
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chained Up

I woke up, still chained, and my arms sore from holding my weight, I looked around and saw no one, the whip was back on the wall. I wondered where Master was, and if I showed him how grateful I was for him taking me back, even if I did pass out. I heard footsteps when Master came in front of me, I lowered my eyes in submission. "I did it slave," Master said, showing me the paper, with the updated constitution and right at the top was that no one under the age of 18 will be permitted to be slaves and a wave of happiness washed over me, knowing the kids will be protected from being enslaved until they turn 18. "Look at me," Master said, so I raised my eyes to his. "You are lucky I love you slave because if I didn't I would've killed you for even thinking of hitting me," Master said, and a single tear fell down my face.

"May slave speak now Master?" I asked, Master nodded. "Master, slave is sorry she hit you, she went too far and for that, she apologizes Master. If she could go back she would've handled it differently, she wouldn't have allowed Kennedy to take her. What's going to happen to Kennedy Master?" I asked.

"She is chained outside where people are allowed to whip her or do as they please until eventually, her body gives out," Master said.

"Are slaves allowed to do as they please with her Master?" I asked.

"You will not slave," Master said.

"Why not? She gave our daughter away, I have every right to whip her" I growled.

"You know I was thinking of letting you go but you broke a rule and your tone was uncalled for," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, lowering my head in defeat. "It's just going to take some time not to use I Master, it was a slight slip and she is sorry for the tone but please understand that Kennedy tried to take Kaitlyn from us," I said.

"If I let you off slave, you will be made to eat at the table for the next week, or you can spend the next four hours here," Master said.

"Master, please you know how much your slave hates sitting at the table, and she can't stand much longer" I whimpered.

"It's your decision, slave, which one?" Master asked.

"May slave have five minutes to think?" I asked, Master nodded and left. I contemplated which one I should choose, one would only last four hours while the other would be twenty minutes three times a day but it would be broken up and not consecutively, while I would be bound for another four hours with no break.

I continued debating wondering which one, but by the time Master came back one to weigh the other, "have you decided slave?" Master asked.

"Yes Master, she'd rather eat at the table, her arms and legs can't handle being bound much longer," I said, Master nodded and unclasped the binds from my cuffs, and my legs buckled out from underneath me. "Master, may your slave request something huge?" I asked.

"What is it?" Master asked.

"Please don't punish her for requesting it, it's just a request and she'll accept whatever her Master's answer is" I pleaded.

"What is it, slave" Master said, his voice colder and I flinched slightly.

"Please may she request to use first pronouns? Please, it's hard to remember to replace them, she knows it's a huge request, but she'll accept the answer because she doesn't have a choice" I said.

"What are you willing to do for this slave? Considering it's a huge ask, you're asking to change a rule" Master said.

"Anything Master, anything you wish to impose she'll accept it for the request," I said.

"Even if it means the same treatment as Kennedy?" Master asked, and I froze, looking up at him, scared he wants me dead.

"It is your decision, Master," I said, wondering what the hell I just agreed to.

"I'll permit it, you will eat supper then tomorrow morning you'll join Kennedy, I hope you survive it slave it's going to be tough," Master said.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Let's go eat slave, Julia should have supper finished," Master said, and left, I stood up and followed after him, my legs were a little wobbly but I didn't want to be reprimanded for not keeping up.

"Master, may I ask a question?" I asked.

"What is it, slave?" Master asked.

"What if she dies tonight?" I asked.

"Grayson, will go out next, and you'll be with him," Master said.

"Yes, Master," I said. "What if I can't handle it? What if I can't last as long?" I asked.

"Fight to live, that's the best advice I can give you. Fight to survive, for our kids, and for me. Do not give in to the darkness, don't let it consume you even if it promises freedom, to take all the pain away, don't let it. Show me that you will take it, it's a high request, so the payment will be high, show me you can handle what you bargain for" Master said turning to face me after reaching the top floor. "Can you do that?" Master asked.

"I'll try my hardest Master, I don't wish to die so I'll fight as hard and long as I can, I just hope it's enough, if it's not, just know I love you Master, and I love our kids," I said, cupping his face and smiled at him. "I will fight as much as I can, Master, for our family, just please keep the kids away. It's not something they need to see so young, especially Kaitlyn, she may think it's her fault and I don't want her to think that, can you do that Master? For me?" I asked.

"Of course, I will my little slave," Master said, I smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Master, thank you for being the best Master a slave could ask for," I said, Master pulled me into him as close as he could and kissed me, I tried to keep up, and show him the love he was giving me but it was hard.

"I have been far from the best Master, slave," Master said when he pulled back.

"Don't you dare say that Master, you have been the best Master I could ask for. You take my feelings into consideration when I request things, sure I have to pay a price but I am a slave there should be a price to get what I wish, you keep me in my place, or when I freed myself, yet you still allow me to come back you still take me back as your slave, you have allowed me to care for our kids, you have allowed us to get married, you allow me even as your wife to be your slave, you took me back as yours that first time when I was freed, you gave me a purpose to continue living, you allowed me to help you when you need it and is embarrassed to ask for help. Even while I was being trained, I didn't want to leave, I thought I would never find a Master as good as you, and how lucky whoever becomes your slave will be. So don't you dare say you are not a good Master, you are my Master and you are the best Master I could ask for and I'm glad to call you mine" I said.

