
The idea that started it all

Friday morning,

May 21, 2020.

"Junior year is finally over tomorrow!" Hazel said as she slung her arms around her two best friends, Kayla Blossom, and Angela Topaz.

"Yep! Maybe next year we can scare the shit out of the new freshman!" Kaylee said happily with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Kay was rather, odd, compared to her friends. She was more known for being a flirt around school, if that's the easiest way to put it. Angela only shrugged in response to what Kay had said.

"Angela you should be excited about it, we're almost adults!" Hazel said trying to get Angela excited about graduating soon.

"I'm excited and all, it's just I'm not really ready to grow up, you know?" Angela said quietly.

They knew what she meant, she didn't mean she wanted to stay a kid forever, she just wanted a chance to finally have some what of a good childhood.

"Anyways, we should head to class." Hazel said trying to change the subject.

"Females!" Rylan said as him, Tobias, and Elijah all made their way towards the girls.

"Males!" Hazel and Angela said as they normally greated the other members of their friend group.

"Want to skip school today?" Tobias asked them as they had stopped at the classroom.

"Are you a psychic or what? Hell yes we're skipping. But we have to decide what our end of the school year prank is going to be." Rylan answered for them.

"I have an idea for the prank." Elijah said quietly as they all started walking away from the classroom.

"Alright what is it?" Angela asked him as they all stopped at their lockers, which ironically are all located near each other.

"We can sneak in tonight, break the camera's so they have no proof it was us, then for each class room we do a different prank." Elijah said as he smiled that mischievous smile of his.

"That's a great idea!" Tobi said as he grabbed his books from his locker and threw them in the garbage can.

"What time will we break in though?" Elijah asked as he put his books on the ground.

"How about 7:30?" Angela suggested as she took a bunch of books out of her locker and threw them in the trash.

"Sounds good for me." Hazel said as she put the one book she had in there in the trash.

"You guys want to just hang out at my house until then?" Angela asked them as they waited for Kay and Elijah to finish throwing away their textbooks.

"Sure." Rylan said happily, he had only been over once but he considered it his second home.

"Alright let's go then!" Kay said happily as she joined her friends with Elijah right behind them.

They all talked about their prank idea as they drove to Angela's house.

They had arrived at her house in what seemed like no time, they had walked upstairs to Angela's room after raiding her kitchen for snacks and drinks.

"Sorry my rooms a little messy, but sit anywhere." Angela said as she opened the door to her room.

They all walked in and made themselves feel at home.

"What movie do you guys want to watch to pass the time?" Angela asked as she looked through a box of movies that was right beside her bed.

"Do you have The Notebook?" Hazel asked as she layed down on Angela's bed.

"I do actually." She said as she looked for The Notebook.

She smiled and held the movie up once she found it.

"Alright, any objections on watching The Notebook?" She asked as she put the movie on her bed.

"Yes, The Notebook is depressing and no one wants to be depressed before our prank." Tobi said.

"Okay. Hazel and Kay what do you think?" Angela said as she looked at the other girls of the group.

"I love The Notebook, so I say we watch it." Kay said happily.

"Same here." Hazel said with a smile on her face.

"If we get out voted we can watch The Goonies or Stand By Me, deal?" Angela said as she continued going through her box of movies.

"Deal." Tobi said confident that they wouldn't have to watch The Notebook.

"Okay write down if you want to write it on a slip of paper and I'll count the votes." Angela said as she handed them paper and pens.

A couple minutes passed and Angela had gotten a bunch of movies out.

"Alright give me the papers." She said as she stuck her hand out.

After looking through the votes she proudly said, "The Notebook wins."

"Which one of you traitors voted for The Notebook?" Tobi said loudly.

Both Elijah and Rylan avoided making eye contact.

"Actually there was only one vote against it." Angela said as she put the movie on.

She grabbed a pillow for everyone then sat down next to Rylan.

"You think it's a good idea to break into the school?" Rylan whispered.

"To be honest I'm just worried about getting caught." She whispered back to him.

Little did they know that was going to be least of their worries.