
mysterious son-in-law

James a live in son-in-law who was always insulted by his wife family, woke up to be a billionaire one day. will he forgive everyone that treated him badly?

Abigail_Olorunsogo · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

chapter 2

Unexpectedly Daniel has nothing to do with the Zhang family, yet he is very generous to send them expensive jades.

Old Mr Zhang happily inspected the jade amulet ,and said Mr Zhang was really interested . Only if he could be my grandson-in-law would I be really happy.

After his sentence,he looked up to Emily and said, will you like to accept my condition?''

Emily shook her head." Grandpa I will not divorce James".

Mr Zhang's expression turned sour. And he said angrily . Don't give me your face ,just stick to this trash husband of yours.

James was completely disappointed in the Zhang family , he doesn't have the energy to face the Zhang family for now,he said to his wife.

Emily is going to the hospital to check on anty Zhu.

Emily followed him hurriedly. Then I will go with you.

Old Mr Zhang cursed after them.' if you leave with him now you are no longer my granddaughter. You should take your parents and the trash you call your husband along.

Emily stopped on the spot, she never thought of old Mr Zhang who was harsh on her.

James said hurriedly." You stay ,you don't need to follow me.

With that being said he left hurriedly before Emily could recover from Mr Zhang words.

Andy laughed behind him. Oh my good brother-in-law don't go hungry so you won't have to beg for food on the street.

He brought a Coin out of his pocket, and threw it at James' feet.

The entire Zhang family burst into laughter.

James Left the Zhang family angrily without looking back.

When he got to the hospital, he went to the payment section to pay Aunt Zhu's medical bills. But he was told that someone had cleared the bills.

However when he got to aunt Zhu's room she was no longer there. He rushed to the nurse station to ask for Aunt Zhu . He was told that she had been transferred to the best hospital overnight.

James was shocked and asked hurriedly" how much does it cost" I will find a way around it.

The nurse said " A total of three million is needed. One million has been paid,a gap of two million Left and it will be paid in a week time.

"Who paid this million"

The nurse shook her head,"I don't who did".

James was surprised and was about to figure out who made the payment . When he turned his head,he said a man in black suit and gray hair in his fifties at his back.

With them facing each other, the man bowed to him and said "young master you have suffered for so many years' '.

James frowned, as if his temperament and coldly asked `` are you Gabriel".

The other party said in surprise " Mr lu you still remember me".

James' expression froze as he murmured " of course I remember you". I remember everyone . Back then, you forced my parents to take me out of town and escape all the way.

During this period my parents died unexpectedly. I have also become an orphan so why are you looking for me?

Gabriel said painfully, young master when your father passed away. Old Mr. Lu was extremely sad . He has been looking for you for so many years. Now it's all right ,he wants you to come back to him with me.

James said coldly, I don't ever want to see him nor have anything to do with him.

Gabriel said, young master, do you still blame old Mr lu?

"Of course James said" I will never forgive him in this life.

" Hey" Gabriel said , before I came master lu said you might not forgive him.

" That means he has self awareness"

Gabriel said "old Mr lu knows that you have suffered over the years,he wants to compensate you a little. If you don't want to go back, he will buy the largest company in town and give it to you. In addition he has asked me to give you this credit card. The password is your birthday.

With that he handed him a premium black bank card.

"Mr lu there are only three of such card In the country".

James shook his head and said, take it away, I don't want it.

Gabriel said " Mr lu for your savior you still have two million left to pay for her medical expenses. If you fail to pay you might lose her.

James frowned,you did that deliberately?

Gabriel hurriedly said I don't dare to, but if you accept this card you can pay her bills.

James asked him how much is in the card.

Old Mr Lu said it was a little pocket money of 20 billion.

James was stunned by the figures.

He knew his grandfather was very rich. But at the time he was very young he knew little about money. He only knew that the lu family is one of the top richest families in town and country.

But then he didn't know how much the lu family was worth, but now he knows.

Twenty million for just his pocket money and when it is about the whole lu family ,he is afraid it is more than trillion.

To be honest at this moment he is deeply touched by the lu family.

But thinking of his parents death. Grandpa can shift the blame and he couldn't forgive him.

Gabriel said his entanglement and hurriedly said " young master you are the only heir of the lu family you deserve riches and it belongs to your parents.

Master said if you are ready to go back you will inherit the family properties and wealth . But if you don't want to go back the money will be given as your living expenses.

The largest enterprise in town was the emerald group with a market value of 200 billion which was owned by the jade group yesterday. Are all in your name you can go over to the emerald group any time to claim it.