
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


"Hey slave," Billy said.

"Hey Sir, I have two slaves for the house," I said.

"I see that," Billy said.

"Listen and you won't be punished," I said, when Jake came in.

"Come on Jennika we're leaving," Jake said.

"Arms out girls," Billy said, ignoring Jake and they both put their wrists out and Billy locked on their cuffs. "Now pass your IDs," Billy said, they looked at each other but gave it to him, and Billy put it through the shredder.

"How will you get home, Jennika?" Jake asked.

"She is property of our country and she isn't leaving anytime soon," Billy said.

"That's not right," Jake snapped.

"Undress slaves," Billy said, and hesitantly they took their clothes off, Billy grabbed two bugs. "Arms out," Billy said and both now shaking held their arms out, where Billy put a bug on each arm, and the bug crawled its way into their skin.

"Why Jennika?" Jake asked, his voice breaking.

"Because I'm a slave, we both came hoping to be enslaved. Jessica saw that and was very helpful with answering some questions we had" Jennika said.

"You did this to her" Jake snapped, walking over to me, I lowered my eyes.

"No Sir, I helped her see it, but I did not force anything on her, I just answered some questions she had, I told you when we talked it was natural, I just told her it was okay, she tried to sit at the table like a free person, she wasn't happy, slaves usually aren't, it's not my fault she accepted it even before I went to her, it's why I did go to her, I told you before I went over I saw two slaves, how was I supposed to know one was your sister? She would never be happy being free again, you can always come and visit, or move here, but it's up to her Master if she is permitted to see you" I said.

"I'm still blaming you," Jake said.

"Yes Sir" I mumbled as a tear fell down my face, I quickly wiped it away. "I-I have to go, I'll see you guys later," I said, forcing a smile before leaving the house, I ran into the woods for a few seconds. I leaned against a tree and cried. Sometimes I hated when they had such strong control over me, that even someone other than my Master is disappointed in me hurts.

When I heard a stick crack, I ignored it and stayed put, when Jake came in front of me. "Are you okay?" Jake asked.

"Yes Sir," I said.

"Then why were you crying?" Jake asked.

"I don't want to talk about it" I mumbled, wiping my face.

"Tell me," Jake said.

"Do I have to Sir?" I asked, and he nodded. "Because you're mad at me, I truly do hate being displeasing, it's a horrible feeling," I said.

"Why my sister?" Jake asked.

"Because she's happy as a slave, I could see that. When we grabbed our drinks, we knelt on the ground when she and Harley got up to sit at a table, but they both couldn't get comfortable, they saw the other was happy with kneeling on the ground accepting they were slaves. They came here hoping to be enslaved, and they got what they wanted, if I didn't then another would've, they had it written in their personalities that they were slaves, other than the fact we believe all females are slaves, they couldn't even look at any men, nor were they socializing with others and they were huddled together. I took everything they were giving me and allowed them to fully accept it, I listened to what they were telling me, and let them know it was okay because it is" I said, when I felt my collar shock me, a scream left my mouth as my hands went to the collar trying to stop it. "I am sorry it was your sister, but if I didn't someone else would've, she was never leaving the island again. But I do have to go Sir" I said, when Master shocked me again. I wished there was a way to let him know that I am coming

"Are you okay?" Jake asked.

"Yes, but Master is mad at me and I do have to go," I said, standing up.

"Why is he mad?" Jake asked as we made our way back to my home.

"Because I was supposed to go home as soon as I left the slaves, I didn't and just upped my punishment to be worse than it was," I said.

"Why are you being punished?" Jake asked.

"I wasn't on my best behaviour, I acted out when I knew better so Master is going to punish me," I said.

"For how you spoke to me?" Jake asked.

"Yes Sir and I've just made it worse I should've just went back, I knew he was expecting me home by now, and I should've just gone home," I said.

"You needed some time alone," Jake said.

"It doesn't matter what I needed, Master told me to drop them off and go straight home, I disobeyed and I accept that I did, and I know I upped the punishment I've earned myself," I said, when the third shock made me fall to my knees, I couldn't breathe, my jaw clenched shut to stop a scream. When it was over I was breathing heavy. "Don't worry not all slaves' collars shock them, Master made mine too so I knew when he called me, and only ups it when I am not there in a timely matter, but since I should've been there he hasn't warned me just shocked and made each one higher than the last" I said.

