
Mythologies: A Devil Prince's Revenge

DEAR READERS, ALL CHAPTERS ARE COMPLETELY FREE "Who am I?" That's what he keeps asking himself, Haruki Hotaru has lived his entire life knowing that he was just an ordinary student on Earth. Haruki Hotaru is a college student living in Japan, he was an adopted child, he never knew who his true parents are but he wants answers about their identities. For all he knows, the supernatural such as Gods and magic is nothing but a fairytale for him, but are they really mere fiction? Haruki who's just an ordinary student soon met an unfortunate accident, he died in the process and found himself wandering in a place he thought didn't exist. He soon then met a mysterious man after waking up in this suspicious world. He has many questions about this mysterious world and who the man is, and the man answered all of those questions of his. Haruki Hotaru, a normal human being discovered that he is in a place where sinners go, a place where the devils lives, and where sinners are punished. He was in Hell. But Haruki Hotaru will then soon find the answers that he was looking for in his entire childhood in this wretched place. "Who are my parents? Who am I? And why did they leave me?"

SabergKeys · แฟนตาซี
144 Chs

Chapter 90: Godly Training

[Haruki Hotaru POV]

Shing! Clang! Shing!

Our swords met and let out a loud sound. I jumped back to my position and I looked at Bishamonten in the eyes.

I was already using Ignisvem and Soul Bound and Bishamonten is not using anything; all he has is a normal wooden Bo staff.

What's worse is that Susanoo is watching me fight Bishamonten, and Lucas, Luna, Dawn, and Zephyrus are all being trained by the Japanese Moon God Tsukuyomi.

It was frightening seeing Tsukuyomi come to train the 4, but the good thing is I'm not gonna trained by him. Well... Tsukoyomi said that he'll train me if he wants to.

And right now, Bishamonten suggested that we do a duel, and looking at my situation right now; you could say that it's embarrassing to see me like this.

I already have a lot of injuries from his attacks and I still haven't landed a single hit on him.

"Hoy, hoy. Don't tell me that you're gonna give up Haruki?" He asked with a smile. "Because I'm not gonna let you!" Bishamonten shouted and ran up to me.

"Like I ever will!" I ran away as fast as I can so that I can't get beaten by him.

With the power of Electric Manipulation, I ran very fast; almost as fast as Bishamonten.

"Don't think that you'll outrun me that easily!"

Even without saying that, I already knew that I can't outrun him! After all, he's a God of War. It's common sense to know that he's very athletic. "Master Bishamonten! It's unfair that you're serious at battling me!"

"How would you get stronger if I'm not serious!" Bishamonten stopped chasing after me; he threw his Bo staff upward and catches it, and he looked at me with a smile while I was running and threw his Bo staff above like a javelin.

I looked above and saw the Bo staff moving very fast; I ran in a zigzag so that I would dodge the Bo staff.

"Ha?! Don't think that you're gonna hit me that easil- Ha!" Direct hit!

Perfect K.O. Bishamonten Wins!

"*Sigh* I can see why this is a problem..." Bishamonten mumbled but I still heard him.

"Seriously... It's already common sense that I can't beat a God." I still remember when Millie showed me how I equally fought against 9 Archangels, and seeing my power right now; there's no way that my Soul Bound is close to the power of 9 Archangels.

There's got to be something missing that I don't know about Soul Bound.

As of right now, this skill is a mystery to anyone, even the Gods didn't even know that such a powerful skill existed.

I stood up and stretched my arms upward. "So what are we gonna do? As you can see there's no way I can defeat a God with my current strength." And looking at my loss right now, it shows proof of how impossible it is to beat a God.

"Haruki, do you know how to power up your Soul Bound?"

"I was just thinking about that- Of course not! If I can, I would've not run away!"

"*Sigh* For now Haruki, we'll have to train you from the start."

"I guess that makes sense..." I looked behind me to check Susanoo but I saw him gone.

It makes sense, after seeing Soul Bound Susanoo's expectations for me was high, but since I lost and didn't even lay a single scratch on Bishamonten; Susanoo's disappointment is immeasurable.

What do I do? I just made one of the strongest Gods of Japan disappointed in me...

For now, Bishamonten asked me to take a thirty-minute break before we start our training again.

I decided to check on how the other 4 are doing right now with the Japanese Moon God Tsukuyomi.

I'm outside the room they were training, I let out a deep breath and slapped myself on the face. "Don't worry Haruki, even if the God Tsukuyomi looks scary, he might still be a nice guy... I think?"

I opened the door slowly and the moment I opened it I heard a loud shout that frightened the hell out of me. "What are you 4 doing?! With that current dexterity, you'll immediately die on the battlefield!"

I looked at the 4 to see what they're doing that made Tsukuyomi that pissed off.

Looking at the 4, I saw them having a ton of scratches and in front of them were broken weapons along with a weird circle tool that looks foreign to Earth. I guess that they are tools that only the Gods used.

"Do it again!"

The 4 lined up and looked at the circle device and clicked the button on it; it glowed and transform into a model of what seems to be a map of Japan. On top of the replicated map was a timer and a goal of 30 points, on the bottom of the points were names of cities located here in Japan and some coordinates that are locating what streets are their target.

