
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 9

Irvene's point of view

Once I returned to Soul'e country, I felt a strong sense of familiarity. Memories of the past began playing into my mind. I had been thinking deeply when a body crashed into mine and his hands enveloped my body.

"I missed you, Aly!" I already knew who's that person was when I heard his cheerful voice. He's Sid Salford, a powerful warrior in Soul'e. His swords' hanged on his back and unlike other warriors who wore heavy armors, his clothes were a white cloak, blue shirt, and pants with exquisite designs specially tailored just for him. Basically, he looked like a mage using a sword.

"That's enough." Vaughn released him from my body.

"Hey, don't keep me away from my best friend!" he shouted. Sid treated himself as my best friend on the very first day we met. I didn't stop him though because Sid is a friendly guy.

A woman with her long brown flowy hair and black fitted clothes appeared in front of us. "Hi, Vaughn and Irvene!" Meryll Dellmira, an assassin lurking in the dark.

She's also a close friend of mine or in other words, the four of us had been friends since then. She stepped closer to Vaughn but he didn't pay her attention. Meryll did like him but Vaughn didn't entertain such feelings. Vaughn said he doesn't have enough time for love and had more important things to do than that kind of relationships.

This man has his own problems to solve yet he's still doing his best to help me.

"Let's go to Soul'e castle," Vaughn said and looked at me. His black eyes that's mixed with red color always caught my attention every time he's looking at me. Those pair of eyes are really rare and they didn't know why someone's born with eyes like that.

But, what am I thinking? Ah.. enough with that. I nodded my head at him. It's time to meet my older brothers and sister.

"I'll go with you, Aly!" Sid said and walked beside me.

"Of course, I'll go too," Meryll said and walked beside Vaughn.

We walked towards the castle since it's nearby in the place where the portal brought us. The huge castle could be seen at the entrance of it. Colors of white, red and gold dominated the place and knights in silver armor guards the area. When we entered, some knights and maids who recognized me stopped for a second.

Who wouldn't when I'm gone for a whole year? I ignored them and made our way to the ruler's throne. The wide hallway that showed nobility has a huge brown door that leads to the ruler's place.

I opened that door and it showed my brothers and sister who's talking seriously on each other and they suddenly turned their heads and looked who dared to enter this place.

"Irvene, it's good to finally see you back." Brother Mavien who's sitting on the throne talked. He crossed his legs and leaned comfortably on the golden chair.

"Hmm, it really is." Brother Maven who's standing beside him agreed.

"Stop that, you're making Irvene uncomfortable!" Sister walked towards our direction and hugged me until I almost ran out of breath.

"Finally, the youngest Elvina decided to go back home." Sister Adelaine released me and gave me her most beautiful smile.

Sister Adelaine Elvina, the third sibling in Elvina family while Brother Mavien and Maven are identical twins. Although, brother Mavien is seconds older than brother Maven.

They're similar in most aspects yet I could differentiate who's brother Mavien between the two and vice versa.

"Greetings to the ruler and Elvina family," Sid said and bowed a little.

Sister Adelaine laughed a little. "No need to be formal. I'm glad that you, four, has been completed again," she said.

"I'm really glad that my best friend's back too!" he said. He looked really happy.

Vaughn and Meryll who's been quiet all the time joined our conversations.

"Lady Adelaine, I sent the documents to one of the councilors in Crystal country you requested the other day," Vaughn said.

"Well done. Meryll, how about the latest news on Helios Manor?" Sister asked.

"The head of their family has been meeting a lot of unknown people that weren't a part of their family and I didn't receive relevant information since they used some barrier spells on the rooms that they previously entered," Meryll said.

"Hmm, that alone is indeed suspicious. What do you think, your majesty?" Sister said.

Brother Mavien placed his arms on the throne's armrest and smirked. "We have a few people who can counter that magic barrier but it would be more fun if they would be caught in action. It seemed that the Helios family needs a new Headmaster on their manor, and please Adelaine, don't call me Majesty. My position here is only temporary and it depends on me whether I'll accept it or not 'cause you know, it's dull sitting here on a chair all day long."

"But you're so capable. How about you, brother Maven?"

Brother Maven waved his hand to show disagreement. "Oh please, I'm not interested."

"Your majesty, you had been a great leader this whole year and I hope you would change your mind," Sid said with admiring eyes.

Vaughn and Ivy agreed to him. Brother Mavien might have been a great leader despite his disagreement on gaining the highest position.

"Ok, I'll think about it." He said and sighed. Then he looked at the four of us.

"Since you're completed, what are you planning?" he asked.

What did he mean by that?

"Of course, we'll have some thrilling actions on these coming days," Vaughn said. He placed his left hand on his pocket. I think that became his habit.

"Finally! A mission with Aly. We don't have any mission with the three of us this whole year because we're waiting for you and I'm glad this time, we'll fight together." Sid said.

It's really good to have such caring friends. I suddenly felt bad when I left without informing them ah.. but I couldn't turn back time. The only thing I could do was to spend time with them.

"Since you finished reporting your duty, you can now have a rest," Sister said.

They bowed their heads and I ended up mimicking them. We left afterward. I wonder what kind of thrilling action did Vaughn said.

I'm updating everyday and hopefully it'll continue afterwards. >.<

ILLYAchancreators' thoughts