
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


We pulled into the parking lot of my childhood home, he parked the car and we got out and knocked on the door when Jordan opened it. "Hey Jess," Jordan said, hugging me. When he noticed Master, "who's this?" Jordan asked when he then noticed my collar. "Tell me it's not what I think this is Jess," Jordan said.

"Who are you?" Master asked.

"Her older brother, now you leave my sister alone, she ain't one of your slaves," Jordan said.

"Jordan calm down, dad knows I'm with him, he gave me to Master after noticing how unhappy I was when he forced us apart," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He grumbled under his breath but let us in. I touched my collar to calm down as I was nervous about what dad would say about our engagement. "Princess I didn't expect you to come by," dad said when he saw us, he came over and gave me a hug.

"We decided to surprise you," I said, when he pulled back.

"Well it's a pleasant surprise," dad said. When I felt Master's hand on my shoulder, I relaxed more, knowing he is here with me. "So how's he been treating you?" Dad asked as he sat down, Master sat on the chair and I knelt at his feet.

"Really good, in fact, we're engaged," I said.

"Then why are you still wearing a collar?" Dad asked.

"I've made the decision to keep her as my slave," Master said.

"You can't be serious, do you know the target you're putting on her back?" Jordan screamed.

"It's my decision, she is my slave" Master snapped, when Jordan stood up and got in his face.

"You are putting a target on her back. She will be killed" Jordan snapped, and Master stood up, getting in his face.

"She is my slave I decide what to do with my property" Master snapped, I stood up and got between them.

"Do not question my life Jordan. I said yes, I agreed to stay his slave, I don't want to be free and Master will protect me. It's my decision to stay his slave. I can't survive being free, the only reason I survived the last time was because he told me not to kill myself. And I can guarantee if he didn't I wouldn't be here right now, I know what I'm doing and I know the danger I will be in, but the only time I leave home is to come visit dad, other than that I am at the warehouse, doing what I love, so no other gang will know about me and if they somehow find out I'm married to my Master I will lie, tell them I was auctioned off and my Master wanted to show everyone I was taken so he put a ring on my finger for when I go out to let others know I'm taken. I know what I'm doing and I have no regrets" I said, Jordan stepped back knowing there is nothing he can do about this.

"We do extend an invite to her family, we don't have a date or anything, but I know she would love for you to be there to support her," Master said, touching my hip, telling me to kneel back down so I did.

"I will definitely be there," dad said, and I smiled.

"I'll talk to Jacob and Jackson, see if they will come as well," Jordan said.

"Great," Master said.

"So is there a time you're thinking about?" Dad asked.

"I was hoping for summer or spring, but I don't care," I said.

"Will you have any say on how the wedding goes?" Jordan asked.

"Whatever she wishes, with my approval we will do," Master said.

"Are you seriously allowing him to control your wedding?" Jordan asked.

"I'm a slave, Master has final say with everything, if he wishes me to do something I do it without hesitation it's what I've been trained to do," I said.

"What's something that you've done that could've gone wrong?" Jordan asked.

"Being blindfolded and falling off a loft to cement flooring, I didn't know if there would be anything to catch my fall but I wasn't going to question him. I fought back enough and I was tired of fighting him and I just welcomed my position and then I could've left that night if I wanted to" I said.

"What do you mean?" Dad asked.

"We play a game with the new slaves the day after we get them, they have the ability to be free if they make it to the road from our warehouse, we give them five minutes before hunting them down on horse and bike. If we catch them before they hit the road they won't leave and will be a slave for the rest of their lives, we've only had one slave make it to the road, but my perfect little slave begged to come back so being a generous person I took her back" Master said, smiling down at me.

