
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 10

Irvene's point of view

The four of us sat on the long red couch inside my own room on this castle. Vaughn said we have something important to discuss which I had no idea what it is about. A maid knocked three times on the door and entered. She brought four sets of uniform for male and female. My eyebrows furrowed.

"What's this all about?" I asked.

"From now on, we would become a student of Soul'e Magic High," Vaughn said.

"What?" I said.

"Oh, sounds fun." While Sid and Meryll seemed to like that idea.

The four of us didn't really need to go to school everyday, unlike other students. We had been specially trained by my father and other councilors and generals in this huge castle four years ago. Normally, students who's commonly at ages 14-20 took six long years of studying on Soul'e Magic High while we finished taking up special classes two years earlier than them.

He must have plans on his mind otherwise, we will, in no doubt, waste a lot of time.

"I recently found out that Soul'e Magic High hold many secrets inside the institution. I remembered that the ruler went there a couple of times before his death. The only way to thoroughly investigate the area is to enter there without raising suspicion from the higher ups of the school," Vaughn explained.

So we would experience being a normal student even though our intentions is indeed different from those students. After we discussed everything, we wore the uniform of Soul'e Magic High. The red coat and tie, white inner blouse, and white short skirt with intricate golden lines that symbolizes Soul'e country. The male uniforms are similar except, of course, they wore pants.

"These uniforms are pretty good-looking. It's expected to a prestigious school of Soul'e," Meryll commented.

She's been looking at herself in front of the mirror and so does Sid while Vaughn sat on the chair, and watched those two who's busy styling themselves in front of the large mirror hanged on the wall.

"Irvene, I noticed that your bag has been moving. I'm curious about what is inside your bag," Vaughn said.

My eyes widen. I forgot about Fluff! I hurriedly made my way on the table and opened the old, tattered backpack. Both of my hands lifted Fluff and let them have a sight of my newly contracted spirit.

"Ah, this is Fluff. I met him on a forest back on Lan province," I said.

Those two who were on the mirror rushed towards me and looked at Fluff with admiring eyes.

"How I wish I would have a contracted spirit as cute as Fluff!" Meryll said.

"Let me touch him!" Sid shouted with eagerness on his voice.

"No, me first!" Meryll said.

Until they ended up fighting. "Sid, hold that creature then just take turns." Vaughn stopped this two before my room would turn out into a mess. He stood up and joined us.

"But let me take a look first. This is my first time I saw a creature like that," Vaughn said.

"Hmp! You're just making excuses so you would hold him first." Sid said, but he's senseless talking was ignored by Vaughn.

"Also, besides Elis, I recently had another contracted spirit. An earth-type one," I said.

Their eyes immediately widen.

"Contracting a spirit is incredibly hard but when it comes to you, everything becomes easy," Meryll said.

"Yeah, I agree! Why don't you summon them?" Sid suggested.

"Okay," I said and chanted a spell.

"Blazing fire and deadly earth, pair of vigorous entities, I summon thee." Both fire and thorns emerged in front of us and took shape as a human being. Elis and Ivy greeted me.

"Now, you can also summon them at once. That will save plenty of time on a battle," Meryll said.

Merlly's mind went deeply as if she's already planning out a superb battle strategy.

"It's been a while Elis." Sid greeted Elis and he greeted him back.

"This is Ivy, an earth type one. They'll be strengthening their powers here in the castle while I do not summon them," I said.

They greeted Ivy with welcoming smiles while Ivy looked at them with her cold gaze.

Afterward, we made our way to Soul'e Magic High. The tall silver gate of the school welcomed us. It opened on its own and let us entered. The front part of the school is surrounded with students who's busy chatting with each other. We caught their attention and some of them are obviously started talking about us.

Who wouldn't when they saw new faces at mid-school year?

Vaughn said they had made false explanations to the administration of the school why we're enrolling at a later date. Our special classes weren't known by everyone and shouldn't be said to them to avoid suspicions.

"Welcome to Soul'e Magic High, new students!" A man appeared before us. His hair is long for a man and his black-rimmed glasses reflected the sun's rays thus, I only saw a vague appearance of his eyes while my eyes didn't fail to saw his sudden smirk that quickly turned into a smile.

"I'm Ingrid Welsey, the student council president of the school. I'll lead you to your respective rooms and briefly explain the school's system," he said.

We followed his trail and listened to him. "This Magic High's consisted of six levels. First years are called first levels, second years are second levels and so on and so forth. Then the students are randomly divided into five sections each level. There are academics and magic subjects taught in this school and every last month of the school year, a magic battle competition is held every level. The school has enough facilities and it managed students needs to be based on academics and magic education."

We stopped our trail and entered a room. "Good morning first section of fourth level students!" he greeted.

"From today onward, four new students would be added to your class. Would you introduce yourselves, new students?" he asked.


"Vaughn Estrama," Vaughn said. His straight expression didn't change but I could saw that the female students looked at him admiringly.

"Meryll Dellmira"

"Sid Salford"

Meryll and Sid followed and I introduced myself lastly. "Irvene Aly Elvina"

After that, the student council president left and was seated in the last row in long brown table enough for the four of us. The classes started and as expected, the subjects were already taught to us.


"Class dismissed," the instructor said.

We stood up and left the room even though, some students attempted to talk to us, but we needed to observe the whole place, so we ignored them... for now.

"It's best if we'll observe separately," Vaughn said.

I ended up going to the school's south. I saw the laboratory, a huge battleground, and a garden.

I walked inside the school and saw a hallway which no one could be seen. It's in a far and dark corner and I entered silently. I saw many big cylindrical tubes in a room made of glasses but I didn't see what's inside since a sudden smoke was quickly released, then everything became vague.

I ran as fast as I could before anyone would take notice of me. Once I got away far enough, I walked like nothing strange happened and breathed hardly and sat on a bench when I reached the school's park.

"Hi, Irvene." I heard the voice of a man from behind. I turned my head and saw the student council president. I couldn't see his eyes' expression again because of the sun rays' reflection on his glasses.

"Student council president," I said.

President Ingrid laughed. "Don't be too formal, call me Ingrid."

"Ah, okay," I said.

"Enjoying a tour in this school?" he asked.

I almost reacted to him. I didn't say a word and stayed still.

"Anyway, I have more things to do. Bye," President Ingrid said. After that, he waved his hands and walked away.

I didn't know if he saw me, but what about that room? I'm certain that it's not for school purposes. I wonder what kind of secrets are hidden inside Soul'e Magic High.