
Mystic Spider

What if...MCU Ned Leed wasn't who he was and New York had two different arachnid theme super human protecting the city? This is my first work and first attempt at rehashing an already established property to fit my liking. If you like the concept, feel free to save this novel and follow my journey of butchering some of my favorite MCU movies and marvel story lines All intellectual properties belong to their perspective company, this is just for shits and giggles, nothing more.

Somelin · แอคชั่น
45 Chs

Costume design

It's been a few days since that first swing exercise in the warehouse and I think I've solve problem with the variety of webbings that I have. Magic always seems to be the answer to almost all of my problems. My webs can now explode remotely, I just have to set off the spell inside the ball of web. It can cut through thin-ish metal poles because I can over heat the magic whip inside the web it's like a weird wonky light saber, although that's not really spider related. I can split the web into multiple thinner threads to hit multiple targets at once by splitting and breaking the whip at different length and angles.

While it's been almost a week since I've gotten bit, I've checked on Peter through the phone and he seems fine. I think he should be discovering his abilities around now because in Homecoming he said something about having only a week of normalcy after he got bitten by the spider. Ever since then he's been living a double life of a teenage and your friendly neighborhood spiderman. He seems alright though, a bit distant but that's to be expected when you're going through superpower puberty and have no guidance.

Well I think I can always develop new spells and abilities later because I can't do anything without a super suit. I'm not short on money so I can get almost any materials I want for my suit. I just don't know if I want an all metal suit like ironman or if I want a spandex like suit like your typical web slinger. I don't have all the necessary technology and artificial intelligence to become an iron spider but I also don't want to get shot and have to repair my outfit every now and then. Decisions decisions. SIGH. I know I'm probably over thinking this too much but I having a costume that's just right is what every superhuman need. If the costume doesn't match the brand that you're going for you'll be greatly misunderstood, just like the great Saitama-sense. He doesn't need anything fancy to so off his abilities but everyone thinks he's a fraud and a creep all the time.

Since Peter is going to become your friendly neighborhood spiderman I should do the opposite. You already know how many times the villains will escape jail and continue to commit more crimes just to go back in. Now I understand that sometimes you have to do what you need to do to put food on the table but once you kill and hurt more people than you should that's when you need to be put down.... I think. I think I need to become like my father. A man who's willing to do what is needed to keep my kingdom and family safe....but I haven't kill anyone yet. Sure I've broken and put some people in the disability bracket a few times but taking a life? I don't think I can be that cruel.....but some one has to.

I walk to my bedroom as I open up my newer hand built computer. It has interactive holographic displays as well a magic synthesized badassium arc reactor. Yeah I sorta skimp over the stolen technology that I've created a few years ago in Kamar-Taj. I was also the reason they have Wifi now. The combination of magic and technology is truly beautiful, in the future I want to incorporate it with more advance alien tech like Asgardian or Wakandan or even Kree. Man the possibilities are endless in this universe.

Anyways back to the drawing board. I know I want a spider theme suit but drastically different colors compare to Peter and his suit. He'll be mostly red and blue in his regular outfit and then some gold shading once he gets his iron spider suit. I want to be the opposite yet similar in design and feel. I touch the open air around the display as I put on my designing application program.

Let's start with the head since it'll be the easiest. Instead of having a skin tight mask like Peter I want something like a motorcycle helmet or just an actual head piece itself. Maybe something like black panther and their costumes? Let's take the design of an actual spider and have that be a head piece. I want the eyes to be where my eyes will go but I'll have a screen view like Tony. The other side eyes can be around the head and along the back of towards the neck. But I don't just want a spider head I also want a skull too so maybe a giant spider head drape over a human skull like a herculean type headgear. Yeah that's it. A spider head and eyes over a skull mouth and jaw all wrapped around a solid metal helmet.

Now the suit. I want to break it down to limb sections and armor parts. The hands I want a skin tight glove that my hairs can stick out of so I can grip on to walls with but on the other side I want some sort of armor plating. Although that's going to difficult and not very practical. I suppose I could just keep the gloves simple and useful since I won't need it for protection or damage since these hands are all I really need.

Next the forearm and gauntlets. I think a simple covering should be fine. Maybe have some room on the underside for me to store some vials of whatever I might come up with later. I think developing my own synthetic webbings and having a web shooter slot would be useful in the future. If I don't need it I can always toss it at Pete whenever he's low cause I already know his childish ass will forget about it and run out at the worst possible times. Now I do want the forearm/gauntlet to be made out of metal. Maybe have a web design over the top but that would be kinda tacky....well I guess having a spider everything theme is already tacky and a gimmick in itself. I think having a mystic shield inscription wouldn't too bad. I can pull out my shields whenever I need to and if I need a bigger shield, I can summon one with my hands.

For the upper arms and shoulders I can shoulder I can just keep it as simple bulletproof armor pieces without any special components or gadgets. All I really need is something to connect the suit and bring it all together. I guess the same can be said for the thigh and shins. I want the suit to be a simple and sleek-ish design so I don't lose out on agility but I also want it to be intimidating and bullet proof. Well I do want the thigh to have a holster for a gun and knife for emergency usage. I don't want to constantly have to clean blood off my gloves if I'm going to be....I guess I'm the spider punisher. SIGH. This is going to be a little bit cringe and embarrassing on paper but someone needs to clean up after Parker.

Uh right the legs. For the legs and below I just want it armored up with some room for storage of some sort. I'll come up with the specs later but that's the general idea. Most of the weaponry I need I can conjure up myself but that would sort of reveal that I'm a magic welding web slinger. Not that I mind scaring the bad guys with magic, I'm just a little worried about what the sorcerers will say if there's a magic user going around cleaning up the streets by leaving dead bodies everywhere.

With the shoes I want to do something special about it. As a nerd I want to be able to Naruto walk on walls and stand upside down but I don't remember any spiders being able to do that. I think they've always been on all fours while climbing and hanging upside. Would be kinda cool to be the only spider that can stand on his two feet like Garra while doing stealth missions. I do want the soles of the shoe to leave web prints. Maybe I can inscribe a spell of adhesive or 'stickiness' at the bottom to achieve that. But I do want the inside to be super soft and comfy because that's what I enjoyed in my previous life.

I think a single hand gun holster should be fine. It's not like I'll be needing much to end a person's oxygen supply. I can always design my own firearm with some sort of enchantment. It'll be a while before I finish the final design but maybe something with sound suppression? For the knife I think a simple enchanted knife should be fine. Just something that can be sharp, clean and cut through other metals using magic on its edge. Would be kinda cool if the knife could extend into a sword but that's too much super Sentai for my suit right now.

Speaking of super sentai, I guess I'm going the kamen rider route with the costume because it mostly all black with a silver highlight of the spider webs and helmet....oh and there's a silk scarf that continuously float and wave in the air and sometimes shine with a gleam. I don't know if I should cry or laugh at myself because I like the intimation factor of a glowing white spider skull and red eyes floating in the darkness but goddamn this is some kamen rider type shit. I even have a belt that holds all my extra emergency utilities for civilians, injures and whatever the might occured in the future. Man I don't know if I'm a mystic spider or kamen rider SPIDA-MAN, the emissary from hell.