

"Beneath the smile is a weary soul. Beneath the struggle is a dying soul. Beneath the smile is a soul in a frazzle. I desired a change. I show great perseverance in my quest to succeed, even though my inner me is in shambles. With persistent pain, I drag him along. Sometimes I want to shed him from me but then I realized he is a part of me. The inner me that is lifeless. Now I have to be it nourishment. The inner me that is weak. Now I have to be its strength. The inner me that is hopeless. Now I have to be hope Dear inner me I can't leave you alone; you are me I am you. Together we will conquer our fears, face our challenges, and comes out triumphantly." Synopsis I was in my dark until you shine me your light. Mellisa a young student nurse lost her way on the last day of completing her health campaign in a rural area of the Northern Coast. She wandered around in a mysterious wood where she was held captive by some quisling huddles, who found nothing but joy in torturing her. Rescued by Armstrong Seagull, and labeled a spy. Was she able to escape from such a traumatic experience? Who is Armstrong Seagull and what roles did Mellisa's sudden incursion in his kingdom In a world where you feel so cold, you gotta stay gold; a story about a demon Lord and an ambitious girl

Hobified_Bbensplen · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

CHAPTER 19: Behave or

McCall arrived and saw Ria tangled up with Jasper. He knows just by looking at them his men might have arrested them thinking they are the reporters.

Reporters ain't needed. Even though the Kellers' are people of the higher class and some vital records of their family should be on papers and boards, he refused them involving the reporters and the media.

"This is a vital case; for now, I urge the media to hold their peace, let's see what we can do. We promise to do our best in this case and also report whatever strange findings to the media." McCall already told the media before he went searching for the missing Mellisa.

He had this urge to ignore them or probably tell his men to handcuff them and keep them at the back of their van. But wave it off at a second thought.

He has already chosen to be nice by allowing them here; now turning his back on them sounds weird and disappointing. He shrugged his shoulder and approached them.

Jasper heavy a deep sigh immediately after he saw McCall advancing towards them. Just seeing him gives him that relived like he won the lottery.

McCall signaled to the cops who were watching over Ria and Jasper. A sign that means they should be released immediately. The cops obeyed and dropped their guns; all saluted immediately to their senior comrades, going back to their normal duties.

Jasper scratched his hair before mounting the courage to approach McCall, while Ria acted like he didn't see him even though her face was covered in red; making her look like mashed potatoes.

She can't believe she is fooling around, getting herself in trouble, and waiting for her night in shining armor to come to her rescue.

Since when did she become a weakling?

"Sorry, the cops mistook us for the Media, and we had no choice but to call you." That was Jasper trying to explain to McCall.

He knows very well that his quietness certainly means anger. He can tell from his facial expressions, which were already hard and unsmiling.

McCall ignored Jasper and continued to stare at Ria.

She is daring and he can see it.

"Gosh, he must be furious." Jasper clamped his lips.

Ria nonchalantly straightened her spine and raised her chin, throwing her gaze to the other side of the road. If there is anything he doesn't want is for that man to yell at him again.

"Do you and your friend realize that your presence here is a huge distraction to the IIF? Now what I want to know is what assistance you and her can render so that Mellisa is found safe and sound. McCall retorted his voice firm and commanding.

Jasper looked slightly taken aback by his voided tone. He was scared, he knows what Ria is doing is far from distraction, but how does he go about explaining to this Inspector that they are just playing their part to see Mellisa's safety return?

All he and Ria wanted was to help. Even though this is not their field of study.

"I just want to help."

Ria voiced out amidst tears. It seems the whole issue down on her that her friend can't be found, with the way the IIF are going with their investigations. She wants something to be done fast and Mellisa found it immediately but seeing the way everything is going; It's making her heart bleed.

She has promised to be the stronger person to cheer everybody up in this case, but it seems she is the weakest.

McCall slowly shook his head, frowning deeply at her. "Not good enough."

"Then what should I do? How can I be of help to see Mellisa's safety return? She squealed.

"Just sit and cry. That suits you better." McCall countered her.

Ria was taken aback by such an artlessly reply from him. It took her seconds to assiduously assimilate the meaning of his statement, and when it clears her that he was mocking her emotions; she sparks. Her anger flares up, she throws a dangerous glare at McCall. Her face twisted in disgust.

"I hate you." She blurted out, loud enough that Jasper and McCall heard her.

McCall hissed and faced Jasper. "Here…he throws the car key at him. "Take your load of trouble inside the car and get yourself locked up." 

He commanded, and this time, it was Jasper's turn to be shocked.

"How can we lock ourselves up?

"If there should be an attack right now, do you have any weapon to safeguard yourself?" Jasper shook his head and McCall nodded. He shot him a brief look meant to shut him up and pin him.

"More reason you should stay in the car." He said before turning to take his leave, but Ria's voice came through and halt his moves.

"For crying out loud, McCall. Haven't you considered the possibility of kidnapping? You can't lock, just lock us up. What if the kidnappers appeared and decided to hijack your car, then what will happen to us?

