
Chapter 14: A Matter of Egos

Artemis' POV

Willow advances toward me with determined steps. She is barefoot like me and wears gray clothes that match her eyes.

"Are you going to fight me, or are you intimidated by facing a real opponent?" she asks haughtily.

"Not at all." I take a relaxed fighting pose and brace myself, knowing she won't wait to pounce on me. "You can come whenever you want. I love challenges."

"We'll see if you love this," she snorts, jumping right away, unwilling to wait.

She attacks me with a series of punches. Her movements are precise, just like Beck's, but they lack his subtlety. While Beck moves only the bare essentials in the midst of the fight, using only the amount of energy needed to dodge attacks, his sister is all ferocity and anger in the midst of battle. She moves like a beast, determined and throwing punches that if they hit me would knock me out.