brushed and had the saddle on, I put the bridle on and hooked the reins to rings and led him out of the barn. I put my foot in the stirrup, grabbed the horn and hoisted myself up onto the horse.

"Let's go, Hunter," I said, gently squeezing my legs and Hunter started walking. I stayed around the warehouse, not wanting people to see me riding a horse naked with a collar around my neck. As he started to warm up I got him into a trot, I played around, going around random objects, jumping over a fallen log before bringing him back to a walk. I leaned down and patted him, allowing him to graze as he walked around. When he raised his head, his ears moving, and I was looking around, but I didn't wait, I turned him around and started galloping into the forest, I wasn't risking the life of Hunter and I, in case it was a predator. I made it to the clearing, and got off and allowed Hunter to graze as I climbed a tree to scout, see if whatever Hunter saw if it was anything dangerous. When I didn't see anything I climbed down. "I wonder what it was that had his attention, hopefully, it wasn't anything too dangerous, but we should probably head back buddy," I said, talking as I walked towards him so I didn't spook him and have him run off, it would be near impossible to track him if he did run because these woods are ridden at least once a week with multiple horses. I got back up and we trotted our way back to the warehouse. When we got back I saw Master laying on the ground, with marks over his body, and I jumped off Hunter and ran to him. I checked for a pulse, it was there but faint, I ran inside and grabbed some things to try and stop the bleeding, when I saw that two of the slaves were dead, along with three of Masters men. When I saw Jorge, he had a cut across his face with five unknown men around him. I grabbed the fabric and ran outside and pressed it against the cuts, I had tears streaming down my face, I can't lose him.

"Get him in the car" Jorge screamed, I got him up and as I was moving him to the car Jorge helped me, I got him in and Jorge got in the driver's seat.

"Sir wait a few seconds, I'm coming," I said, running into the house, and searching for anything I could wear, I took a shirt and pants from one of Masters men, before running out.

"Are you sure slave?" Jorge asked.

"He's my Master, of course, I am Hunter and I will follow the car," I said, Jorge nodded and got in Master's car and started driving, I got on Hunter and ran after the car that held my Master. I ran on the side of the road, pushing Hunter to keep up with the car, I couldn't risk losing the car. I could barely see as tears fell down my face, when we reached a hospital I jumped off Hunter and tied the reins to the rails. Before going over to Master's car, where I helped Jorge bring Master into the hospital, where he was immediately rushed into the back room. "What happened?" I asked as I looked up at Jorge.

"About thirty minutes after you left, there was a big cat, it attacked him, outside when he went out to see what you were up to when five men came in and killed Princess, Georgia, Han, Kito, and Fred until we were able to overpower them. They must've thought that boss was dead or they would've killed him themselves" Jorge said.

"I'm sorry I just wish there was something I could've done," I said.

"Hey listen to me, if you were there you would've died as well," Jorge said, he pulled me into his arms and I broke down, I couldn't lose him, not again and not to something as final as death. "It'll be alright, he'll pull through," Jorge said.

"Do you really think so?" I sniffled looking up at him.

"I know so little pet, he's the toughest person I know and if anyone will pull through it's him," Jorge said as he sat down pulling me onto his lap.

"I can't lose him Sir, not again," I whimpered.

"Just relax slave I got you" Jorge whispered in my ear, I relaxed in his arms, putting my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I did some deep breathing and I tried to relax.

When I felt my body being placed in the chair, and Jorge moved, "yes, he's out of surgery but there is little brain activity" a male said.

"Ok, are we able to see him, we are worried about him," Jorge said.

"Sure, go wake her up and I'll take you to him," he said, and then I felt someone tapping me.

"Come along we can see him," Jorge said, I nodded and stood up. We were led to his room, he was hooked up to a bunch of machines and he looked so broken, I felt tears fall down my face. I went forward and I held his hand, "be careful slave" Jorge said.

"Is he going to wake up, Sir?" I asked, looking up at him, and I'm sure he could see how broken I was but I didn't care.

"I don't know slave," Jorge said, I nodded my head.

"Sir, may I sit in the chair?" I asked.

"Sure slave," Jorge said, so I sat down and held his hand not letting go, I needed him to know that I'm here and that I wasn't going to go anywhere. "We should head back slave," Jorge said.

"I'm not leaving him, Sir, I can't, not when I could've done something to stop it," I said looking up at him.

"Are you defying orders, slave?" Jorge snapped.

"I'm sorry Sir but I can't leave please understand that, I'll accept any punishment when I come back but I can't leave my Master's side," I said.

"Fine but you'll pay for it, slave" Jorge snarled.

"Yes Sir," I said.

"Here are the keys I'll take Hunter back," Jorge said, I nodded as he passed me the car keys and then he left.

"Please Master, you have to come back to us, the gang needs you, I need you," I said, my voice breaking as I stroked his face. "You have to come back Master, please come back I can't lose you. I-I love you, Master, please I can't lose you" I said, I sat back down and started crying.

When a nurse came in "hello, what's your relation to this man?" She asked.

"He's the person who took me in when my family kicked me out when I was twenty, he gives me a place to sleep and gave me a job. Please you have to help him, I love him and I can't lose him" I said, pleading with her as tears fell down my face.

"I'll do everything I can to help him, mind telling me his name?" She asked.

"I call him M, but the friends have a nickname for each other, please he's everything to me," I said.

"I'll do everything I can, but it's not looking good," she said, before leaving and I cried even more, knowing Master may not wake up. I curled up on the floor at his bed and fell asleep.