"I didn't think you remembered everything," Master said, his voice breaking as he held back his tears.

"Of course I would, I love you, and I love every moment we have spent together. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, you have all my happiest memories, I think about all of our time we've spent together often because it makes me happy when I'm cleaning I think about it when I'm cooking I think about it, when I'm riding I think about it, when I'm sleeping I dream about it. You are on my mind all the time, so promise me you will not think down on yourself, not to think you're not a good Master, because as far as I'm concerned you are the best Master and I'm lucky to have you" I said.

"I promise slave, god what have I done to get so lucky to get you as my amazing wife and beautiful slave," Master said.

"I ask myself that every day," I said.

"Mommy's home" Kaitlyn screamed, Master chuckled and I picked her up.

"Hey princess," I said.

"Hi mommy," Kaitlyn said, and a wave of guilt washed over me. "Mommy you okay?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Of course, I just missed you, my little princess," I said, hugging her, Master gave me a questioning look and I slightly shook my head.

"Mommy, can I ask you something?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Of course, you can princess," I said.

"Why did you kill me?" Kaitlyn asked, and I just looked at her mouth agape.

"Um princess I never killed you, you're here with me right now," I said.

"No, before I was born, I tried coming three other times, but you killed me each time, but I wanted you to be my mommy so I always came back," Kaitlyn said.

"Who told you this?" Master asked.

"No one, I know it because it was me," Kaitlyn said.

"Why don't you go eat, we can talk about it later," I said, Kaitlyn nodded and I put her down and she ran to the dining room. I felt the tears fall down my face, and I couldn't stop them, I leaned against the wall and slid down so I was sitting on the ground.

"Don't take her too seriously, slave, one of the men could've told her we had three abortions" Master said.

"Then why three and not four? That fourth one we never found the gender for, what if that one was a male? And the other three were her?" I asked.

"Don't let it get to you slave, you knew our firstborn was to be a boy" Master said.

"But we killed our daughter, three times, maybe if we had her the first time our second would've been a boy, we could've given her to my father to raise and after his death, we could've taken her back, told her her big sister was going to raise her, she didn't need to know," I said.

"Drop it, slave, the past can't be changed, so do not fret over it, you will forget that she was our daughter the first three pregnancies and you'll go on like normal, you will also forget my name," Master said. I was confused why I was crying but I shook it off and wiped my face.

"Why are we sitting on the floor? We should be in the dining room eating" I said.

"Then let's go slave," Master said, holding his hand out for me to take.

I was chained outside for nine days. Nine days of tortuous whipping, of blinding sunlight that I got a sunburn on 80% of my body, of no food or water, and no contact with Master or my kids. They were what I was fighting to live for, even if everything in me wanted to let go, but I could see that Kennedy was getting tired, she wanted to give in. "You know that you'll have to give in one day, you're not leaving these chains alive," I said, my voice raspy.

"I can hope," Kennedy croaked.

"For what? You don't have a Master that is willing to put his life on the line to save yours, not when you did something so despicable, you are just a slave, one that will die in those chains sooner or later. You're just torturing yourself at this point" I said, the sun was setting on another day, and we laid down to sleep on the hot rocks. I just wanted to give in to the darkness and let it take me but I had to fight, at least a little longer so that I could live for my family. I just hoped she wouldn't fight longer because I didn't know how much more I could take.

"Time to wake up slaves," Jorge said, I was too tired, I didn't want to get up. "Yes, she doesn't have a heartbeat, but Jessica isn't waking up either," Jorge said.

When I felt a hand touch my back I screamed out, the pain was enough to break me out of the wish to sleep. "Hey slave it's okay," Master said, as he unlocked me from the chains outside.

"I can't take any more Master, I'm tired and everything hurts," I whimpered.

"You don't have to take anymore my little slave, Kennedy died in her sleep, just fight a little longer okay, just a little longer," Master said.

"Please just let me sleep a little more" I whispered, I didn't want to fight the darkness the peace sleep gives me.

"No, don't you dare fall asleep, slave," Master said.

"Please I'm tired" I whispered, he shook his head before making me stand. A small whimper left my mouth.

"I said no slave, you will not sleep yet," Master said. I looked up at him and nodded.

"When can I?" I asked.

"Later slave, I promise, just not right yet," Master said.

"Mmmhmm" I mumbled, as Master gave me some water.

"Small sips slave" Master said, I nodded and took small sips from the water.

"Can't walk Master" I whispered, he shook his head but lifted me up, I put my head on his shoulder, and gently closed my eyes.

"Don't sleep, slave," Master said.

"Not asleep, just resting my eyes" I mumbled.

I could feel him walking, sitting down and felt pressure in my ears, I whined out. "We're going to the US, to visit a hospital to help treat you," Master said.

"It hurts Master, please just put me to sleep" I whimpered.

"It's okay my little slave," Master said.

"Please Master, I'll wake up, I handled nine days, please just put me asleep" I pleaded.

"I didn't bring meds, slave, I stopped bringing them after you tried to kill yourself," Master said.

"Then knock me out or something, please Master, I'm begging you, it hurts" I cried out. Master wrapped his hands around my throat, and I just tilted my head back trusting him, I could breathe but quickly got lightheaded when I saw black spots in my vision. He didn't let up but I trusted him. When the darkness came, I embraced it, thankful to relieve the pain I was in.