
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


I woke up with a smile on my face and couldn't wait to be freed from my chains when Jorge came in and unbound me, and the three other slaves. "Are you excited slave?" Jorge asked.

"Yes Sir," I said, smiling up at him, when Jorge led us to a room, where the slaves worked on my hair and makeup. It felt weird sitting on a chair but they needed to be able to do what needed to be done.

When they finished I stood up and put my dress on, as Hailey did the dress up I smiled, "you look beautiful slave" Jorge said.

"Thanks, Sir," I said, I went to the mirror and could see myself, my eyes scanned over the red dress, my makeup, to my hair, it was perfect and I hoped Master liked it as well. "I'm nervous Sir," I said, looking at him through the mirror.

"Why slave?" Jorge asked.

"I'm just nervous that I'll wake up and be elsewhere, that the last two years were just a dream. Or that Master will change his mind and then everything I wanted will just disappear. Or that I'll wake up in my apartment and everything I've known the last three years was a dream and I was never enslaved in the beginning, that if I asked my father what he did he'd lie to me again and I'd think I was crazy" I said.

"Hey, boss wouldn't risk your life with a proposal if he didn't love you slave, and he's keeping you as a slave so you can be happy because he knows how much being a slave means to you, and if you wake up somewhere you know where we are, you can always come to us, it may not be the same but boss is a very understanding man and he'll take you in and train you all over again," Jorge said.

"May I hug you, Sir?" I asked.

"Sure slave," Jorge said, so I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Thank you, Sir," I said.

"Your welcome slave," Jorge said when we pulled apart.

"You look beautiful princess," dad said, coming into the room.

"Thanks, dad," I said, going over and hugging him.

"Why aren't they wearing clothes?" Jordan asked.

"They're slaves Jordan, slaves usually don't wear clothes," I said.

"So you're usually naked?" Jackson asked.

"Yes, the only time I have clothes on is when I visit dad or today or when I leave the territory. If dad wasn't able to come I wouldn't be wearing a dress, clothes are uncomfortable, very restricting and I hate them. It's why the dress isn't what I envisioned when I was younger, I can't have something that is tight and long like I wanted but I love the dress and it's perfect, it's why I asked all the females that are attending that aren't slaves to wear white, so that I can stand out, not that I expect any free females to come" I said.

"So if dad couldn't come you would've walked down the aisle naked?" Jacob asked.

"I would've worn my collar and cuffs but that's it, that's what I wear every day and I do love it and I have no problem with how I'm treated," I said with a shrug.

"It's time for the guests to go sit," Billy said, and everyone but dad left.

"Would you like to be in your normal attire, princess?" Dad asked.

"B-but that m-means you and my b-brothers s-seeing me n-naked" I stuttered looking up at him.

"I know princess, but if you'll be more comfortable without the dress you should do what makes you happy," dad said.

"But what about Master? What if he gets mad? Or calls the wedding off?" I asked.

"He said you'd be naked if I wasn't here, I'm sure he'll be happy just to marry you, but if it worries you I can get someone to confirm it," dad said, and I nodded. He kissed my forehead and left the room. I was pacing the room, nervous waiting for dad to come back and tell me. When dad came back "Jorge said yes, and he'll tell your brothers so it's their decision if they wish to stay," dad said.

"Are you sure you're okay with it? It doesn't matter to me dad, I just want you to be at my wedding" I said.

"It's what you want Jessica, I can see it in your eyes princess, and I've done so much that has hurt you and I just want you to be happy," dad said.

"Thanks, dad," I said, going over and hugging him.

"Now let's get that dress off you," dad said when he pulled back, I turned around and he unzipped the dress and I allowed it to fall to the ground. He gave me his arm "shall we princess" dad said, smiling down at me. I nodded, taking his arm and we went to the back door of the warehouse leading to the altar. I was nervous but I was the happiest I have ever been. When we heard the song that I decided to walk down the aisle play, we headed outside, Master was facing away from me as the guests stood and turned to us. I only had eyes on Master, as he turned around and faced me, he looked taken aback but a smile quickly spread across his face, and I could feel a smile of my own spread across my face. My eyes never leaving him, until we stopped in front of him, "take care of my daughter" dad said handing me to my Master, he kissed my forehead before going and sitting down.

