
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


When people started to come in, I saw them looking around, as the airport was mostly windows so they could see most of the area, when I saw two females huddling together, looking down, but their eyes darted around the room every so often, but anytime they looked at a male they looked down again.

I started to walk forward when Jake stopped me "where are you going?" Jake asked.

"Two slaves are lost, I'm going to help them out," I said, and started walking over to them, I felt eyes on me, but I didn't care. "Hey I'm Jessica," I said, they looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"I'm Jennika and this is Harley," Jennika said softly.

"You know there's no need to be scared here, we're all pretty accepting of things," I said.

"It just feels weird being here," Harley said.

"I get that, would you like to grab a cup of coffee and talk a bit?" I offered, they glanced at each other but nodded.

"Yeah, I think that would be nice," Jennika said.

"Jessie!" Kelcey screamed, as she ran over, and hugged me.

"Hey Kelcey, how was your patient?" I asked.

"She's doing well, she gave birth at the beginning of the trip and I was just helping her out with her child before coming home," Kelcey said.

"Kelcey, these are Jennika and Harley, guys this is one of my best friends Kelcey," I said introducing them.

"We were about to go for coffee, would you like to join us?" Harley asked.

"I would, but Master said I had to let him know when I got home, but I'll see if I can catch up later," Kelcey said.

"Okay, hopefully, we will see you later," I said.

"Jennika? What are you doing here?" Jake asked, coming over to us.

"Oh, uh, I wanted to see a new country, and since it's free I figured why not," Jennika said, lowering her eyes.

"You'll go home young lady" Jake snapped.

"And who are you to decide where she goes, if she wishes to stay it is her right" I snapped.

"Careful slave," Jake warned.

"Jake," Jennika said.

"No you listen here, you are a guest, I can talk with whoever I wish, and you have no control here until you have residency, and I will not allow your bigotry to ruin what our country stands for. I am doing what I love, and you do not own her" I said.

"She's my little sister, damn right I can tell her to leave" Jake snapped.

"She may be your little sister, but she's an adult she can decide for herself, if you'll excuse us Sir we're leaving," I said, nodding to him the two girls linked arms, and Jennika gave me her elbow and I linked arms with her. "I am so sorry for that outburst," I said, giving them a smile.

"Hey it's okay, I just didn't know he'd be here because he's always hated that there is a country that actively allows slavery," Jennika said.

"There's nothing wrong with our way of life, everyone here is happy and quite a few came of their own free will," I said.

"May I ask why they come?" Harley asked.

"Of course, they come because they know deep down they would be happier as slaves than as equals, it's built into us to submit, and being a slave allows that," I said.

"Does it hurt?" Jennika asked.

"It does at times, only when you are displeasing and need to be punished, but if you're good and follow your rules, you'll rarely get punished unless you bargain for things then the Master usually makes you pay up with a punishment, the more severe a request the more severe the punishment," I said.

"It makes sense," Harley said, as we entered the cafe.

"Hey, slave, what will it be?" Jose asked.

"Hello Sir, three slaves smoothies please, you two aren't allergic to anything? No special requests?" I asked, looking back at them they shook their heads.

"Coming right up, so how's the king this fine evening?" Jose asked.

"Master is good, I was showing a male around from the States after Master took me over to patch me up after Kennedy died, I feel as Master wishes more doctors were here so we wouldn't have to go over as often, but it may not work with him, he, while accepts a bit of it, refuses the fact it's what we need," I said.

"There always will be slave, but we know you're happier here than being free," Jose said.

"That is true Sir," I said.

"So who are these two fine females?" Jose asked.

"Jennika, and Harley, they were on a flight in, so I decided to introduce myself and offered to bring them out for drinks," I said.

"Where are they going to stay?" Jose asked.

"Right now probably the hotel," I said.

"You've always had a good eye on them," Jose said.

"Stop being such a flirt Sir" I teased, Jose smiled as he passed us our bowls. "Thank you, Sir, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around," I said.

