
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · อื่นๆ
14 Chs

The New Queen of all the Witches

"She's obsessed with you" Auntie said seriously.

"Wh-what? S-she's obsessed w-with m-me?" Jen said in shock.

"Her love to you is super strong, You are her medicine" Auntie said seriously.

"Why d-does s-she d-do that?" Jen said in shock as heck.

"For you not to leave her, For you to stay with her forever, She's deeply inlove with you Jen I don't know since when but I know she did that because she love you that much" Auntie said seriously.

(Jen is speechless)

"For the 1,346 years of healing Vampire Werewolf Hybrid this is the first case that I didn't know about, Maybe Atheena is different to the other Vampire Werewolf Hybrids" Auntie said seriously while looking at Atheena.

"And she's inloved with an ordinary witch" Jen said while looking at Atheena who's sleeping peacefully on her arms.

"You're wrong. You are not just a ordinary witch" Auntie said seriously making Jen looked up to her.

"What do you mean Auntie?" Jen asked confusedly.

"You're the next Queen witch" Auntie said seriously making Jen shock.

"W-what?" Jen said in shock.

"You're the next Queen Witch. Your mom is the Queen right now am I right? The first Daughter, the first grandchild and the first niece will be the new Queen when she turned eighteen the thrown will be pass on her and That's you Jen you'll be the new Queen when you turned eighteen" Auntie said seriously while looking at Jen's eyes deeply.

"Is there a rule for being the Queen of Witches?" Jen asked seriously.

"Well actually there is one important rule that the Queen need to follow it" Auntie said seriously hesitating to say it.

"What is it Auntie?" Jen asked her Auntie confusedly.

"It's (No Dejes que el amo te destraiga) Which means (Don't let love distract you)" Auntie explained seriously.

"So you mean I can't have a lover?" Jen said in shock.

"Yes, you can't have a lover that's the rules" Auntie said seriously.

"What?! What about atheena? She's my lover, I can't break up with her, And you said earlier she love me so much, I don't want to hurt her" Jen said in panicked.

"Hey Jen calm down" Auntie said then hold jen's hand for her to calm down.

"Auntie what about her?" Jen asked in teary eyes.

"I'm sorry Jen I can't do anything that's the rules" Auntie said sadly.

"Auntie I can't, I can't break up with her" Jen said while her tears starts to fall on her soft cheeks.

"Every Queen has a King am I right?" Auntie said slowly.

"Don't tell me Auntie" Jen said in shock when she saw her Auntie looked down.

"No auntie no!" Jen said while crying.

"Jen listen to me okay? You will not marry him he's just your partner your King but you guys are not married, You two will rule the whole witches kingdom, He's the new King of the Vampires" Auntie explained while panicking because Jen starts crying badly.

"C-can I know w-who's t-the next king of t-the v-vampires?" Jen asked while wiping her tears but her tears is keep falling.

"You'll know when he turns eighteen" Auntie explained.

(Jen nodded while wiping her tears)

(Atheena moved)

"Hmm? Hubby is there something wrong?" Jen said softly.

"Wifey.. Did you cry?" Atheena asked while her eyes still close.

(Jen got shock)

"Your voice sounds different. Did you cry?" Atheena said while she's rubbing her eyes.

"No I didn't" Jen said while sniffing silently.

"I heard you" Atheena said while looking at Jen.

"Is there something wrong Wifey? You can tell it me?" Atheena said and cupped Jen's cheeks.

"No, I didn't cry" Jen said while wiping her tears.

"But-" Atheena got cut off when Jen talked.

"How are you Hubby? Is your wound still hurt?" Jen asked Atheena, changing the topic.

"Yes it still hurt" Atheena said then pout cutely.

"Don't worry it will be fine soon" Jen said with a smile.

(Atheena nod, then Atheena realize that they are not in their house)

"Wifeyy where are we?" Atheena said while looking around but she didn't notice Jen's Auntie.

"In my Auntie's house" Jen said while smiling sweetly.

"Auntie? Who's Auntie?" Atheena said confusedly with a frown in her face.

"Good morning Atheena" Auntie said sweetly.

"Oh Good morning too" Atheena said politely then bow a little bit.

"You don't need to bow" Auntie said while chuckling.

"And don't move to much your back is not completely healed yet" Auntie add.

(Atheena Nod)

"Wifey.." Atheena said then hug Jen tightly.

"Hmm?" Jen said then tapped Atheena's cheeks softly.

"Wifey I dreamed about you, you leaving me" Atheena said sadly while looking down.

(Jen lift Atheena's chin making Atheena to looked up to her)

"Me? Leaving you? I won't do that Hubby, I won't leave you, I'm gonna stay on your side no matter what" Jen said sweetly while smiling lovingly.

(Atheena smile then hug Jen more tight)

(Jen hug her back while looking at her Auntie worriedly)

"Ath do you know a witch?" Auntie asked Atheena.

"Oh yes yes Auntie I know what is witch they are the best at healing! I respect them so so so much because they heal Vampire Werewolf Hybrids like me actually I want to meet a witch but my dad won't let me luckily one of my friend has a witch friend so I meet a witch" Atheena said happily while talking so fast.

"Really? What is it look like? Is she beautiful?" Jen asked smiling, seeing her girlfriend so happy.

"Yes Wifey she's beautiful, She is pretty, She's also nice and kind!" Atheena said happily.

"From the tone of your voice I think she's more prettier than me?" Jen said acting jealous.

"No Wifey you're more pretty than her, for all the girls I've met no one replaced your throne as the most beautiful and the most cutest girl in the whole world" Atheena said cutely with her sweet smile making Jen blushed.

(Auntie laugh a little)

"But what if I'm a witch?" Auntie asked seriously.

"Woah you're a witch Auntie?" Atheena said in amazed.