
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

A close call

However, it was as if Elwin had an early premonition. His eyes locked onto Brock's trajectory the moment Brock launched his fierce attack. His body flexibly switched positions in the air, avoiding the lethal attack in the most precise manner, much like a fish in water, light and agile.

"Your movements are too big, Brock," Elwin taunted with a smile.

"You skinny monkey!" Brock roared, but his heart became more vigilant. He knew this seemingly weak opponent was actually an unpredictable dangerous character.

Each time Elwin dodged, he could find the opponent's flaw, but his aim was not to kill his opponent. He used the gap to observe the entrance to the secret passage.

Brock's axe fell, leaving only a turbulent air and a wild afterimage. However, Elwin was already standing firmly behind Brock. His calm eyes revealed immense tenacity and determination, as if his challenger was a moth, not Brock's ferocious axe. Brock turned around immediately, his eyes filled with shock and anger, making his attacks even more crazy. However, Elwin was ready to respond. He knew that the real fight was just beginning.

Brock turned around, his anger was like the wildness in a beast's eyes. Looking at Elwin's calm and determined gaze, he roared like a furious wind, "Kid, do you think you can beat me?"

Elwin quietly stood opposite him, his golden hair gently fluttering in the breeze, like a cluster of shining flames. His gaze did not waver, he just smiled lightly and confidently replied, "I don't just think, I'm sure I can win."

Hearing his response, Brock became even angrier, his eyes flashing with furious flames. He roared fiercely, "You arrogant fool, I will make you understand that the world is much crueler than you imagine."

Elwin quietly looked at him, his eyes shining with a determined light, and then calmly said, "I know the world is not simple, I also know the world's cruelty. Brock, your world might be about power and violence, but my world has courage, hope, and the ideals I will fight for."

Brock's eyes widened after hearing this, Elwin's words were like a punch hitting his heart. He looked at the seemingly weak young man who dared to challenge him, and suddenly felt his rage and arrogance seemed trivial. However, he sneered, once again raised his giant axe, and launched a crazy attack. But Elwin was ready, his eyes sparkled with a fiery fighting spirit, he knew, the real fight was just beginning.

The atmosphere in the gladiator arena suddenly heated up. The expectations of the audience lurked in every corner of the arena, they were eager to see the fierce collision of power and power, the confrontation of blood and courage. However, the current situation disappointed them: the seemingly weak young man kept cleverly dodging Brock's attacks, and every attack from Brock missed the target, making the audience's boiling enthusiasm nearly freeze.

"Brock, what's wrong with you?" one audience member called out in confusion.

"Are you here for a sightseeing?" another audience member was extremely disappointed, shouting dissatisfiedly.

Facing the audience's mockery, Brock's face became gloomy. He turned to look at Elwin, his eyes full of madness and determination. "Watch how I smash you," he threatened fiercely, and then his attack frequency and intensity increased a bit.

However, Elwin was not affected by his threat. He took a deep breath, remained calm, and prepared to face Brock's next wave of attacks.

Brock turned into a raging storm, swinging his axe with all his strength. The axe in his hand was as fast as the wind, each swing stirred up a violent air flow, shaking the air and causing the surrounding dust to fly. This scene was like an ancient war god wielding his weapon, tearing the space, ravaging the earth, a magnificent sight.

He waved his axe wildly, every smash resembling lightning striking the earth, kicking up a cloud of dust. This dust, like sand in a storm, swirled around and created a vortex-like airflow, obscuring Elwin's vision and making it hard for him to find his direction. Despite the veiled vision and hostile environment, Elwin's heart remained as calm as a mirror lake.

Elwin silently adjusted his breath, even though the outside world was full of dust, he still calmly closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of Brock's swinging axe and feeling his footsteps vibrating on the ground. Every time Brock launched an attack, Elwin had already mapped out his position in his mind, waiting for the best counterattack opportunity.

Elwin's figure in the dust was elusive like a ghost, he dodged Brock's attacks with incredible agility and intuition. His movements were light and smooth, as if he was dancing an elegant dance.