"I'm sure too slave," Jose said, I passed the bowls to the two girls and led them to our place.

"But the table?" Jennika asked.

"Are for men, we're females, we kneel" I said, I saw a small smile on both of their faces and inwardly I smiled, knowing they've practically already accepted it.

"So what's it like? Being a slave?" Harley asked as she brought her bowl to her mouth with one hand.

"Cup the bowl with both hands," I said, they nodded and repositioned their hands. "But it's nice, it gives me purpose. I have two kids with my Master, a son and a daughter, Masters four other slaves help me around the house and care for the horses and the kids. I've gone back to him any time I'm freed so that says I enjoy being owned than being free. There's so much anxiety to be free, so many choices to make, and a high chance of screwing it all up for a stupid mistake. A slave, there are no worries like that, the decisions are made for you, and your mind is filled with pleasure and to be pleasing, it's the most amazing feeling, to know that there are no worries that you are pleasing and that you are happy. Don't get me wrong it's a lot of work as well but it isn't bad it's actually quite fun to know you're making his life easier and if you do well you get rewarded" I said.

"It sounds nice," Jennika said.

"It is I love being a slave, everyone here loves being a slave, it's natural," I said.

"Then why doesn't the world accept it fully?" Harley asked.

"Because growing up we are told we are equal, we're not, and it's okay not to be equal, it's not natural," I said, when a female and male came in and ordered a drink. "Look how unhappy she looks, she's smiling but it doesn't reach her eyes, yet look at all the females in the room, our eyes sparkle with happiness because we accept who we are," I said, they looked around the room, before looking back at the female and then back to me.

"She looks so sad," Jennika said.

"It's because she is," I said, when they got their drinks and went to a table.

"I thought you said females weren't allowed to sit at the table," Harley said.

"Did I? I meant free females are allowed" I said.

"But we are free," Jennika said.

"And you're free to sit up there if you desire," I said, they both stood up and sat down, I watched in fascination as I saw them try to get comfortable but I could see they were having trouble with it. "It's okay not to sit there you know," I said, from my spot, they looked at each other.

"You're sad again," Harley said.

"You are as well," Jennika said.

"Come back down, it's okay to be here," I said, they looked at each other after glancing at me and nodded, before standing up and coming to kneel back down.

"You knew," Jennika said.

"Yes, it's not hard to tell," I said.

"How could you?" Harley asked.

"At the airport, you couldn't even look at men, even your own brother. I could see your desire to submit, it's okay to desire it" I said.

"But what if we get hurt?" Harley asked.

"You will, it's inevitable even the best slaves get punished, and sometimes it's because their Master just desires to punish them just to remind them they are only slaves. All slaves learn to fear punishments because then they learn that disobedience is not accepted from them, but it's not too bad, most if they wish to punish you just for the sake usually don't go too hard and instead make it more pleasurable" I said.

"But why if we are good, why punish us?" Jennika asked.

"Because they can, they are in charge, but most don't, mine enjoys punishing me for the smallest offences, or just because. If you don't mind me asking why did you come here?" I asked.

"To see the different cultures," Harley said.

"Tell the truth, Harley, we came hoping to be enslaved, we're weird to want it," Jennika said.

"No you're not, and don't let anyone tell you that. The number of females that come wishing to be enslaved is a few in each flight, I wouldn't be surprised when we go to the house, there will be other females who were on the flight that came to enslave themselves" I said. When Master came in "fuck my life" I whispered, Jennika and Harley chuckled as Master came over.

"I told you to behave, slave," Master said.

"I'm sorry Master, but I had to secure two slaves and couldn't risk Sir making her go back. Please forgive me" I said.

"And did you secure them?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Take them to the house, then come home," Master said, before leaving.

"Are you going to be okay?" Jennika asked.