"Is there anything I can do to make him forgive you? Tell him you were helping me?" Jake asked.

"I won't lie to my Master, I physically can't lie to him," I said standing up and making my way back to the house. And as I pulled up in front of the house Master was standing there with the remote. When he saw us he pressed the button to shock me again, I gritted my teeth and clenched my hands and continued moving despite my body wishing to freeze.

"I told you to come here when you brought the slaves back to the slave house," Master said.

"I know Master, may I say why it took a little longer than you gave permission for Master?" I asked.

"Make it fast slave," Master said.

"Well after we left Cincos we made our way to the slave house, and I dropped them off, I stayed to make sure everything worked out and to help if they freaked out and needed someone to talk to. Then Sir came into and went off on me, saying he blamed me for their enslavement, and you know how much I hate being displeasing so I took a few seconds in the woods to calm myself down, Sir followed me we talked a bit more and when I felt the first shock I immediately started making my way home. I'm sorry I should've just come straight home from the slave house" I said.

"Let me tell you something Jake, they came here of their own free will, my slave goes to see which ones are there specifically to be enslaved, it is not her fault she saw what they wished and gave it to them," Master said, pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around me, I pulled myself as close as I could to him as I felt tears fall down my face.

"I sorry Master, please forgive me" I whimpered.

"Shh it's okay slave you're forgiven, but I still need to punish you you know," Master said, I nodded my head.

"I know Master, please I beg of you not to go too hard but I'll accept whatever you do Master" I mumbled.

"For being late you will eat at the table until further notice, and for acting out you cannot ride until further notice," Master said.

"Master, that's not fair," I said, looking up at him.

"Are you disrespecting me? I can always add onto it, slave" Master said.

"I'm not trying to Master, I was just saying until further notice is vague you know I hate sitting at the table it's horrible it's wrong, and I adore riding, it's one of the things I love to do, please Master are you open to exchanging either of them for something else?" I asked.

"How about this, you give me one good alternative and I'll decide to take your idea and replace mine," Master said.

"Okay um, what about thirty lashes with the serrated whip, and if I don't cum by the end then three days with whichever you replace it with" I suggested, at least that way it has his punishment idea but has a time frame.

"I see what you did little slave," Master said, smiling down at me.

"Is it good enough to replace it, Master?" I asked, I was worried he wouldn't agree to it.

"Let's see if Jake is willing to have it traded out, if not then 'fraid not slave" Master said, I looked over to him from Master's arms, I was silently pleading with him to agree to it.

"She's not my slave, it shouldn't be my decision," Jake said.

"I'll take that as a no," Master said, I bit my lip to stop it from quivering.

"Yes Master," I said sadly. I wanted to beg and plead for Jake to say yes to the deal, but I didn't want to make my punishment worse than it already was.

"What if I say yes?" Jake asked.

"Then you will decide which one it will replace and do the first ten strikes," Master said.

"Jess?" Jake asked.

"Please" I pleaded.

"Okay fine, but I never used a whip before," Jake said.

"It's easy, you hold the handle and bring your arm down quickly the whip will hit her back and possibly draw blood, but then you just strike again," Master said, as he led us down to the basement.

"Master, may I ask a question?" I asked, he nodded but didn't face me. "May I not be restrained?" I asked.

"But I don't want you to avoid the whip slave, especially since you hate this one so much," Master said.

"I won't step away to avoid it, if I do you can bind me and triple it, and then keep the original punishment, please allow me to at least attempt to be a good slave, to make up for being disrespectful and disobedient please Master" I pleaded.

"You better not avoid it in any way, slave," Master said.

"I won't Master," I said.

"Very well slave, but you better not scream until you submit slave," Master said.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Stand at the cross ties then slave" Master said, so I went to the crossties, I moved my hair over my shoulders exposing my back, I held my hands in front of me, leaving my back bare to hit. "Don't worry about hurting her, I'll let you know if you need to let up some" Master said. I felt the first strike, it was lighter than I was used to. "Take the anger you feel at her for making sure your sister will only be a slave, take it out on her, don't be scared," Master said.

