
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


I entered the slave house and saw Billy "hey slave, here for the newbies?" Billy asked.

"Hello, yes Sir I am," I said, he nodded.

"Slaves time to go" Billy called out, when Jennika and Harley came out. "Behave, there may be eyes on you, and if you aren't on your best behaviour word will get back to me and the three of you will be punished," Billy said.

"Yes Sir," we said at the same time, Billy nodded and left the room, releasing us so we left the house and went to the cafe.

"What happened to your arm?" Jennika asked.

"Master broke it for implying I won't have any more kids," I said.

"Why would you imply that?" Harley asked.

"I don't know, it was stupid. But how are you two doing?" I asked.

"We're doing well, we're happy," Harley said, smiling at me.

"Yes, but have been reprimanded a few times but there's nothing I would change," Jennika said.

"That's normal, you're still learning, it took me six months until Master felt I was ready enough to be sold and even now I still get reprimanded," I said, when we entered the cafe. "Would you guys like the same thing as last time?" I asked, and they nodded. "Hey Sir, three slaves smoothies please," I said, he nodded. "So how is Serephina doing?" I asked.

"She's doing better, is listening more but still not as good as I'd like," Jose said.

"Give her time Sir, she'll come around with time, they always do. Plus it's not like she can go anywhere. Is it okay for her to join us for a drink?" I asked.

"No, she can't, she isn't permitted to drink anything until she learns how to," Jose said.

"Learning from other slaves, to see others doing it may help her. I'm always willing to help new slaves Sir" I said.

"Are you trying to go around my answer slave?" Jose snapped.

"No not at all Sir, that wasn't my intention and I'm sorry that it came out not how I wished it to, please forgive me," I said.

"I will be telling the king what you attempted to do," Jose said.

"Please Sir it won't affect just me, but the other two slaves and they have done nothing wrong, it's my mistake" I pleaded.

"Then you should've thought about it," Jose said.

"Yes Sir, please allow me to tell them, just the day, and then you can," I said.

"If you don't tell them by tomorrow I will tell them and request to punish you as well," Jose said.

"Yes Sir, thank you," I said, as he passed the three bowls, I gave the girls theirs and we went and sat down. I sat at the table with a sigh.

"Why are you sitting up there?" Jennika asked.

"So you know how Master got mad at me for making a scene? He punished me by making me sit at the table until he deems I can kneel back on the floor, he was going to lift it but I made him extend it by breaking my rules. It sucks but I don't wish to make the punishment worse so I have to sit at the table until he tells me I can kneel back in my spot" I said.

"But it's been a month," Jennika said.

"Trust me I know, but he also knows how much I hate it so he knows it's effective," I said.

"Do you think he'll let it up soon?" Harley asked.

"I hope so I hate it," I said, when Jake comes in, his eyes combing the crowd when he spots us.

"Jennika, come on we're leaving," Jake said.

"Respectfully Sir I am not leaving," Jennika said.

"Nika I'm doing what's best for you, you do not want this" Jake said.

"I can't be free again, I don't want that it'll kill me," Jennika said.

"Let's go Jennika don't make me say it again," Jake said, and I could see Jennika fighting not to obey him but she was losing.

"She said no, and for our safety, I think it's best I take them home," I said standing up from the chair.

"You do not tell me what to do, slave," Jake said.

"I didn't Sir just what we will be doing, Jennika nor Harley wish to leave and I can guarantee if they do leave then they will not be able to survive it, they are slaves like any other female, if you'll excuse us Sir we do have to go" I said, Jennika and Harley stood up and as we were leaving Jake stopped us.

"Come here slave" Jake snapped and I left them and went to Jake keeping my head down in submission. He gripped my neck pinning me to the wall but I did nothing. "You do not be disrespectful slave," Jake growled.

"Sir can't breathe" I gasped out and he tightened his hold on my neck. I started to see black spots in my vision. "Please I'm pregnant" I whimpered, he let go and I fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air.

"You're pregnant?" Jake asked.

"Yes Sir," I said, looking up at him from the ground.

"Yet you still tried to stop me from taking my sister," Jake said.

"She is property, legally belongs to my Master. You can't steal her, she'll be found and it will be worse for her, you have no claim over her. Think back to when you last saw her, before she lived here, remember how she looked, what her eyes looked like, her smile" I said, and his eyes glazed over as he thought back to before they came here. "Now look at her," I said, Jake's eyes focused on Jennika.

"She looks the same, just as happy," Jake said.

"Jennika sit at the table," I said.

"Bu-" Jennika said.

"Do it please Jennika" I pleaded, she nodded and sat at the table, and instantly you could see the difference. "Do you really think she would be happy out there? She'll look like this every day of every second, she won't be complete" I said.

"Tell me truthfully Nika, do you want to stay a slave?" Jake asked.

"Yes Sir I do, I'm truly happy here, it was my idea to come so we could be enslaved. I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else, it's not bad, it's natural and I wish to stay a slave, it's what I am" Jennika said standing up from the chair.

"Once a female is shown who she is, there is no going back, we can't be free again Sir it ends badly for us because we can't survive it, there would always be a piece of us missing until either our death or our re enslavement. I know you care about her, that much is obvious, but if you care for her as much as I feel you do you'll see she won't be happy free, you'll allow her to be the slave she was born to be, you'll stop trying to get her to leave because that won't make her happy" I said.

"I'm gonna miss you Nika," Jake said, pulling her in for a hug.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again," Jennika said, hugging him back.

"Not anytime soon," Jake said, when he pulled away, there was something different about him, he's accepted that females naturally are submissive, I along with all the slaves bowed our heads, allowing the dominance to consume us, allowing it to wash over us, accepting that he is above us, whether our Master had us obey others or not, naturally as a male he is above us. It's instinct.

