
Chapter 487: Water Can Overturn the Boat...

Having just set foot in the Donglai Port of Qingzhou, Chen Xi had no idea such major changes had occurred in Yongzhou during the time of his departure; he was even less aware that Sima Lang, with his extraordinary affability and one of the world's best rhetoric abilities, had completely persuaded Hann Sui and Ma Teng to cease their military activities. More ruthlessly, Ma Teng had even been convinced to enter Chang'an to personally form an alliance with Li Jue and others.

Thus, under the dual pressure of a big stick and food, the situation with the Qiang People of Xiliang stabilized, and the previously planned excavation work officially began. However, ideals are lofty and reality is harsh. Although the Qiang People were willing to dig the Zhengguo Canal and the Six Auxiliary Canals for the sake of their future lives, Li Jue simply lacked the ability to manage the mobilization of a million laborers—it was no joking matter.