"Kid, wait till I turn you into dust." Brock laughed mockingly, his laughter mixed with provocation and contempt.

However, Elwin did not respond to him, he quietly adapted to the changes in front of him, trying to find a way out. Whenever he tried to escape Brock's attack range, Brock seemed to foresee his movements and blocked his path over and over again. Elwin's breathing gradually became difficult, he realized that if it continued like this, he might not win this fight.

In the audience of the arena, people's eyes gradually changed from surprise to focus. They originally thought that this fight would be a one-sided suppression, but what they saw was a blood-boiling chase. Elwin, the boy they originally thought had no chance of winning, was striving to dodge Brock's attacks, which amazed them.

"This kid is really interesting!" one audience member exclaimed loudly.

"How long can he hold on?" another audience member raised an eyebrow, his words full of doubt.

The audience's discussions were full of mockery and expectation. They were waiting for the dust to settle in this fight, waiting to see the moment a warrior fell.

Elwin's heartbeat matched the rhythm of Brock's attack. Brock's attacks were relentless, every swing of the axe brought up the howling of the wind, shaking the surrounding air. However, Elwin's attention was no longer on him, his eyes were searching constantly within the arena, looking for an opportunity to turn the tables.

Sok's voice was very clear in his mind: "Find the stone slab of the bull's head statue on the edge of the arena, move the bull's horns to open the secret passage of the arena." This sentence echoed in his mind, every word, every syllable was pondered over and over by him, Elwin's eyes sparkled with determination.

With Sok's words echoing in his mind, Elwin kept reminding himself: he had to find that statue, move the horns of the bull, and find the secret passage to vitality. The burly man in front of him, facing his threat, he could not shrink back, could not give up, because in this arena, only the winner could survive.

Elwin, under Brock's offensive, was like a lone boat swaying in the storm, his survival space was constantly being compressed. In repeated dodges, he gradually felt his strength failing, and the sense of crisis kept climbing. However, amidst the storm created by Brock's attack, he suddenly found a glimmer of hope.

Brock's every swing held unimaginable power, he raised his arms, his body's muscles were like a copper wall and iron wall, making him look even more fierce. However, at this moment, Elwin spotted the stone slab of the bull's head statue behind Brock. That was his target, his hope.

Elwin didn't hesitate. The moment Brock brought down his arms, he darted under Brock's armpit like a nimble hare and ran towards the bull-headed statue. This was his opportunity, and also his most dangerous moment, because this time, he had his back to Brock.

Brock's reaction was not at all inferior. He almost instantly grasped Elwin's intention. With a twist of his body, he swung his astonishingly powerful axe towards Elwin. The axe traced a stunning arc through the air, as if to tear everything apart.

However, Elwin seemed to have eyes on his back. His body sprang up skillfully, stepped on the surface of Brock's axe, and leaped forward with the help of it. People in the audience gasped when they saw this scene. The originally noisy arena instantly echoed with exclamations of shock. Elwin's leap dropped a bombshell in their hearts.

Elwin shot towards the edge of the arena like an arrow, with Brock following closely, wielding his large axe. Every time the axe fell, it raised a cloud of dust, and Elwin evaded each attack like a nimble antelope, light and agile.

The audience's blood was boiling. They cheered, shouting Elwin's name at the top of their lungs. "Elwin! Elwin!" Their voices merged into a force that pierced the sky, penetrated the noise, and finally reached Elwin's ears. It was their expectation and encouragement for him.

He got closer and closer to the stone statue at the edge of the arena: three meters, two meters, one meter... He finally grabbed the thick horns of the bull-headed statue and rotated with all his strength.

At that moment, Brock's axe flew towards Elwin's back like a fierce tiger. Everyone's gaze was focused on that point, the falling axe. It felt as if time had stopped.

Elwin sensed the threat behind him, but he had nowhere to retreat. He closed his eyes and held his breath. His body tensed, fully prepared to face the judgment of fate. "Elwin!" The audience's cheers instantly turned into cries of alarm, and everyone's hearts were suspended in mid-air.