
Mystic Hollow: Bloodshed

In the mysterious town of Mystic Hollow, two siblings discover their dark family secret and embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind their powers. As they navigate the world of magic and superpowers, they must confront a series of villains to protect the town from an unknown threat. In the end, they must face their darkest fears and make a choice that will determine the fate of Mystic Hollow.

Rafky_Fauzan · ไซไฟ
1 Chs


It was a warm summer night in the town of Mystic Hollow, and everything seemed quiet and peaceful. However, the peacefulness was soon interrupted by the sound of screaming and shouting.

The Ketsueki siblings, Akira and Fuuka, were running through the dark streets, desperately trying to escape the group of thugs that were chasing them. The siblings were exhausted and their clothes were torn and covered in blood. They had been fighting for hours, but it seemed like there was no end to the group of attackers.

As they ran, they stumbled upon an old abandoned building. The siblings hesitated for a moment, but it was their only chance to get away from their attackers. They pushed open the rusty doors and rushed inside, only to find themselves in a large, dimly-lit room.

The room was filled with strange symbols and markings, and the walls were adorned with old and tattered tapestries. It was a sight that made the siblings feel uneasy and uncomfortable. But they had no other choice, so they decided to hide and rest for a while, hoping that the thugs would eventually give up and leave them alone.

As they were catching their breath, they suddenly heard a voice whispering their names. The siblings were startled and quickly searched the room, but found nothing. Suddenly, a strange force emanated from the symbols and tapestries, enveloping the siblings in an otherworldly energy.

They felt a sudden surge of power and their bodies were overcome by a strange sensation. The siblings soon realized that something within them had awakened, something dark and powerful that they could not control.

And so, the story of the Ketsueki siblings began, one of blood, power, and the dark secrets that lie within the town of Mystic Hollow.