"Yeah, I thought he'd be more pissed that I wasn't on my best behaviour, but we really should go," I said, they nodded and we stood up. When Jose came out behind the counter and walked over to the couple, "we can wait just a few minutes" I said.

"Why?" Jennika asked.

"Hmm such a pretty little thing," Jose said, as he pinned her to the wall.

"Get off my wife," he said.

"Do you own her?" Jose asked.

"She's my wife," he said.

"Then prove it, prove you own her," Jose said.

"How? She has my ring on her finger what else do you want?" He asked.

"For you to prove you own her, any owned slave will satisfy their Master in any way he wishes, watch, slave come here," Jose said looking over at me, so I went over to him. "Show him what a good-owned slave does when her Master tells you to be pleasing," Jose said, I nodded and knelt down, unbuckling his pants allowing his cock to spring free. I took him in my mouth and pleasured him before he grabbed a hold of my hair and moved his hips in thrusts with the movement Jose made me move. I opened my mouth wide and allowed him to use me as he pleased, when he held himself deep in my throat as he came, I swallowed everything when he pulled back and did up his pants. "Prove you own her, if not I'm sure she will be lovely with a collar around her pretty little neck," Jose said.

"I don't own her, she's a free person," he said, and I saw Jose's eyes sparkle in delight.

"Great and since she is unowned, I have full rights to claim her," Jose said, taking the rope out and tying her hands together.

"Please Justin, don't do this, tell him I'm yours," she said.

"But you're not, he's already claimed you," Justin said, I looked at her in pity. Jose clasped the rope to his jeans.

"I'll make a good slave out of you Serephina," Jose said.

"That's not my name, my name is Georgina," Serephina said.

"You are property, I name you as I please, your name is Serephina, if you talk back I will give you your first punishment slave, so keep quiet, and be happy I don't make you strip down," Jose said.

"May I go, Sir, Master is waiting on me I wish not to make him wait long?" I asked.

"Go slave, and tell him I'll be by for a bug later," Jose said.

"Yes Sir," I said standing up, as he led Serephina behind the counter, she was looking at Justin pleading with him to help her. "I suggest you move on, you are always welcome to live here if you wish," I said, smiling at him.

"Thanks but I don't think I can watch my wife with another man," Justin said.

"All you had to do was prove that she would obey, why was that so hard?" Harley snapped.

"Harley enough, you do not talk like that to a free man, it is his decision to allow his wife to be enslaved and now there is nothing he can do," I said.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," Harley said.

"We have to go now, enjoy your stay, Sir," I said, as I made my way to the door, Jennika and Harley following after me. "You can't talk like that to a free man, sadly many husbands give up their wives, and there is nothing as slaves we can do," I said, as we made our way to the slaves' house.

"I'm sorry I just didn't like how he just gave up his wife, he's supposed to care and cherish her," Harley said.

"Only Masters are ever able to care and cherish for their slaves, free ignorant men could care less about the people they are with, Masters want what is best, to make the slave the best version of herself," I said.

"Are you scared to go back to his house?" Jennika asked.

"I am, but I am also a slave, I don't have a choice, I knew speaking as I did would get me punished, but I did it anyway, I knew that it would likely get back to him I just didn't care enough to stop it," I said.

"How do you think he'll punish you?" Jennika asked.

"Probably with a whip, take away the reward of going to the airport, tell me he's disappointed. It could be a number of different things" I said.

"Does being whipped hurt?" Harley asked.

"It does, but some whips hurt more than others, I hope if he does whip me he won't use the serrated whip I hate that one the most but I can't tell him which one to use," I said.

"Why's he tied up outside?" Harley asked after seeing Grayson.

"He enslaved my daughter who is only three years old, so he's been sentenced to death, the men can use him as they wish," I said.

"That is so wrong," Jennika said.

"I know, Master trusted everyone to be sane enough to leave the children alone until they are adults, yet he tried taking Master's daughter which sealed his fate," I said, as I led them to the slave house.