"I have spent the first six months of your slavery training you to be a good slave for when I sold you for profit, not knowing if I'd ever see you again and at that time I didn't care. You were just another slave that's come through our doors yet four months since you left I saw you, laying in the middle of the road hoping a car would free you from being free. The Master I thought would care and cherish you freed you, and I sent you back to him to prove to me that you want me to own you. To spend three more months being free, forcing who you are down, and you did because you couldn't think of being free, of not being owned, so for three months of freedom came two years of being enslaved and I hope many more years to come. When I found out who your father is and your the reason I lost my men and my property I set you free not thinking I'd ever see the slave that I have fallen in love with. Setting you free was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and I hoped you would listen to the last order I gave you, for you to live happy and be free. That month without you was the hardest in my 28 years that I've lived, that when he called me with three simple conditions to own you I took it, there was no hesitation, I would've given the sun, stars and the moon to have you back, but I was scared to show you how much I loved you because I didn't want you to get hurt, Masters rarely fall in love with their slaves, but not a day goes by that I don't regret falling in love with you my little slave, and I can't wait to see where our life takes us, how we care for the people we care about and conquer any challenges that may come our way because with you kneeling at my feet I know we can overcome everything that is thrown our way" Master said, and I felt my eyes water as I looked at him.

"I have no regrets the second day I met you, I know I said I regretted hitting Sir, but if I didn't I never would've been trained by you, those six months would've been much different, I've come to terms with my slavery because you showed me what it means to submit, you allowed me to ask questions but pay a price for them, and one question I remember asking is if Brandon ever loved me or if it was all just a game, and your answer was that Masters don't love their slaves because we are property, that the most you do is cherish us, well I'm glad you were wrong Master because loving you is the second best thing that's ever happened to me, and the best thing was you loving me back. I was okay with loving you and you not reciprocating it as long as I stayed by your side, when I saw you lying on the ground after I came back I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest at the thought that I lost you I stayed by your side while you were in a coma because I couldn't bear the thought of you waking up and I wasn't there, or you dying alone with no one there to tell you how much you are loved, I knew loving you was dangerous, but when I saw you that day in the road all I felt was hope, hope that I could be put in my place, to be told that everything would be all right because all I had to do was listen to orders, I was okay with leaving your side for three months of torture just to be owned by you. Then when you freed me for the safety of your gang I understood where you were coming from, and while it hurt knowing I would never see you again I did it because you told me to, but that month I was lost, I couldn't be happy, the day from when you woke up to being freed was a rollercoaster, I went from the happiest person, knowing you were coming home soon and would make me submit to you to the most depressed kneeling at an empty chair, all I could think about was what you were up to, all I wished for was for you to sit in the chair I was kneeling at and order me to do as you wish. Then at the end of that month, I was called inside, and the second I saw you I hoped that you were there to take me home, to take me where I belong, and you did. You took me as your slave once again, and you trained me even more so that you can tell me to do whatever you wish and my body will do it. You've allowed me to help you whenever you're in trouble to allow me to take your burdens to make your life easier. I can't imagine what our future will hold, but as long as you are willing to own me I will submit. You are the one person I will die for, to live for, to kill for and I'll do what I need to do to keep you safe because you are my Master, you own me, mind body and soul and I wouldn't have it any other way because to have it any other way would mean I am free, that I am equal and neither of us are happy with that, I need to submit and you need to dominate. We are two halves of a hole you can't have one without the other. Without slaves Masters are nothing and without Masters slaves are nothing, we need the other to make ourselves, and I know I've found my other half, the Master to my slave, my Master who I'll submit to so he can dominate me, and there is no one else I'd rather submit to" I said.

Master smiled down at me, he caressed my face before leaning in "don't move and don't scream slave" Master said, when he kissed me, and I felt my thigh burning and I opened my mouth, but no sound left it, a silent scream. I embraced the pain, the smell of burning skin filled my nostrils but I kissed him back, showing him my devotion to him. When he pulled back my leg was tight from not being able to move and tensing as I was burned. I was breathing heavily as he looked down at me when I was given a ring and I slipped it on his finger. I carried his brand while he carried my ring, mine was permanent while his could be taken off, I belonged to him wholeheartedly and there was no one else I could belong to while he could go out and get married again if it pleased him and there was nothing I could do and I loved it. I looked down at my thigh, it was red but I could clearly see a very beautiful M burned into my thigh. I could hear cheers through the crowd as Master held my hand and we walked down the aisle together as a married Master and slave.