
Mysterious realm

In the surge of steam and machinery, who can grasp the extraordinary? Amidst the fog of history and darkness, who whispers in the ear? I awaken from the enigma, opening my eyes to behold this world: Firearms, cannons, colossal ships, airships, differential engines; alchemy, divination, curses, hanging men, sealed objects... Light still shines, mystery never far away, this is a tale of "The Fool."

jojokria · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

023 Off hand weapon

Walking along Zottland Avenue, feeling the warm breeze caress his spirits, Klein suddenly remembered something:

He had only 3 pence left, and the fare to return to Iron Cross Street by public carriage was 4 pence. It was akin to buying a bottle of cheap mineral water for 100 dollars in his previous life, an embarrassment he couldn't bear. 

"Should I use the 3 pence to cover 3 kilometers and walk the rest of the way?" Klein mused, slowing his pace and considering other options.

"No!" He quickly dismissed the previous idea.

Walking the remaining distance would take quite a while, and with 12 pounds in his possession, it was too risky! Moreover, he intentionally left his revolver at home today, fearing it might be confiscated by the Night Watch. If he encountered any danger like Welch's death, he would be defenseless!

"Exchange the money at a nearby bank? No, that's not feasible. The 5% transaction fee is too extravagant!" Klein silently shook his head, the mere thought of the fee making him wince!

One by one, solutions were ruled out until Klein's eyes suddenly lit up, spotting a clothing and hat shop nearby!

Of course, the most logical solution was to purchase something affordable and receive change, right?

Suits, shirts, vests, trousers, leather boots, and a cane were all within budget, whether bought now or later! 

Hmm, trying on clothes would be troublesome, and Benson is more knowledgeable and skilled in bargaining than I am. I can wait for his return to consider... 

How about buying a cane?

Excellent! As the saying goes, a cane is a gentleman's best self-defense weapon, serving as a makeshift lever. One hand on the gun, the other on the cane—that's the civilized way to battle! 

With thoughts swirling, Klein made up his mind, turned halfway, and entered the "Wilkell Clothing and Hat Shop."

The layout of the shop resembled the clothing store from his previous life. Suits were arranged on the left wall, while shirts, trousers, vests, and ties occupied the center. On the right were pairs of leather shoes and boots displayed in glass cabinets.

"Sir, what can I assist you with?" A male attendant in a white shirt and red vest approached politely.

In the Rune Kingdom, where gentlemen favored black suits, servants, shop attendants, and waiters were required to wear vibrant colors to distinguish themselves from their masters.

Facing the male attendant's inquiry, Klein pondered for a moment before saying:

"A cane, sturdy and weighty."

The kind that can crack a dog's skull! 

The red-vested attendant discreetly assessed Klein and led him inside, pointing to a row of canes in the corner:

"The one inlaid with gold is made of ironwood, quite heavy and hard. It's priced at 11 sule 7 pence. Would you like to try it?"

11 sule 7 pence? Are you trying to rob me? Gold inlay doesn't make it superior, does it? Klein was taken aback by the price.

Maintaining his composure, he nodded slightly and said:

"Very well."

The red-vested attendant carefully handed Klein the ironwood cane, looking afraid he might damage the merchandise.

As soon as Klein took the cane, he felt its weight and realized he couldn't wield it smoothly.

"Too heavy," Klein shook his head, relieved.

It's not an excuse!

The red-vested attendant returned the ironwood cane and then pointed to three others:

"This one is walnut, crafted by the renowned cane artisan Mr. Hicks of Tinggen. It's priced at 10 sule 3 pence... This one is lignum vitae, inlaid with silver, as hard as steel, priced at 7 sule 6 pence... And this one is whitebark, also silver inlaid, priced at 7 sule 10 pence..."

Klein tried each one and found their weight suitable. Then, he tapped them to gauge their hardness, finally selecting the cheapest option.

"I'll take the lignum vitae one," Klein pointed to the silver-inlaid cane held by the red-vested attendant.

"Very well, sir. Please follow me to the counter to make your payment. If this cane shows any signs of wear or stains in the future, you can bring it to us for maintenance free of charge," the red-vested attendant guided Klein towards the counter.

Taking this opportunity, Klein unfolded the four gold coins he held in his palm, taking out one of the smaller ones.

"Hello, 7 sule 6 pence," greeted the smiling cashier behind the counter.

Initially intending to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, Klein couldn't help but speak up when he extended the 1-pound banknote:

"Could you lower the price?"

"Sir, these are all handmade, and our costs are high," the red-vested attendant interjected, "Moreover, without the owner present, we are not authorized to negotiate prices."

The cashier behind the counter echoed:

"Sorry, sir."

"Very well," Klein handed over the banknote, receiving in return the black cane with a silver-inlaid head held by the red-vested attendant.

As he waited for his change, Klein stepped back and tested the swing of his "secondary weapon" with slight movements.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

The sound of the wind was weighty, and the swish had substance. Klein nodded in satisfaction.