"They weren't able to catch me though they came close a few times but I was always the best at hide and seek, so I knew how to win the game, but before the game even started I knew I wouldn't leave, I would've allowed them to catch me if I couldn't go back, but they wanted a challenge and I wanted to win. To be the first slave, and right now only slave, in seventy-two years to make it to the road. I knew I had a huge chance at making it to the road, I had the training to do it, which they didn't expect, because when they lost my tracks continued on, not bothering to look up. And even if they did spot me they still would've had to catch me" I said.

"How would they have to catch you?" Jordan asked, and my face heated up and I looked down.

"Answer him, slave, he asked you a question," Master said.

"With rope, tying me up so I couldn't run, and showing me no matter what I would no longer be free," I said.

"How would they show you?" Jordan asked.

"Whoever catches the slave gets to be their first sexual experience as a slave and they are powerless to stop it, showing them that they are just a slave, property, nothing," I said.

"And you weren't caught," dad said.

"Not on the way there, on the way back I wasn't trying to hide and get away. I wanted to get caught and Master caught me" I said.

"You raped my little sister" Jordan screamed.

"No, he didn't, if I didn't want to get caught I could've avoided him until I got to the warehouse, I consented to being tied up and fucked in the middle of the woods. I didn't want to say no because I wanted it, I could've left and been free but I wanted to stay, I was already attached to him at that point, slaves very fast grows attached to their Master, and my attachment grew to love when he took me as his personal slave because I didn't allow it to grow beforehand because I knew I would be sold. I gave him $8500 to keep me as his because I was scared that my next Master would free me again. You know nothing of our history, I've accepted everything he does because I want to, because I love him, and because I am a slave" I said.

"Do not judge our relationship when you have no clue of what she wants" Master said as he petted my hair.

"Dad saw how broken I was when I was free that he contacted Master to come get me on a few conditions and Master has upheld his end because Master wants me as much as I need him," I said.

"Dad?" Jordan asked.

"Watch these videos, tell me what you see," dad said, turning the tv on, where I saw myself the first day coming back. It was sped up, but you could see that whenever I was cleaning, cooking or doing anything that reminded me that I was a slave that I was happy, but then you could see that when I was done that I was dead inside, as I walked back outside or up to my room. You could see that I spent a lot of time in my room but they weren't able to see what I did in there as there was no camera in my room. It showed when Master came and the spark in my eyes came back, that even as I was cleaning it wasn't there. You could see how happy I was, especially when I was collared and allowed to go back with Master.

"Master is my happiness, being a slave is who I am," I said when dad turned the tv off.

"When she was freed in the past she tried to kill herself, so before I freed her I told her not to because I couldn't bear to think of a world where such a bright and beautiful person wouldn't live in," Master said.

"I saw my little girl die inside each day, that the only time she found happiness was while she was doing anything that reminded her that she was a slave, so I gave her to him to allow her to be happy, and since then I've watched how happy he makes her and I have no doubt I made the best decision for her," dad said.

"Why are you happy being a slave?" Jordan asked.

"It makes me feel important, makes me feel like I'm doing something good, it makes Master happy and that makes me happy. Master asked a year ago if he were to free me to be his queen, would I be happy, I told him if he wishes to free me and if it makes him happy then it would automatically make me happy, but that my happiness means nothing because I was a slave, property to be owned. I would do anything to make him happy because that makes me happy, ask any slave in the world what the best feeling is, and most if not all will say it is pleasing our Master, knowing what we do makes their life easier it makes us happy. All females have a desire to submit, they just need someone who knows how to show them that and my Master was able to show me that. Show me how fulfilling it is to submit, to live for them, I don't have to worry about anything because I don't have a choice any outcome isn't on me, I have no fears because I trust that Master will take care of me, it's why I fell off the ledge when I was blindfolded, I trusted him to do what's best, I still do. I didn't even have a choice with our engagement, he told me I had to say yes, but afterwards he asked if I would've said yes if he didn't order me to and I said that I would've. I love having someone I can submit to, someone who will care for me, and do what is best for the both of us, and Master is that to me. All slaves want that and I'm no different" I said.

