
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs


As the first ray of morning sunlight pierced through the high window of the dungeon, casting its glow on Elvin's face, a new day began. Sok had already been waiting, a handful of straw in his hand, his eyes filled with resolve and anticipation. Although the conversation from the night before had brought them closer, Elvin knew that today's training would be even more challenging than yesterday's.

Elvin stood up resolutely, wiped the sweat from his face, and nodded at Sok. He knew he had to be more focused and braver than the day before. Every move, every dodge, would determine whether he could escape this dungeon.

Sok started to guide the straw in attacks against Elvin. Each attack varied in angle, strength, and speed, requiring Elvin to observe attentively to accurately judge the straw's approach and successfully evade it. Each time he dodged an attack successfully, Sok would look at him with encouraging eyes, then aim for a new angle and initiate a new attack.

Elvin immersed himself in training, disregarding his fatigue, muscle soreness, and the scratches from the previous night. Each painful graze from the straw seemed to ignite a stronger determination and fighting spirit within him. He understood this was a battle for freedom, and only by constantly challenging himself could he achieve victory in the final showdown.

And so, Elvin spent the entire morning in Sok's intense training. Despite his body being soaked in sweat, his eyes were full of determination and resolve. Looking at Elvin's resolute figure, pride subtly gleamed in Sok's eyes. The young man was surpassing his expectations step by step, becoming the warrior he envisioned.

The tranquility of the dungeon was abruptly broken when the heavy door creaked open, a dazzling light shot through the crack, slicing through the dungeon's darkness. A figure dressed in a white robe came into view, standing tall and graceful, moving with a steady stride, as sharp as a well-honed sword.

This was Lian, his robe was so white it was almost blinding, especially conspicuous under the dim light of the dungeon. His face, accentuated by the white robe, appeared even paler, his eyes deep-set, radiating an indifferent and unfathomable light. His lips were tightly pressed, seemingly sealing off all emotions, sending chills down one's spine.

Following closely behind him were two robust soldiers. They wore iron armor, broad-shouldered and stout, their eyes bright as torches, each holding a long spear, the tip glistening with a fierce chill under the dim light. Their steady and powerful strides seemed to impose pressure on the surrounding air, making their formidable presence felt.

In that moment, the dungeon seemed to shrink under the imposing presence brought by Lian and the soldiers. It felt as if the air itself had frozen. Elvin and Sok exchanged a glance, both with serious and tense expressions.

Lian raised his hand, signaling the soldiers to wait at the door. His gaze fell on Elvin, a smirk forming at the corner of his lips, "Young man, come with us. Our leader wants to interrogate you personally."

The threatening words startled Elvin, who was still in the midst of training. He tried to mask his inner fear, standing upright, returning Lian's gaze with determined eyes. Behind him, the elderly Sok widened his eyes, his face tense. He knew that this face-to-face conversation would determine Elvin's fate.

Elwin stood up, faced Sok, and gave a slight nod. He understood that Sok wanted him to face the upcoming trial bravely and to tackle it with wisdom. Drawing a deep breath, he followed Lian and the two soldiers out of the dungeon, embarking on the road to the interrogation room of the chieftain.

Left in the dungeon, Sok watched Elwin's figure slowly fade away, his heart full of worry. He clenched his fists and prayed silently, hoping that Elwin would be safe.

The iron chains were cold and heavy, tightly binding Elwin's hands. He was led silently down a long corridor, the sound of his shoe tips striking the hard stone floor echoing in the air. Lian led the way, a strange smile hanging on his face, a smile of indifference mixed with triumph, as if he were enjoying Elwin's despair. On either side of him, two uniformed soldiers followed, their eyes cold and alert as they surveyed the surroundings.

Elwin's face was calm, but his heart pounded. He observed the path ahead in silence, memorizing every turn, every corridor, every door, every tile's position. All of these could prove useful in the future, he couldn't afford to overlook a single detail. He needed to remember everything here, for a potential escape plan in the future.

The light in the corridor was dim, casting uneven shadows on Elwin. Lian walked ahead, his heavy footsteps echoing in Elwin's ears, as if foreshadowing the impending interrogation and danger. But Elwin didn't feel fear, his heart was filled only with determination, an unprecedented determination to persevere, no matter what awaited him.

As a heavy wooden door slowly opened, Elwin was led into a chilling room. Instantly, a nauseating smell of blood hit his nostrils. The smell was intense, like a heavy punch in the dead of winter, making him slightly furrow his brow.

The interrogation room wasn't large but was filled with an aura of death and fear. On the walls, rusty torture instruments were neatly arranged. Chains, spikes, hooks, clubs... they all gleamed with a cold sheen in the dim light.

In the center of the room was an old and conspicuous chair. Above it, the ceiling was studded with shining magic crystals, used to prevent prisoners from suddenly using magic. Once a prisoner was in the chair, any hint of a desire to cast magic would be immediately detected by the magic crystals and their magical power drained.

Elwin was led towards the chair, his eyes firm, devoid of any fear. Despite the air of death and despair in the room, there was no trace of retreat in his heart. His sole conviction was to find a way out of this place, no matter the cost.

"My lord, the man is here." Lian bowed to the figure in the room, his voice filled with awe.

The chair opposite slowly turned around, revealing a woman clad in black armor. Her armor accentuated her strong and powerful figure. In the dim interrogation room, her presence was like a powerful dark vortex, swallowing the surrounding light.

Her breastplate was intricately designed, with golden patterns depicting a pair of fan-shaped phoenixes. Their wings seemed ready to fly at any moment, their magnificent chests appearing to provide a firm platform for the phoenix's rise.

She wore a terrifying mask, designed like the face of a demon, its lines curving and distorted. She seemed like a demon in the night, eerie and cruel. The entire person was like a walking night, her armor and even her breath were so cold and deep.

