
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Tears of a Warrior

Night fell, and within the dimly lit dungeon, the warm moonlight stretched Elvin and Sok's shadows long. They sat in the corner of the cell, chatting and laughing as though they were old friends reunited. Despite the significant age gap between them, they appeared extraordinarily close in their conversation.

Elvin laughed freely; his laughter echoed through the stone cell, dispelling the tension and fear in the air. He would occasionally throw out a question, prompting Sok to share his story. Under his attentive listening, Sok's words began to surge like a unsealed dragon.

Sok's story was like an epic, filled with war, power, betrayal, and love. He narrated each of his heroic battles.

Elvin sat there, listening to Sok's stories, as though witnessing the rise and fall of a world. In this process, his respect and understanding for Sok grew deeper. Similarly, Sok saw in Elvin the desire for freedom, the courage to resist oppression, which reminded him of his younger self.

In this dim dungeon, they provided each other with strength and comfort. Their conversation filled this place of fear and uncertainty with hope and warmth.

Elvin carefully asked, "Mr. Thorsson, how did you lose your leg?" He had always wondered about this but had never dared to ask directly.

Sok sighed, a flash of deep pain flickered in his eyes. This question, for him, was not just about physical injury, but also emotional scars. He fell silent for a moment, then calmly began, "Elvin, do you understand the pain of being a prince?"

Elvin nodded, and Sok started recounting the painful past in detail.

"My story is a tragic tale of a prince. You know the late King Rek, he was my father, King Reinde of Rek. He didn't love me; instead, he favoured my younger half-brother, Albert."

"Albert was my half-brother. He was naturally gifted in combat, which made my father very happy. However, due to my accidental acquisition of the power of summoning, and summoning powerful warriors to fight during a critical moment for the kingdom, it terrified my father who ruled a kingdom unaccustomed to using magic."

"Reinde was always worried that I would threaten Albert's throne. Therefore, he not only wanted to take away my power of summoning but also wanted to find out the secret of how I obtained it. He tricked me, captured me, and then..." Sok's tone dropped, as if to relive the pain of that moment.

"He took away my legs in the most cruel way." Sok's eyes were filled with sorrow and anger, "That was forty years ago, and I will never forget the pain of that moment."

Listening to Sok's story, Elvin was filled with shock and sympathy. The elder he had always respected was carrying such a heavy past.

"Actually, Elvin," Sok's voice became gentler, "I never had any intentions to vie for the throne with Albert. Albert is my brother, and I've loved him since we were young. The bond between us was one filled with deep familial affection."

Elvin looked at Sok; he saw deep love and longing in his eyes, but also endless pain and regret.

"Albert, he was very smart and had a leader's temperament. His humility and justice, his cleverness and bravery, all deeply impressed me." A smile appeared on Sok's face, a smile that emerged when he recalled the good times he had spent with Albert.

"He has so many virtues that I even thought he was better suited to be the king of Reik than me. I have always been proud of him, hoping that he could become a great king in the future," Sok's tone was filled with helplessness and regret, "but, my father didn't see it that way..."

As Elwin listened to Sok's narration, he could feel the deep love and anticipation, as well as the pain and betrayal that Sok had suffered. Sok's story helped him understand him better and further admire his unwavering spirit and deep inner strength.

"Isn't the current king your brother Albert? Why haven't they rescued you?" Elwin interrupted Sok's reminiscence with a question. He curiously looked at Sok, waiting for his answer. Sok glanced down at his disabled legs and gave a wry smile.

"Albert, yes, he is now the king of Reik," Sok's voice was somewhat gloomy, "but he doesn't know what his father, King Reinder of Reik, did for him. Albert doesn't know that I'm trapped here. I don't want him to know yet."

Sok's tone was filled with helplessness and resentment, as well as deep concern for Albert. Listening to Sok's words, Elwin felt puzzled and sympathetic towards this once close brotherhood.

"I have never revealed to Albert what my father did to me. I fear that he would not be able to bear the truth. I'm afraid that he would break with his father because of me. More importantly, my appearance would affect his legitimacy as king. I fear that the truth would make him unable to bear the burden of being a king." Sok's voice was filled with deep helplessness and pain.

He sighed deeply, his gaze full of struggle and confusion. His eyes were fixed on the front, as if he was recalling those times, those days filled with laughter and joy.

His eyes sparkled with pain and struggle, as if deep inside, he was still that young prince, that youth filled with hopes and dreams. But those memories were like mirages, they could only flash in his heart, but they couldn't be touched.

"I chose to remain silent, not because I fear him, but because I fear that he would be hurt by the truth. I chose to bear all of this to protect him. I know, this choice might bring me lifelong pain, but I'm willing. Because he is my only family, my only brother." Sok sighed deeply, his eyes filled with determination and resolution.

Elwin listened carefully to Sok's narration. His face showed deep sympathy and understanding. Looking at Sok, whose eyes were filled with deep pain and bitterness, he knew that it was the profound pain from suffering years of pain and betrayal.

Elwin was full of questions, why would a former prince have such an experience, why would his father do such things to him, why was his brother unaware of his ordeal. But he knew that these questions should not be asked casually, as they were Sok's pain and scars.

Respect filled Elwin's eyes as he looked at Sok, the former prince, the brave warrior, the man full of wisdom and courage. He knew that what he could do was not only to comfort him but more importantly, to understand and respect him.

Looking at Sok, Elwin's eyes were filled with determination and resolve. He decided to help Sok, to do his best to help him walk out of this shadow, and to help him rediscover his value and life. His heart was filled with resolve and anticipation. He knew the path would be tough, but he was willing to try and take the risk for Sok.