


an unusual little kind of elf in which come in two kinds',

the malevolent genius loci, and the household sprit,

the household spirit's cause mischief from turning milk sour,

to making things go missing and sometimes even,

by keeping you awake or by awaking you up in the middle of the night,

you know like practical jokes, more things that they do include,

following its family where they flee to or go,

they climb into your bed at night to touch your face with their disgustingly clammy hand's,

they strip your bed sheet's off, and they are also known to pull on your ear's,

they like to wind us up.

the other type though you might want to stay away from,

because the beat-up your pet's,

they can and do cause mischief in homes, but they tend to live in holes in the ground under bridge's and in the marshland's

they are also known for the abduction of children,

they really like caves, and they eat the people that they kill,

they have razor Sharpe teeth with talons for claws, the horns of a deer and the feet of a horse,

their eyes are deranged, and their clothes are blood stained and have been seen turning invisible

once upon a time, in the year 1861, in the town of Lancashire,

there once was a boggart called Grizlehurst,

for week's people would complain,

that damn pest back at it again,

it kicked in one's door then he banged and leapt around in a shed,

he unhitched a horse and even overturned people's charts on occasion,

but one day while roaming the street's this boggart heard talking from the shop keeper and his wife,

"I'm telling you Jane, I've heard talk about this pest, if its breaks into my shop I'll be ruined" he told his wife,

she looked at his concern filled eye's "It's okay Jim, they catch him soon" she said reassuring him the got in the horse drawn cart,

with the door closed they took of home

the boggart watched as the cart dragged off

he looked at the ground and looked at the shop thinking

he crept towards the shop and picked its lock,

"This is what you get, you called me a pest ironic you haven't put a horseshoe up" the Boggard said as he turned the lock,

he opened the door and entered, creeping around taking some stock,

"This will feed my family, but I must be swift for human's hunt us and take our land's " Grizlehurst said himself as he shoved enough food and drink that he could carry,

before turning and exiting the shop with his stolen pull basket entirely filled with stolen goods,

he started to head back to his home in the wetland's where the last of his family was,

see humans hunted these creatures down either by hunting them and killing them or to use and sell them as slave's,

and so, the increase of the human population resulted in more land being used to accommodate for such a growth,

which meant that there was less food and water or land available for the Boggart species,

which made the boggart feel threated and so the war between man and boggart started,

he weaves his way through the tall grass approaching a bush which he cut an arch into and attached a door to that he had covered with leave's to make it blend in,

he opened the door and stepped inside closing the door after him unaware of the man who was following him,

Grizzle Hurst walked up to his family and handed a bit of bread and a bottle of jarred milk to each of his children and wife,

meanwhile that person who followed him was creeping around the bush which seemed like a normal bush

the man marked his location on the map and went back to his cart to go home,

meanwhile the boggart sent his kid's off to bed,

he looked at his wife who was holding a steak,

and she stabbed him through his hand while she covered his mouth,

she blurted out "I told you last week, I will not eat anything but human flesh, their meat as so sweat,

and the fluid they release tastes like fruit cake"

she let him go with his hand split open and he bandaged it with vines mud and leave's

and he said "Fine, I'll start tomorrow" they both went to bed, and the human was back with a bunch of weaponry,

and a lit candle for a match and sight,

the Boggarts all slept as he waited a bit for safety an hour then past

he put the lantern against the leaves and wood

the bush set alight,

Grizzle hurt was the only one out,

as by the time he got back in the entire bush caved in

he charged for the human who managed to get him in a bag which was tied,

the human took him to hand him in and claim the reward for his capture,

the cart then bounced the man's knife fell from the sheet,

the knife landed with a splat and a small yelp was heard,

it was the boggart knife handle stick out the top of his head,

the human pulled it out and wiped off the blue blood,

"Why is thou blood blue?" the hunter said as he wiped his knife of his Trousers

when they handed in the body in the king paid him

and the hunter threw his body out,

but one child had saw him and dragged him to beneath an Ashtree and buried him,

there he remained under his body went missing and it has been said that he didn't actually die due to his magic he could still have been alive, after all he is the kind of fairy which stalk's the night and abducts its unsuspecting pray after all Boggart's ate human's and so human's killed them, you won't find one now because they've went extinct.