The mask left only two holes, within which were a pair of cold and sharp eyes. The fervent light in her eyes formed a stark contrast with the surrounding icy interrogation room. It was a gaze of extreme ruthlessness, seemingly able to penetrate one's soul. The intimidation conveyed by her gaze was as if a tangible presence, inciting fear in those who witnessed it.

This is Raven Darkholme, a name that struck fear throughout the entire empire. Her armor, mask, and gaze - each detail emanated an incomparable ruthlessness and strength. Yet, hidden behind her, was a woman's determination and power.

Elwin gazed at this figure, he could clearly perceive that this was a woman, but he could feel a dangerous aura radiating from her, a unique sense of oppression. Yet, he did not succumb to this terror. He knew that any fear or panic would only plunge him deeper into peril. Therefore, he boldly raised his head, staring into the eyes within the mask, with a resolve as steadfast as iron.

The masked figure sat in the dim interrogation room, toying with the mysterious box that Elwin brought, the cold iron armor echoing a low sound with her movements. Her gaze pierced through the mask, focusing on Elwin, she asked in a chilly voice, "Young man, where do you come from?"

Elwin raised his head, despite the intense pressure the person in front of him gave, he still stared firmly at her, responding to her gaze with determination and sincerity. He said, "Although I am not from the nation of Reik, I am definitely not your enemy. I just trespassed into your territory while escaping persecution. Please trust me."

Elwin's voice was clear and steadfast, echoing in the dim interrogation room. His words were filled with sincerity and determination, as if swearing an oath. Even though his kind nature desired to tell the truth that he had been transported here from another world by the cube, proving he was not a spy, he remembered Sok Thorsson's instruction: he must flee with that box, indicating that the box held a crucial secret.

Upon hearing Elwin's answer, the masked figure turned her gaze back to the box in her hands. Her fingers lightly traced over the box, as if searching for its secret. Her voice rose again, her question was simple and straightforward, "So what does this box do, and how do you open it?"

Elwin's heartbeat accelerated, he took a deep breath, attempting to hide his nervousness. He knew the secret of the cube must remain unknown to them, or it would affect his and Sok's plans.

"This box..." he began carefully, his voice soft but firm, hoping to mask the real purpose of the box through his words.

"It's just a personal belonging, a keepsake left by my missing family." He tried his best to appear sincere in his expression and tone, hoping to touch their hearts. He didn't want them to be overly suspicious of the cube, so he chose this reason, a simple one yet capable of eliciting sympathy.

He continued, "I hope you can return it to me." His voice held a hint of determination, looking into the masked figure's eyes, hoping she would accept his request. Elwin understood that this was his only chance, and he must seize it.

Although the masked figure remained expressionless, her grip on the cube in her hands tightened, her gaze returned to Elwin. Her deep eyes seemed to want to see through Elwin's heart, then she glanced again at Lian behind Elwin, as if verifying Elwin's words.

Lian gave a slight nod. He too could not confirm whether Elwin's words were true or not. He had personally inspected the cube, unable to open or discern its internal mechanisms; it could be said that he knew nothing about this cube.

The man in the mask pierced Elwin with a gaze as sharp as a fierce beast, sending chills down his spine. However, he still held his head high, returning her stare undeterred, his small fist clenched in front of his chest, signifying his determination.

"How can you prove it? How can I trust what you're saying?" the masked figure asked in a mocking tone, her voice cool and deep.

Elwin took a deep breath and replied, "I know Reik is a nation that values honor and loyalty. Its people are brave and tenacious warriors. I am willing to prove my innocence in the arena, according to your customs."

His words left the entire interrogation room in silence, even the distant sounds of hammering iron seemed to have momentarily stopped. Everyone looked at this slender young man with astonished eyes, unable to believe his unexpectedly courageous stance.

Upon hearing Elwin's words, the masked figure paused, her eyes flashing a mix of deep thought and complexity. She seemed surprised that this seemingly weak young man would make such a choice. Mockingly, she said, "Young man, do you understand how dangerous the arena is? Your opponents are seasoned veterans, and it is a fight to the death. Consider it carefully. Are you sure you want to participate in the duel?"

Without any hesitation, Elwin stared deeply at the masked figure and firmly replied, "I'm sure." His voice was clear and steady, without any trace of wavering.

The masked figure's figure was shrouded in a cold, iron-gray shadow, her emotionless appearance was inscrutable. Her fingers slowly moved away, leaving the mysterious cube on the table, blending with the rust-streaked surface. She seemed unsatisfied with Elwin's response but showed no anger, her gaze filled with deep thought.

Her eyes moved between Elwin and Lian, as if weighing, calculating something ineffable. Her gaze was as sharp as a sword, the silent oppressive pressure was palpable.

The cell door slowly closed, Elwin was bound by chains, the burden on his shoulders seemingly heavier than the iron. The masked figure's cold and deep voice echoed in his ears, like cold winter snow, slowly sweeping over the ground, chilling to the bone.

"Take him back, today's interrogation ends here."

The statement was harsh, like a hammer heavily pounding on Elwin's heart. His voice was low, like a call from the abyss, chilling. Yet at the same time, Elwin felt a sigh of relief. Because it meant that at least for today, he was leaving alive.

However, the next words made him tense up. The masked figure's voice suddenly became somewhat gentle, but it still carried an irresistible authority. She quietly asked, "Young man, what's your name?"

Elwin instantly realized this was not a simple question. He forcibly swallowed the bitterness in his mouth, then raised his head, looked into the eyes of the masked figure, and answered clearly and firmly, "My name is Elwin Arthur!"

His voice echoed in the empty cell. Even though the unknown and dangerous future scared him, he still bravely faced it, because he knew only in this way could he find a way out and complete his mission.