
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 42

Irvene's point of view

The two of us were sitting on my bed. We finished placing our things here, so I decided to talk about her unusual behavior. I looked at her seriously. She's about to talk but I interrupted her.

"Wait, I'll cast a few barrier spells to be sure someone wouldn't eavesdrop on our conversation," I said.

I could see her weird stares at me while casting several spells.

"Who would dare eavesdrop on an Archmage and the Ruler's younger sister?" Meryll asked.

"Well, everyone could possibly do it. We can't ignore those people and let our guard down," I said.

Meryll nodded casually. "Although, they might think already that you placed a barrier spell, so they wouldn't try," she added.

"But what if they don't think that way?" I asked.

Meryll looked at me with a defeated face. "Well, you're right but..." she said. Meryll started to look around.

"Twenty barrier spells with some combined defensive and offensive spells were going a little overboard, don't you think?" Meryll said.

"W-well, that's not even a third of spells in my own room. Let's stop this! Just start talking about what's your problem and don't shift our topic," I said.

Meryll hesitated to say, but sighed deeply in the end, a visible sign that she would tell the truth.

"If you remember, I secretly went alone to Spirit Mountain at night. That was when I met my brother after a long time. We ended up in a serious fight because of our contradicting beliefs. That's when I knew that we couldn't reconcile. Our mission here made me remember every time what had happened," Meryll said.

"I shouldn't have brought you here if I know. I'm constantly thinking of the possibilities how our enemies will act, but I forgot about a friend," I said.

"Don't be! My personal problems should not affect my work. I'm trying my best and maybe I'll get used to this since I will face the reality that my brother's a knight under the Estrama family particularly their Headmaster," Meryll said.

My eyes widen when I recognized a person we met earlier. That familiar face of his that I suddenly remembered when I stared at Meryll's pair of deep blue eyes.

"That person, Erill Wanemoon..," I uttered.

"Eh? You can even guess who he is. That's my brother," she said.

The two of them didn't look siblings at first but when one both look at their eyes, they resembled each other!

"We inherited our father's eyes but I looked like my mother while his features were from father," she said.

"Then I assume that you're..." I said. I wanted to talk about their different family name although I already have an idea based on their situations.

"We're an orphan many years ago. You could tell since we first met when we're little kids aren't we?" Meryll said.

Although she's smiling, I knew that she missed her family especially the times that they're complete. Having someone to talk about it would make her feel a little lighter. Meryll was not a person that would say her problems to anyone with her fearless attitude. We knew Meryll since young but she never told us about her past. I'm glad she started to not keep it herself.

"I'm enlightened already and hope that you'll get better soon. You wouldn't know when you could get close to your brother again although I really found him weird... like you," I said. I followed with a little laugh.

Meryll threw a pillow at me. "Hey!" she shouted.

"There's another thing I want to talk about," I said.

"Oh? About our mission, right?" Meryll asked.

"Yes, the mining area really is mysterious and since it's fitting in your class, a short time of observing them tonight would be alright I think," I said.

"Of course, I did lose to my brother that time but I'm outnumbered and hiding is my specialty. It's unlikely that they would find me," Meryll said.

"Then I'll wait for your news tomorrow. Before that, take this small bottles. It'll help you when something happens," I said.

Meryll looked at me with her blank face. "I still have the potions you gave me during our stay in Soul'e Magic Academy. I used a little amount of it so I didn't really need any," she said.

"That's a different one to be used when unbelievable encounters happened. We'll never know," I said.

Meryll shook her head. "I can't believe it. Tiny potions and invisibility potions this time?" she whispered.

I could hear it though. She should expect it because a mage should be prepared at all times so does an ally!

Nighttime came and she prepared herself to come out secretly in our room. Knights' guarding at night isn't impossible.

When Meryll got outside, I started to do my work also. My bracelet somehow acted different when we're at that mysterious mining area. Maybe I should think a shorter name for that. I shook my head mentally and started doing my work.

I chanted a spell to see what's wrong with my stuff inside.

There's nothing wrong with the potions and some several magic containers. Only the small white marble was shining weakly and was not as bright as the bracelet that shone due to that mining area.

Nonetheless, it's no doubt that the white marble was the reason. I took it out from my bracelet.

I sensed a faint magic aura from this marble. I wonder where I could use it. I wonder what spell should I use to bring out its potential.

"Perhaps I need look into its past," I whispered.

By doing that, I would know where this thing originally came from.

"Blessed by the power of truth that unlocked all mysteries, I seek you to unveil the past of mysterious entiry before me and look through the truth!" I chanted.

The magic circle I drew and the white marble at the center shone blindly through my eyes. A piece of the past tinkered into my mind swiftly.

I felt myself passed out before it began showing through my mind.

"Give it back!" I heard a shout of a man.

"Why should I? This fake life source is my idea!" Another one appeared.

"No, I'm the one who painstakingly made it!"

A loud crash suddenly occured and huge amount of blue fire took place where the voice came from. Everything went black and their loud screams were all I heard.

It swiftly followed with a little girl staring blankly at nowhere and not moving at all. It went black again.

I found myself lying on the floor.

"Ouch..." I uttered.

My head ached suddenly and my eyes were spinning a little. Nonetheless, it disappeared slowly and I stood up.

"Fake life source huh?" I whispered.

I touched the white marble. It's color was changing from silver to white and I'm not certain what its true color. Silver or white?

I stared at for a while. "What about that girl?" I uttered.

Her appearance resembled that woman we found in the hidden room in Soul'e Magic High. While I'm lost in my thoughts, the marble was taking magic from me little by little and when I realized it, it shone brightly again.

"How many times would it blind my eyes? I hope it wouldn't truly blind me!" I said.

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe to what I saw!