
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 12

Irvene's point of view

Uncovering the school's darkest secrets are much harder than practicing spells. I yawned as we walked our way to school. I had to endure waking up in the morning because of this.

But the weird things I noticed on that shady room bothered me this whole time. What's that equipment for? We have to finish this shortly before everything would become utterly complicated.

We reached Soul'e Magic High and went straight to our classroom. The four of us sat on the long brown table.

Not long after, the instructor entered our classroom that made everyone fell silent. Her loose braided hair, short black cloak and red frilly dress caught everyone's attention. The students exchanged opinions about what's happening. It looked like she's not supposed to be an instructor in our class.

"Good morning students, Ms. Lily who was your instructor in Alchemy was assigned on a different field so from today onwards, I'll be your Alchemy teacher," she said.

I saw her eyes looked at the four of us. "I'm informed about the new students and since you're new here, let me introduce myself. My name is Hana Lynnwick and address me as Ms. Lynnwick," she continued.

We nodded at her while she snapped her hands that made the different potions materialize on each table. There are even empty flasks in different sizes.

I had a hunch about what we'll do on this activity. It's an exciting subject than yesterday, because the instructors only taught us the academic subjects which we spent our time sitting on the chair and listened to them for a few good hours.

But this day would be different!

"Since I'll be your instructor, I wanted to know by myself how good you are on this subject," Ms. Lynnwick said.

I heard some of our classmates grunted while the others cheered.

"This is a group activity. Your seatmates will become your group mates so basically, there are eight groups consisted of four members. You'll make your own potion and any kinds of potion would do and the best group would not only receive the highest points, I would give an interesting reward." she said.

Ms. Lynnwick raised her hand which held a golden box. I wonder what's inside it. A smirk formed on my lips and glanced at my seatmates.

"Ready to win?" I asked.

"Of course! We'll not let ourselves lose to our classmates," Sid answered.

"What kind of potion is on your mind?" Meryll asked. She looked pretty excited too.

"That's a good question." I whispered them on what we would do. Sid and Meryll gasped upon my interesting idea. I even saw Vaughn's eyes widen.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes!" I answered.

"Then let's get started!" Sid and Meryll both said in unison.

I taught them the most accurate way of mixing each potion and the correct liquid to mix. Our potion is a special one, so it has a complex procedure. This is my favorite subject that I mastered every aspect in Alchemy, although I still have more to learn compared to my father.

"Hmm.. I could see that you've acquired enough knowledge regarding Alchemy especially the new students!" Ms. Lynnwick said.

Ms. Lynnwick watched us how we are doing a complex way of creating a potion then she walked to other groups. It took an hour before every students finished creating their potions.

"Carry up your potions!" she said. Afterwards, Ms. Lynnwick snapped her fingers again while the tables and the things above it disappeared in a flash. She only left one table in front of us.

"Since you're all finished, every group will present their creation in front of the class while I will give scores to you," Ms. Lynnwick explained.

The presentation started. Most of them made enhancing potions. Although, there's one group that caught my attention. They walked in front to present.

"We created a potion that will make anyone has the ability to control fire and water for five minutes," she said.

A man raised the potion and drank it. Afterwards, he opened both of his hands. The right one released water while the other hand released fire. The students looked at them in amazement.

Not bad.

They bowed and gazed at us in a displeasing manner. I didn't like how they looked down on us!

"Let's go!" Sid said.

We walked in front and I placed the potion on the table. I heard them whispered to each other.

"Are they able to beat Lianna's team?"

You will see!

"Today, we invented a potion named Mystical potion. How does it works?" Vaughn said that caught everyone's attention.

"Watch our show!" We said in unison.

I raised my hands and the strange markings surrounded our potion. "I hereby make this small space turn into different dimensions!" I chanted.

Our classroom changed into a different place. It turned out into a vast grassland while a huge dragon appeared and roared loudly.

"W-where are we?"

"T-there's a dragon!"

They panicked until the place changed again. It kept changing until we came back to our classroom.

"The Mystical potion can make people inside a room to an illusion which they think they're really brought into different places," Meryll explained.

We bowed and heard their loud claps. I looked at a girl, whom, I supposed is Lianna. Hmp.

"Great! I'm astonished. Everyone made their best, although there will be only one winner. I'll announce it tomorrow!" Ms. Lynnwick said.

The Alchemy class ended and they said that it's already break time. We stood up and left the classroom. The wide hallway is crowded with students and we immediately walked outside and breathed fresh air.

"The Mystical potion is really great!" Sid said. He continued to talk with Meryll while Vaughn stayed quite.

Suddenly, I saw Lianna and three other students who walked towards us.

"You'll regret this!" Lianna said. After that, she went away.

I shrugged her thoughts.

"Hey, Ingrid is here," Sid said. The student council president stopped his track in front of us.

"As expected, you're all talented. Be careful, students," Ingrid said. His voice almost whispered as he spoke and immediately left.

That made me smirk. You're wrong Ingrid, we would get further eventually into the school's dark side when we show our skills one by one.