
The prank gone wrong

Friday evening,

May 21, 2020.

Angela sighed. "Tobi didn't lie. That was sad." She wiped a few tears from her eyes and turned to see that her friends were doing the same.

"Well if guys had listened to me then we wouldn't be watching The Notebook." Tobi hissed.

"It was a majority vote." Angela said as she turned to look at him.

Tobi looked at Angela and was about to start another one of their petty arguments.

"Hey guys! How's about that 'end-of-school-year' prank?" Rylan said as he made his way inbetween the two.

"Whatever." Angela rolled her eyes looking away from Rylan.

Rylan, wanting to get both of the arguers outside, sighed. "Well let's go then!"

Kaylee grabbed a piece of folded-up paper and started checking off supplies.

"Toilet paper? Check. Sharpies? Check? Does anybody have the eggs?"

Eli nodded and showed her the carton of eggs.

"Perfect!" Hazel said, smiling.

"Angela and Tobi. No arguing. This is going to be fun, and both of you are going to enjoy it. Understood?" Rylan stood in between the two, glancing at both of them.

At the same time, they nodded. "Okay! We're good to go now! Wait! Phones everybody! Don't forget your phones."

They all checked their pockets to make sure they had their phones.

"We're good, mom." Eli said jokingly

"Eli, I swear! I will shove my fist in your face if you don't stop talking and get to the school!"

Eli backed away. "Ok, Angel. You win."

Angela smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Hey Hazelnut, do you have the spray paint in your bag?" Angela asked.

"Yep!" She smiled at Angela and held up her bag. "Dang, this is going to be fun."

Rylan cleared his throat. "Can we actually go now?"

"Yes, now let's go!" Kaylee said excitedly.

Angela smiled as they walked out of her room.

"Can somebody play some music? I'm too lazy to."


Angela smiled a bit and decided what song to sing with Eli.

"Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed, I'll make a cup of coffee for your head." Angela sang softly as they got into her car.

"I don't wanna fall asleep. I don't wanna pass away. I've been thinking of our future 'cause I'll never see that day," Eli continued the song, and the group carried on.

By the time they got to the school, they had sung three songs.

Angela parked the car just a little bit away from the school.

"We have to walk the rest of the way that way they don't see our car." Angela said.

After unlocking the padlock, they took it off of the gate and opened it, allowing themselves onto the campus.

"Split up and do great damage?" Rylan asked them as the got to the front door.

"Split up, also Kay I think we forgot the baseball bat, can you get it from the backseat please?" Angela asked, smiling a bit.

Angela handed her the keys and walked inside the building with the rest of the group.

"Wow. This place is already a wreck!" The group grimaced at all the trash falling out of the trashcans.

A while later, Kaylee came back with the baseball bat, and they split up.

Angela went to the science lab with Hazel.

"Do you think we can cause an explosion if we mix the chemicals or should we not do that?" Angela asked Hazel.

"Let's not do that." Hazel said putting up the chemicals.

Angela laughed a bit and went through the teachers desk.

"Mrs. Garmon's a bitch and has been confinscating things and putting them in here for years." Angela said as she looked through the drawer with the most stuff in it.

She pulled out her drum sticks "I totally forgot she took these away."

"Woah what's all in here?" Hazel said as she walked over to Angela.

"I don't really know..." Angela said as she pulled out her phone.

She went to the group chat and texted to the rest of the group.

𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭☆: Guys, y'all got to come to the science lab, we broke into Mrs.Garmon's drawer where she keeps a bunch of stuff she took from students and there's some pretty cool stuff in here :)

𝘙𝘺: okay, me and tobi will be there in a bit.

𝘌𝘭𝘪: okay, be there in a minute angie.

𝘒𝘢𝘺𝘬𝘢𝘺: I found something creepy in the computer lab and I was going to find you guys anyways…..

"Everyones on there way, Kay said she found something creepy though, what do you think it could be?" Angela asked as she turned off her phone.

"I don't know...." Hazel said as she fidgeted with Angela's drum sticks.

The girls went through the stuff that was in the drawer, only to be joined by their friends minutes later.

"Hey, we found a bunch of stuff in here that we can use for the prank." Hazel said as she put things on the ground.

Kaylee came into the room last with a worried look on her face.

"Kay, is everything alright?" Eli asked her quietly.

"Not really." She said fidgeting with something in her pocket.

She took a piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Angela.

"He-here." She said and went to look through the stuff.

'What's this?' Angela thought as she looked at the paper.

"Dear Angela Topaz, Rylan James, Tobias Porter, Hazel Tribbiani, Eli Topaz, and Kaylee Ribbon, you have all been invited to a party at Merlin's Manor. Come tomorrow at 6 pm sharp. Food and drinks will be provided, and if you're smart you'd bring extra clothes just in case. I'll be waiting for you there. Sincerely yours, the host." Angela read out loud.