"Jordan she's right, even your mother wanted that," dad said.

"You may not understand why I want it, because you are not a slave, nor do you own one, but the trust we have for our Master to do what's best is the best thing I have felt. It's a trust that can't be broken because we have no other way of life, we live to submit, to be dominated, and we can only live with that if there is trust and we never wish to be freed. Even in private mom was a slave while she was free and while I want that for her it's not what I wish for, I don't want anyone to doubt that I am a slave because it's what I am and I shouldn't have to hide it. Even when I was freed the first time I went to a restaurant that was cool with making whatever their special was into a smoothie and putting it into a bowl for me to drink because that's how I was taught at the warehouse. Even freed I acted as a slave because that's what made me happy" I said.

"Is it common for slaves to still wish to submit after marriage?" Jordan asked.

"It's uncommon for Masters to grow feelings for their slaves," dad said.

"Usually slaves stay slaves, the most feeling that Masters show their slaves are that they cherish them because slaves are property," Master said.

"We're like dogs in a lot of ways, we take a great deal of pleasure doing as we're told, we enjoy being owned, and pleasing our owners. And owners don't fall in love with their dogs, but because Masters and slaves are both humans, but rarely do them cherishing us turns to love, but sometimes slaves fall for their Master but don't say anything because we know they won't feel the same, I was okay loving Master and him not reciprocating, and I only told him after he was almost killed by a big cat because he made an off-hand joke of me caring for him too much or he'll think that I love him, and then he told me to tell him the truth. The only reason he wasn't killed was because they thought he was dead, hell even I thought he was dead when I got back, and that fear is something I never want to feel again, I thought I lost the person I care about most and it's the worst feeling you can feel" I said.

"He enslaved you. Why is he the person you care about most?" Jordan asked.

"Because I love him Jordan, and he wasn't the person to enslave me, the person to enslave me was an ex, he then sold me to Master and Master trained me, he took care of me, showed me how amazing it feels to be owned. He's the one who showed me what it's like to live freely, I have no worries, I know what is expected of me and I love having structure. He showed me it's okay to submit, to take pride in serving him, to take pride in being pleasing, and that if I'm good I get to be rewarded. Those rewards are amazing Jordan, he's given me so much, he got me my own horse, so I am usually the one to care for our herd, he's allowed me to have a get out of jail free punishment card so whenever I get punished I can stop it, he's allowed me to sleep in while the other slaves take care of breakfast, or to watch the stars at night. He's the person who showed me how to love, what it means to love someone to the extent of willing to sacrifice yourself so that they can live. He is the reason I breathe, that I wish to wake up every morning, and that I'm grateful he's chosen to keep me. Only Master knows how deeply I submit to him because it's embarrassing that he's used it for punishments to show how much control he has over me, just a simple touch causes a reaction and he knows that, he loves that I can only think of pleasing him, it's what flows through my head while I'm awake and while I'm asleep. It's the only thing I think of is him, my thoughts revolve around him, even while I was here, my thoughts revolved around him, I thought of what he was doing, wishing he was sitting at the chair I was kneeling at, wishing I was at my home cleaning it instead of here, wishing I was laying in the grass at home, my thoughts are consumed with him, anything I do is for him, even if he has no idea what I'm doing or if he'll ever know. I do it because he's the person that I have in my head and I don't want to think of anything else, that's why I care about him the most, I can't care about anyone else as much because my thoughts focus on him" I said.

"And I know that I consume her very being I love that I do, I love having so much control over her that she's willing to do anything I say simply because I told her to," Master said.

"How?" Jordan asked.

"Slave, have you shown them your ring?" Master asked.

"No Master," I said.

"Then go show them it," Master said, and I stood up and showed them my hand, Master walked up behind me. "Now little slave, get goosebumps," Master said, as his hand trailed my neck with his hand, I shivered as goosebumps appeared, my body responding to his command. "It works with any response of her body, it's instinct now, what I say she does," Master said.