"You should have thought about that first before making a futile plan." He coldly encountered her.

"Fine, we are sorry for causing all these distractions. I apologize."

Jasper immediately but in. He knows these two never go at ease with each other. They are always at loggerheads on every talk.

"Apologize…. Apologize." McCall scoffed. "If apologizing solved everything, why do you think there's a need for laws and cop affairs?"

Jasper was taken aback by his statement. Yes, he is right. Apologies, won't solve anything. Why apologize when you know you will still repeat the same mistakes?

He has already forgiven them once, now this, and he is not going to persuade him again to do anything against his wishes. If he said they should be in the car, then that's the best thing for him. After all, being an Investigator is not his field of specialization and his just here thinking he will help, but what is the need since they can't seem to understand a bit of what is happening?

He wishes for Mellisa's safe return, and he would rather not be the one delaying or obstructing their work. Maybe their coming here in the first place is useless. Perhaps they were working on impulse and their emotions being the protagonist of this whole issue. They need to stop and give them space to do their work.

Enough of interaction. Two wrongs don't make a right. Now he needs to knock sense into Riana or else she might end up bringing confusion and exposing them to more dangers.

"I'm just speechless, but are we safe in your car? Jasper asked, his tone calm.

"Gosh, Jasper; I can't believe you are asking him that…. Dude, we are going to get locked up like a prisoner, and he will act….but Jasper didn't let Ria finish his statement and shushed her up.

"Ria!! Can't you read the handwriting on the wall?

Ria hissed!

Then he turned to her with a slightly embarrassed smile. Ria felt a wave of anger building up inside her, and she fought hard to control herself. She hates McCall and his authoritative statements. He always acts like he knows, but whatever he is doing, she doesn't understand a thing.

Yes; he didn't have to report his findings to her, but at least she needs proof that shows they are closer to finding her friend.

"We aren't doing anything positive to help McCall and the IIF to get closer to this case. Ria, we are the main distraction to this case." Jasper said.

"How can taking pictures be a distraction? Who schooled you? She retorted.

"Of what use are your pictures? Jasper encountered her. "Have you asked yourself why the reporters and the media are prohibited here?

Ria was taken aback and seemed to think for a while. Jasper might be right; the media should be here taking pictures and giving to the public about the disappearance of the socialist daughter. Now she thought of it. Why is the media not here?

She flashed a questionable look at Jasper.

"That's because this is a dangerous zone. Anything can happen that might cause casualties.

Ria swallowed hard, she looked calm and reserved and Jasper was happy. At least he was able to talk some sense into her. He knows she was working on her emotions because the Riana he knows wouldn't want to do anything that will endanger her loved ones.

"Fineeeeeee…. She groans. "Hey, you! She fiercely turned and faced McCall with her hands akimbo. "Don't think you can play smart with me…. She scoffs, "I haven't forgotten about hounding your dreams."

"Really?" McCall countered her. Now he wondered what gives her the audacity to talk back at him and question his command. You can't be a boss to the boss. Her flippant tone irked him, and it seemed he wanted to teach her a lesson.

He stretched his hands to Jasper, requesting the car key he handed over to him earlier, and the latter, not understanding the reasons he was asking for it, hurriedly gave it back to him.

"How about you two follow me to the car…The air-conditioning of the car needs to be set." McCall said with a mischievous grin plastered on his left cheek.

Ria suspected that mysterious grin, maybe she should run away from him, but she couldn't.

She hissed and followed him to his car.

When they reached the car, Jasper opened the back door and entered, and Ria moved to the passenger seat as usual.

McCall surreptitiously put his hand into the car's dashboard and brought out a handcuff and before Ria could notice what was happening, he already handcuffed her left hand on the car steering wheel.

It happens so quickly and fast that Ria and Jasper were taken by surprise. Shock and unbelievably plastered on Ria's face.

"Yahhhhhhhhhh" She screamed and twisted to break free but all to no avail. Even Jasper's mouth gaped and looked at McCall.

How were they unable to notice?

"Well then, I'd like to suggest you stay calm and collect back your thoughts and emotions. I have a lot to do and you… He pointed at her, and she flinched her head back nervously, "You are a truckload of trouble; I just can't stand you." He spats.

Ria's shoulder shrugged, and her reasons to hate this man skyrocketed immeasurably. He hates men like this. This is an assault on her personality. Now she hungered for revenge.

"I have some cookies and drink for you two, The air-conditioning is good and favorable to your body. Don't worry, Princess, you won't catch a cold."

He mocked her, making her anger boil more. Now she wants to kick him so hard. How dare he?

Jasper inhaled deeply as McCall said those. He realized he wasn't going to harm them, just trying to prevent any further distraction.

"You are nothing but a jerk, and you are going to pay for this…. Youuuu...." She yelled and McCall chuckled darkly, closed the car, and locked it. Putting the key in his pocket, he went to meet the mysterious Savan.

He loves threats and dares.