"Oh god, i-if Kay found that note that means someone placed it there before we got here, but no one else knew about this." Tobi said fearfully.

"Oh stop being a whiny baby! It's fine. It's probably just an old birthday invitation." Angela waved her hand at Tobi, shrugging off the eerie feeling that the note gave off.

She knew it wasn't an old invitation. She just thought that the group should get to damaging the school.

"Okay, let's just forget about it and start destroying shit." Eli said mischievously.

Angela smiled in response and grabbed the bat from Kaylee and broke the camera in the room.

Rylan smiled and grabbed a can of spray paint from Hazel.

After destroying most of the rooms they decided to just chill out at their lockers.

"Angel, truth or dare?" Eli asked as they all sat in a circle playing truth or dare.

"Dare." She said confidently.

"I dare you to… Let's see." Eli thought about what he would dare his sister. "I dare you to describe your crush in one word."

"Ummm, let's see… I'd have to say that he's caring." Angela said smiling a bit.

"Oh? Angela can you tell us more about this mysterious crush you've never told me about?" Hazel asked smiling widely.

Angela blushed while Hazel leaned in curiously. "Well, uhm. He's- He's, uhm."

"Hazel, if she wanted you to know she would have told you." Kaylee was sending daggers in Angela's direction, her voice the sound of hell and pure hatred.

"It-it's fine really, I just didn't think you would care that much." Angela said trying to calm both Hazel and Kaylee down.

Angela went over to Hazel and whispered her crushes name to her.

"You like him? Why? Girl you deserve much better then him." Hazel said laughing a bit.

"Wha- He's literally the first guy I take interest in and that's all you say?" Angela asked laughing as she sat down in her spot.

"I'm sorry you have poor taste in people! If it had been somebody else, maybe I wouldn't have said anything!"

Eli laughed at what Hazel said.

"She really does have a poor taste in people." He said laughing a bit.

"This, this right here is bullying." Angela said, pretending to be hurt.

Eli rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut it. If I were bullying you, you probably would have punched me in the face by now."

"Yeah true." Angela laughed a bit.

"You guys do know that me and Rylan are still here yes?" Tobi aksed them.

"Yeah, dipstick. We know." Kaylee stood up and pointed down an almost clean hall. "Let's go destroy some more shit."

"Alright, I'll go right, some of you go left and the rest of you destroy the hallway." Angela said as she got up.

"Okay!" Hazel said, grabbing the baseball bat from Angela.

This time, Hazel went with Eli and Rylan, and Kaylee and Angela split up.

The trio opened the door to a classroom and started trashing the place. You know, flipping over desks, smashing windows, spraying graffiti.

Hazel looked at Eli. "Why did you bring a lighter with you?"

He shrugged. "I also brought candles."

He pulled a small candle out of his pocket, set it down on a desk crowded with papers, and tried to light it. "Light!" He smiled widely at the candle, hoping it would obey him.

Hazel and Rylan laughed at him and left the classroom not thinking it would actually light.

Meanwhile, Kaylee was in the left hallway, trashing that and destroying the doors and windows.

Without noticing, Eli, Hazel, and Rylan had decided to creep up on her.


The shriek that Kaylee let out was enough to make the trio roll around on the floor, clutching their stomachs.

"Screw you guys."

"Oh come on Kay it was pretty funny." Rylan said.

"Was not." She hissed.

"We're sorry, okay?" Rylan said, still laughing a bit.

"Whatever, but some of you need to go help Angela while the other helps Tobi." Kay said as she broke the window with the baseball bat (which she took from Hazel)

Hazel's hand shot up. "I'll go find Angel!"

Kaylee sighed. "Stop yelling, please. You already scared the crap out of me."

"Fine," Hazel grumbled. Then she set off the go find Angela, who was actually really easy to find.

Angela was in one of the classrooms flipping over desks.

"Hey Angela, want some help?" Hazel asked as she walked into the classroom.

"Yes, Hazelnut can you be a dear and flip over the teachers desk?" Angela asked as she smiled a bit.

After the last desk was flipped over and the last window smashed, the two girls walked out of the classroom. The hallway didn't smell this way before.

"What the-" Angela started speaking, but Eli's voice stopped her.

"Run! Out the door! There's a fire!" He, Kaylee, Tobi, and Rylan we're running towards the two girls, shouting.

The sound of cackling fire could be heard not too far away.

Angela started laughing and ran out the door.

"We have to get to the car before the fire department gets here and sees us!" Hazel said laughing as well.

Kaylee ran out a few seconds later laughing her ass off.

"What the hell did you guys do?" She said as they got to Angela's car.

Eli sat down in his chosen seat. "All I did was light a fucking candle!"

"On top of a stack of papers, dipshit!" Rylan started laughing again. "Shit. We should probably get going. I think I hear sirens."

Angela laughed and watched the fire fighters go to the school.

"Greatest prank ever." She said as she drove off.