"But you said it wasn't her fault," Jake said.

"And it's not but she guaranteed it, if she never went to them there would be a chance that your sister would be able to leave," Master said. The next strike was a lot harder, it cut into my back and the blood started to flow, I bit my lip to stop a scream from escaping, and I went to my mind to escape the pain. I went over memories, remembering what Master feels like as his hands travel over my body, what his lips feel like as he places hickeys marking me as his, how he tastes in my mouth, what he feels like as he takes me.

I whimpered in need, "maybe I should go easier on her" Jake said.

"No she just wants to be taken, you're fine," Master said, I leaned into the pain that the whip caused, tying it into the memories. When there was a pause before it started up again. "Fifteen strikes slave and if you don't cum you have three days with the punishment," Master said, I nodded my head, already my belly coiled as the need started to build. I wished to cum, just so that the pleasure and pain would mix together.

"Permission to speak Master?" I asked.

"Depends what you're going to say slave" Master said.

"A request Master," I said.

"Sure slave," Master said.

"If I don't cum by the end, I know I have to do the three days, but may I request you not to stop until I do Master?" I asked, I bit my lip nervous.

"Sure slave, you get pleasure from being whipped don't you?" Master asked.

"Pleasure and pain can go hand in hand Master, it's not fun, it hurts but it feels so good, cumming from the whip is at least in my mind such a degrading way to submit, that I find pleasure because it shows no matter what you do you can make me cum with anything" I whimpered.

"Of course, you don't own your body, do you?" Master asked.

"No Master," I said.

"Who does then slave?" Master asked, I could feel my belly spasm as the pleasure built up that it wanted out.

"You do Master you own me completely" I screamed out, my legs were shaking and they wanted to collapse from under me but I forced them to hold me. "You own me Master, you decide for me, you decide everything" I whimpered, cum ran down my legs and mixed with the blood on the floor.

"That's right slave and don't you forget that," Master said when I no longer felt the whip against my back as my orgasm subsided.

"I would never dream of it, Master," I said.

"You may come over slave," Master said, so I made my shaking legs walk over to Master. "Which punishment will be let up?" Master asked.

"I think it's only fair that she decides since it was her idea," Jake said.

"Then I'll decide, you will be able to ride," Master said.

"Yes Master, but may I ask something, Master?" I asked, and he nodded. "May my food please stay the same, I hate eating free food, it's wrong if I am to sit at the table I ask that I have the food to stay the same please Master?" I asked.

"Only because I know how uncomfortable even sitting at the table is, but it's until I decide to allow you to kneel back on the ground, this includes at the cafe," Master said.

"Yes Master, that reminds me, Jose asked for a bug to be ready that he'll be over, he got a slave he wishes to be bugged," I said, Master nodded.

"I'll give it to him later, Jake if you wish to go home, the plane leaves in twenty minutes," Master said.

"Is it okay if I stay here for a few days?" Jake asked.

"Of course, you can," Master said.

"What would you like for supper Master?" I asked.

"Whatever you wish to make slave, now go on," Master said.

"Master h-" I started.

"I said to go slave" Master snapped cutting me off, I nodded and headed to the kitchen and started on supper. I bit my lip as I made some stir-fry. When Master came into the kitchen I was nervous but just focused on food. "Why did you attempt to talk and not do as your told slave?" Master asked.

"I was just wondering if you have anyone coming over, or if it'll just be the eight of us," I said.

"I tell you if anyone is coming, do I not?" Master asked.

"You do Master, I should've known better I'm sorry," I said, lowering my head.

"We've been together for ten years, slave, not once did I not let you know if we were hosting more than normal," Master said.

"I know Master, I'm sorry," I said.

"I'm really disappointed in you slave, not once have I done anything not to make you question me," Master said.

"Master, I'm sorry that I disappointed you," I said, my voice breaking.

"You're not forgiven slave, and won't be until you can prove to me you have earned my forgiveness," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, I heard him walk away and I quickly wiped my face, feeling horrible that I was disobedient, I should've known better than to question him, he always told me if we were expecting more than our normal household.