"We really have to go, Sir," I said, not looking up.

"Okay I don't want to be the cause of you getting punished," Jake said, Jennika came over and the three of us headed back to the slave house.

"Why was there a need to lower our eyes?" Jennika asked.

"He finally came to terms that it's natural, he accepted that we are less than him, and instinctively we reacted as we felt it, I love being around people when they accept it, it washes over you when they do and instinct takes over even if it's only temporary, it's comforting," I said.

"But it also felt wrong, he's my brother," Jennika said.

"I know it feels weird submitting to your brother, but he is above you, and there's nothing you can do about it. I've had to submit to my own father, my brother and the worst was another slave, and there's nothing we can do about it but allow instinct and our body to react" I said.

"You were made to submit to another slave?" Harley asked.

"Yes, I made her submit to me as I had to make her accept she was a slave, but Master to make it fair made me submit to her, I paid the price for refusing an order, but I did it," I said.

"What was the price?" Jennika asked.

"Master freed me as his slave, nothing will ever reach that level of emptiness, since then I have never refused anything, even if I know he'll never free me, I can't refuse an order again," I said.

"I am so sorry, that must've been horrible," Jennika said.

"It was, I was pregnant with our son, but I couldn't function and went into a catatonic state," I said.

"Hopefully that never happens to us," Harley said.

"Just don't ever refuse an order, it's never worth it no matter what, because in the end they'll make you do it and they also punish you for refusing, we don't have a right to refuse an order," I said.

"I don't plan to," Jennika said.

"When we get there can you both go to your rooms, I need to talk with Billy alone?" I asked.

"Sure," Jennika said, I smiled.

"Thanks," I said, and we walked in silence.

We entered the slaves' house and they left, leaving me and Billy, "so how was it slave?" Billy asked.

"It was good Sir, may I ask what would happen if one of us acted out?" I asked.

"It depends how slave, and who," Billy said.

"Me, on two occasions, one I attempted to go over a rule that Jose said when I asked if Serephina could join us, he said no and I remarked that we learn from each other, and the second was when Jake ran into us, we got ready to leave, he tried to get Jennika to leave with him and I said that we were leaving and that they wouldn't survive being free, I got him to understand that she was happy as a slave and he's accepted he is above females," I said.

"I expected more from you slave, if anyone was disrespectful I expected the newbies" Billy snapped.

"It's my fault, Sir, please they don't deserve to be punished for my mistakes, I'll take theirs if you wish, but there is no need for them to be reprimanded for my ignorance," I said.

"That's a dangerous thing to say if you don't mean it, slave," Billy said.

"I do mean it, Sir, I'll take theirs to stop them from paying for my mistake," I said.

"Are you 100% sure slave?" Billy asked.

"Yes, Sir as long as it doesn't kill me or my child I am," I said.

"You're pregnant?" Billy asked.

"Yes Sir, but a lot can still be done, it's still early," I said.

"Then for your punishment is to watch me punish the other two," Billy said.

"Please Sir, talk to Master, he'll tell you you can punish me, I've been punished with my other two pregnancies please allow me to be punished" I pleaded, he nodded and left the room, I ran my hand through my hair as I was nervous. I have no idea what I just agreed to or even if Master would allow him to punish me, but I did know I had to try, they don't deserve to be punished when I knew better.

When Billy came back, "I won't punish them, but boss said he'd punish you enough for the three of you, he knows what you have done and has come up with a punishment I think is fair," Billy said.

"Yes Sir," I said.

"Run along he's expecting you," Billy said, I nodded and left the slave house and made my way back home.

Master was waiting for me at the steps, and he didn't look pleased, immediately I lowered my eyes from his "I trusted you to show them how to behave slave" Master growled, as I stopped in front of him.

"I'm sorry Master," I said.

"You will be, you are not permitted to sleep in the house, nor step foot inside, for the next month you are an outdoor slave," Master said.

"What about our child?" I asked.

"Are you questioning my punishment slave?" Master growled.

"Yes I am, I don't want it to hurt her," I said, Master let out an earth-shattering growl, pulling me by my hair into the house.

"Do not speak slave, you have lost that privilege" Master snapped as he brought me downstairs. He bound me at the cross ties where he went to the wall and grabbed two serrated whips, my eyes widened and I pulled on the binds as much as I could but there was no give, I felt the tears fall down my face. Master smirked at my blatant fear before walking behind me.

When I felt the first strike, the next one right after. There was no break, I could feel the whips cut into my back and I couldn't stop the screams that came out. When he stopped he didn't say anything but just left me there, chained to the wall, bleeding, and in pain. I hated it, I hated that I was so disrespectful that Master felt the need to take away the ability to talk and that I even questioned his punishment, I should've known he wouldn't let anything happen to our child. I allowed my eyes to close and even as my arms bore my weight I was too tired to react to the pain that my shoulders and arms were sending me.

"Wake up slave" Master snapped, coming into the room I opened my eyes and looked at him. I didn't say anything as he has taken away my ability to speak. "Take this slave," Master said, holding a pill to my mouth but I opened and took it, knowing he won't do anything to harm us. "You'll not be permitted to stand outside slave," Master said, I nodded my head. Master unclasped my arms, grabbed my hair and led me back outside before closing the door after putting a leash binding me to the steps. I knelt down on the step and whimpered, pawing at the door hoping he'll let me in. Master opened the door and I eagerly knelt down looking up at him, "quiet slave" Master snapped, before closing the door, I whined but curled up looking at the door, hoping Master comes out and allows me in.