Turning his gaze forward again, expecting to see banknotes and coins, Klein was surprised to find the red-vested attendant retreating and the cashier behind the counter huddling against the wall, close to the double-barreled shotgun hanging there.

In the Rune Kingdom, there was a semi-regulation policy regarding firearms. To own a gun, one needed either a "Full Firearms License" or a "Hunting License." However, neither permit allowed possession of military-grade weapons like automatic rifles, steam-powered rifles, or six-barrel machine guns.

A "Full Firearms License" allowed the purchase and possession of any civilian firearm but was challenging to obtain. Even businessmen of certain status might fail the application process. A "Hunting

 License," on the other hand, was relatively easy to acquire. Even countryside farmers could obtain one, but it was limited to hunting rifles, with a quantity restriction. Many with a bit of wealth applied for one for self-defense in emergencies, like now...

...Klein looked at the two vigilant attendants, his lips twitching, he chuckled:

"Well, this cane is very suitable for swinging. I'm quite satisfied."

Seeing he had no hostile intentions, the cashier behind the counter relaxed and handed over the notes and copper coins they found in the register.

Klein glanced at them, noting two 5-sule notes, two 1-sule notes, one 5-pence coin, and one 1-pence coin, nodding approvingly.

After a brief pause, he ignored the cashiers' gaze, carefully unfolded each banknote in the light to confirm the authenticity of the watermark and anti-counterfeiting patterns.

Having done all this, Klein neatly arranged the banknotes and coins, pocketing the cane, adjusting his top hat, and walked out of the "Wilkell Clothing and Hat Shop" like a gentleman. He indulged in a non-rail public carriage ride nearby, spending a total of 6 pence after a transfer, and smoothly returned to his apartment.

Closing the door behind him, he counted the 11 pounds and 12 sule notes three times before stashing them in the desk drawer, then retrieved the copper-colored revolver with a wooden grip.

Clang! Clang!

Five brass bullets fell onto the desk successively as Klein inserted one by one into the revolving chamber.

Likewise, he only loaded five, leaving space to prevent accidental discharge, storing the rest along with the five normal bullets taken out earlier in a small iron box.


Closing the cylinder, Klein felt considerably more secure.

Eagerly, he placed the revolver into the underarm holster, securing it, and then repeatedly practiced drawing and aiming the gun, resting whenever his arms grew sore until the hallway echoed with the sounds of tenants moving about.

Phew! Klein exhaled, repositioning the revolver back into the underarm holster.

Only at this moment did he remove his formal wear and vest, donning a casual brown-yellow coat and began stretching his arms.

Tap, tap, tap, footsteps approached, keys inserted into the lock, turning sounds reverberated.

Melissa, with her smooth black hair, pushed open the door, her nose barely twitching. Her eyes swept over the unlit stove, the gleam in her eyes dimming slightly.

"Klein, I'm cooking the leftovers from last night. Benson might be back tomorrow," Melissa turned to her brother.

Klein stood with his hands in his pockets, leaning against the edge of the desk, smiling:

"No, we're going out to eat."

"Going out?" Melissa asked in astonishment.

"How about the 'Silver Crown Restaurant' on Narcissus Street? I've heard it's excellent," Klein suggested.

"But, but..." Melissa still couldn't grasp the situation.

Klein chuckled:

"To celebrate finding a job."

"You found a job?" Melissa's voice rose involuntarily, "But isn't the interview at Tinggen University tomorrow?"

"Another job," Klein smiled, taking out the stack of banknotes from the drawer, "They've also advanced me four weeks' worth of salary."

Melissa looked at the gold and sule notes, her eyes widening:

"By the Goddess... what, what job did you find?"

This... Klein hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words:

"A security company dedicated to the search, collection, and protection of antiquities. They need professional consultants. It's a five-year contract, paying 3 pounds per week."

"...Were you worried about this last night?" Melissa remained silent for a moment.

Klein nodded:

"Yes, being a lecturer at Tinggen University would be more prestigious, but I prefer this job."

"...It's actually quite nice," Melissa offered an encouraging smile, half puzzled and half curious, "But how did they advance you four weeks' worth of salary?"

"Because we need to move, we need more rooms, and we need our own bathroom," Klein smirked, spreading his hands.

He felt his laughter was impeccable, just a step away from asking, "Surprised?"

Melissa was taken aback, then spoke rapidly, sounding a bit flustered:

"Klein, we're actually living quite well. I occasionally complain about not having our own bathroom, but it's just a habit. Do you remember Jenny? She used to live next to us. Since her father got injured and lost his job, they had to move to the lower street. The whole family of five can only fit into one room, three sleep on the top bunk, two on the floor. They're even considering renting out the remaining space on the floor... Compared to them, we're doing very well and are very fortunate. Don't waste your salary on this matter, and besides, I really like Mrs. Sline's bakery."

Sis, your reaction is different from what I imagined... Klein listened with a blank expression.