Everyone started looking at the coordination and started zooming in on the map, their fingers were moving very fast and they're clicking the replicated map. The map showed a check map every time they clicked on it and not even 5 minutes has passed they all finished their task at the same time.

I was speechless when I saw that all of their scores are all 30/30, but what strikes me odd is that they all looked nervous from the time they got, while I was just here being impressed by how fast they are.

How could they do something impossible possible without them using their skills at all? H*ck! I don't even know most of the cities listed on the map! And what's worse is that I'm a Japanese citizen and all of them haven't been here for a long time! This is not fair at all! All of my friends except for Sora are amazing prodigies! Whilst the both of us are nothing but hopeless beings with no sign of getting smarter!

Tsukuyomi looked at their scores but I already know that it's useless to do so since they did an amazing feat. From his eyes he wasn't reacting at all; he was neither happy nor angry. "*Sigh* It was better than before, but next time make it below 3 minutes."

3 minutes?! I was shocked hearing him saying below 3 minutes because that's impossible! Asking them to go below 3 minutes is just too sadistic!

Tsukuyomi let out a deep sigh and looked at the 4 seriously in the eyes. "Next time use your skills if you can; it is tiring to both use skills and concentrate so we'll practice on that next time and..." Tsukuyomi looked at Luna and Luna became nervous upon seeing Tsukuyomi look at her. "Luna, next time you should use the power of that white feathers of yours."

Luna became tense when she heard that; she looked away at Tsukuyomi angrily and told him. "*Tsk* I don't plan to use that part of mine..."

Tsukuyomi released a deeply disappointed sigh. "If you say so, that's your decision, Luna..." Tsukuyomi created a portal and finally left.

I went to the 4 and looked at Luna who was angry by what Tsukuyomi said. "What was that about? What did Tsukuyomi mean by using the power of a white feather?"

Luna looked away at me, Dawn let out a sigh and facepalmed herself, while the other two let out a nervous smile.

I can hear Dawn mumbling. "What a stupid dense boy..."

"Huh? Did I do something?" I asked them stupidly. I didn't know why they were disappointed in me by asking a simple question.

Lucas came closer and whispered to me. "Haruki, the white feather has something to do with Luna's past and you know about what happened to everyone during that time of the war between angels and devils happened right?"

Oh... D*mn you stupid, I can't believe that I asked her that, I'm such a stupid assh*le! Why can't I ever get smarter?!

I looked at Luna and bowed apologetically. "Luna I'm sorry! You know that I'm stupid so will you please forgive me?!"

Luna looked at me with a smile. "It's okay Haruki, everyone makes mistakes..." I looked at her face and saw her smile. It was not any normal smile that I get to see her use every time she feels joy, but it was like a smile made out of glass and easily breakable.

I can see that it was a fake smile so that she can put an act, I knew I f*cked up when I asked her that, and seeing her give me this smile made me feel despair because I hurt her a lot accidentally. This was the second time I did this and I can't believe I did it again.

First when we were playing at the Pachinko store and now here?! If only I could learn how to understand someone's feelings then it would be easier, if I meet Asherah again I better ask her how to understand someone's feelings better.

We went back to our hotel, Lucas, Zephyrus, and I went to my room immediately and I jumped on my bed to reflect on what I did to Luna.

Homura and Asahi noticed me in agony on my bed so they went closer, Asahi asked me. "Did something happen at the training that made you like that Haruki?"

I let out a painful shriek to show how much despair I have. "Three things! First I completely failed to fight Bishamonten and what's worse is that I didn't even hit him once! Second, I made Susanoo's expectations of me tarnish! And lastly! I'm too dumb to understand someone's feelings that I hurt Luna's!"

Everyone here was troubled when I said that, Asahi is a person experienced in reading someone's feelings asked. "Haruki, if I may ask. What even is your relationship with Luna?"

"Relationship? Luna and I are just friends, as the King of Hell she works for me since she's the next in line as an Archduke of Hell and the representative of the undead race, so I guess you could say that she's somewhat important to me."

Homura and Asahi were surprised at what I said and at the same time they both said. "Wait what?!"

I was confused by their reaction to what I said because I knew that I didn't say something bad this time. "What's wrong? Why are you two surprised by what I said?"

"We thought that Luna is your girlfriend." Homura said with a confused smile. "I guess we were wrong..."

"Wait what?" Now I'm confused, why would they think that I'm dating Luna? There's absolutely no way that's possible because even if I hate to admit it, Luna only sees me as an important friend. "No, no, no. There's no way that would happen, after all, how could she like a guy like me?"

"Good point." Both of them replied.

Seriously, after hearing what they said I wish they can be more supportive of me. They could've had said 'Oh don't worry, you can still find some other girls' or 'Haruki, you still have a chance to be with her' but I got none of those! I forgot that these two are exactly the same as Sora, which explains why I get along with him really well.

I looked at both Lucas and Zephyrus with disappointment and asked them. "Hey, Lucas..! Zephyrus..! Can you two give me a hint in what a white feather is and why it's connected to Luna..?"

Lucas smiled at me. "Sorry, you have to find that out by yourself Haruki."

"Agreed, if you want to get closer with Luna you'll have to find a way of knowing what the white feather is without hurting her."

"I guess you two are right..." I jumped up and let out a loud roar. "I'll find what it is!"