"So if you tell her to sleep she will?" Jordan asked.

"Of course, her body is mine to control, and she gave up that control so that I could do it," Master said.

"It was because I willingly gave up control, I allowed my body to do what he said, that soon instinct took over and over the course of the year my body has been permitted to do what he said, my instincts now take over when he says to do something that I can't disobey no matter what, not unless I fight my instincts and that is a hard thing to do," I said.

"Princess, how have you been since the last time I saw you?" Dad asked, changing the subject.

"I've been really good, I've been able to ride a few times, and have had to help Master with the gang because they were in a shootout, I've been helping him train the newbies, and have been helping the new slaves as they came in," I said.

"Sounds like you've been busy," dad said.

"Yes, but it's been nice, I enjoy doing it because it helps Masters workload. He can focus on the business aspect while I work on the physical aspect" I said.

"And they listened?" Jordan asked.

"Not at first, they wanted me to earn their respect, so I allowed them to choose someone for me to fight, and they underestimated me and I won, so I gained their respect and they willingly listened and learned what I was showing them," I said.

"Why didn't you tell me that slave?" Master asked.

"Because I didn't want you to get mad at them, of course, they wouldn't listen to me, I knew that going in I would have to give them a reason to listen because I am a slave, they didn't want to take orders from a slave, and I had no problem showing them what I could do. They wanted a reason to respect me because I am a slave and now that I've earned it while training they listen and as soon as training is over they are back in charge, they know I mean business while I'm working and while training they respect my authority, but I had to earn it and didn't want you to hurt them for getting me to earn their respect" I said.

"You're too forgiving for your own good slave, they were told to respect and listen to you and they should've," Master said.

"But I'm a slave, if you didn't know what I could do would you respect and listen to me?" I asked.

"Touche slave," Master said.

"I bet I could win in a fight Jess," Jordan teased.

"I always won growing up," I said.

"I let you win," Jordan said.

"Sure you did," I said.

"Wanna settle the debt once and for all little sister?" Jordan said.

"You bet I do," I said as I went to stand up.

"No you won't slave," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, kneeling back down.

"Oh come on, she can protect herself," Jordan said.

"I told her, no, I will not have her be injured even accidentally. I make the decisions for her, for her safety and two because I can" Master said.

"I enjoy him having complete control over me so don't disrespect his orders, he has final say on anything I do, if he didn't stop me it would be him agreeing to it, but he did so he has said that I am not to so I won't," I said.

"And if you did?" Jordan asked.

"She would be punished, she knows that what I say I mean and if she disobeys it ends in a punishment," Master said.

"Dad, you can't seriously be okay with this," Jordan said.

"Why wouldn't I? When a slave disobeys her Master she gets punished, I knew that when I gave her to him, I punished a fair amount of slaves in my time so I wouldn't expect anything less for her. One day you'll see that slaves enjoy having rules, submitting to their Master, and having no control. Jessica is no different" dad said.

"I think it's time we go slave, go say goodbye," Master said, I nodded and stood up, and they stood up from the couch.

"I'll see you again soon," I said as I hugged them.

"Okay, be safe," dad said.

"I will, I love you both," I said when Master took my hand in his.

"Love you too," they said at the same time. Master led me out of the house, and got in the car.

"I don't like your brother," Master said.

"He's just trying to protect me, Master, pay him no mind," I said.

"It's my job to protect you I own you, you are mine slave," Master said.

"I know I'm yours, Master, I know you own me, and I love that you own me, that you keep me in my place. He just isn't used to slaves, probably thinks I'm with you against my will and wants to save me, but I don't need saving. He'll come around eventually and if not there's nothing I can do because I will choose you over him any day of the year and dad knows I'd choose you and they're probably talking right now" I said. He pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed it.

"I love you, little slave," Master said.

"I love you too Master," I said, and then we were quiet just enjoying each other's company.