
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · อื่นๆ
14 Chs

The "Someone"

"Yes" Atheena said shortly while drinking her last shot.

Atheena POV: You must be wondering who is this "someone" well It's Samantha Smith she's from scotland she's one of my classmates i secretly have a crush on her but i know she don't like me cause you know i'm a gangster and half vampire and werewolf.

"That's your last shot, your lungs" Erin said to Atheena.

"Okay" Atheena said while nodding.

"Good" Erin said while smiling.

"Are you okay Master?" "Your lungs?" "Is dare something wrong?" Lisa said worriedly flooding Atheena with so many question.

"I'm fine Lisa" Atheena said while chuckling drunkly.

"Are you sure Master?" Lisa said while checking on Atheena.

"Yes Lisa don't worry i'm fine" Atheena assure Lisa.

"Okay Master" Lisa said with a smile.

"Don't go home okay? You guys are drunk and it's already midnight it's not safe, Just sleep here" Mom said.

"Okay Auntie thank you" Zane said with a smile.

"Your welcome Zane" Mom said with a smile.

Fast Forward: Morning

(Erin woke up first and she saw Lisa is sleeping on her shoulder)

"Lis wake up now" Erin said in soft tone while shaking Lisa's body gently.

"Hmm" Lisa respond humming.

"Wake up now" Erin said while pinching Lisa's cheeks softly.

"Come on my baby Lili wakey wakey" Erin said in soft tone.

"Hmm Good morning" Lisa said then yawn.

"Good morning too" Erin said softly before standing up.

"Atheena! Wake up!" Erin shout at Atheena.

"Hmm!" Atheena groan.

"Come on wake up idiot!" Erin shout making Atheena groan more.

"Okay fine" Atheena said irritatedly.

Fast Forward: Breakfast

(They are peacefully eating)

"Atheena i heard you love milk ice cream so i bought you one!" Mom said excitedly while giving Atheena a milk ice cream inside a container.

(The members see it)

"I don't like it" Atheena said coldly.

"But i thought you like milk ice cream?" Mom asked confusedly.

"Everyone Knows Atheena Kim Don't Like Milk Ice Cream Inside Of A Container She Only Like Milk Ice Cream On A Ice Cream Machine" The Members say it out loud while eating.

"Oh." Mom said shortly.

"But it's still an Ice cream" Jacob said.

(Atheena look at Jacob sternly making Jacob look away)

"Continue eating idiot" Erin said to Atheena.

"Okay okay" Atheena said annoyingly.

"Eat your food babe" Athena said softly to Jacob.

"Okay babe" Jacob said then eat.

"Wait i will buy you another one" Mom said, she's about to leave when.

"No thanks" Atheena said coldly.

"No it's fine wait a minute" Mom said softly.

"I said no thanks!" Atheena said raising her voice.

"Don't shout at your mom!" Dad said shouting at atheena.

"Don't shout at me!" Atheena said shouting at her father before standing up and slamming the table.

"Disrespectful!" Dad said pointing at atheena before standing up.

"Why do i need to respect you!" Atheena said while pointing at her father.

"And all of you!" Atheena add and point at her siblings and mother.

"Because we are your family" Mom said calmly.

"Family?!!?" Atheena asked mentally.

"Calm down" Erin said while standing up then hold atheena's arm for atheena to calm down.

"You are not my Family! Because since that i was born you all didn't treat me right!" Atheena shout at them mentally.

"It's always them!" Atheena shout while pointing at her siblings.

"What about me i'm your daughter too??!!" Atheena shout while crying in madness.

"Stop your drama Atheena! If you really want. You are not my daughter anymore" Dad said seriously.

"Dad!!" The Kim sibling said in shock.

"You're useless, dumb, selfish, all the bad things that jesus release you grab it all up!" Dad shout at atheena.

(Atheena is looking at her Father deeply while her eyes is turning red)

"What?!" Dad asked mentally.

"You!" Atheena shout before levitating her father.

"And you!" Atheena shout before levitating her Uncle who's listening at them.

(The members is calming Atheena)

"You two are the reason why my life is like a hell!!" Atheena shout before she throw her father and her uncle on the wall.

(The family run to their Father and Uncle)

(Atheena disappear)

"Master!" The member said before disappearing.

Atheena POV: At the park

(Atheena pop out)

"I'm so so tired" I said while kneeling down.

"I just want to die" I said crying hard while kneeling down.

"Hey" A girl said before patting my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She said worriedly.

"Why do you care?" I said coldly before looking at her.

Atheena POV: The "someone"

"I'm Samantha Smith but you can call me Jen that's my nickname" She said with a cute smile.

"Samantha? Jen? Why do you want me to call you Jen if your name is Samantha?" I Asked confusedly.

"Tsk." She said irritately.

"Anyways my name is-" I didn't finish my word when she cut me.

"Atheena Kim" She said giggling.

"Yeah that's me but how did you know?" I asked her confusedly.

"Everyone knows you" She said giggling.

"Oh" Was all i said.

"So tell me why are you crying? Hmm?" She asked me with her soft tone ackkkk.

"I'll tell you why but do you mind if i invite you to grab some coffee?" I said that not thinking of it i really don't like coffee but i'm so thrilled.

"But i don't like coffee" She said before pouting, god help me she so damn cute.

"Can we grab some ice cream instead?" She asked cutely while her lips is still pouting.

"Yeah sure, Let's go?" I said before offering my hand to her.

Fast Forward

A/n POV: Jen and Atheena is walking while eating ice cream.

"Yahh Ath tell me why are you crying earlier" Jen said while pouting.

"Hahaha i thought you will forget it" Atheena said while laughing.

"Yahh stop laughing at me, You're making fun of me" Jen said while pouting cutely.

Jen POV: Wow i never thought this cold lady would be so cute when laughing ugh so cute miss cold lady.

"Oh sorry miss cutie" She said then pinch my cheeks.

Other POV

(Zane Lisa Gab popped out)

"Did you find master?" Zane said while catching her breath.

"No" Erin said.

"Let's find Master here" Lisa said seriously.

"Wait!" Gab and Lecs shout.

"What?!" Zane Erin and Lisa said.

"I Guess we don't need to find master" Gab and Lecs said while looking at Atheena who's happily walking with a girl.

(Lisa Zane and Erin looked at where is Gab and Lecs looking at)

"This is the first time i saw master laughing" Gab said in shock but amazed.

"Let's approach them?" Lisa asked. "She's with a hot chix" Lisa add while looking at the girl.

(Erin elbowed Lisa on her waist while rolling her eyes)

"Ouch! Okay okay sorry" Lisa said while rubbing her waist.

(Lecs Gab and Zane giggles)

"Guys guys let's go" Zane said calmly while shaking her head.

(the members approach the two girls)

"Master!" The members call their master.

(Atheena and Jen looked at them)

A/n POV: AthJen is walking when they hear a shout "Master!" They looked at the direction where the shout is coming from.

"What are you guys doing here?" Atheena said seriously.

(The members gulped)

"Where finding you of coarse" Erin said then rolled her eyes.

"I Guess you're with a girl?" Lisa said while looking at Jen.

(Jen hide behind Atheena)

"Oh yeah, Guys this is Jen" Atheena said while pointing at Jen who's hiding behind her back.

"Jen this is Zane Lecs Erin Gab and Lisa" Atheena add.

"Nice to meet you guys" Jen said in sweet tone and smile sweetly while she's still behind atheena.

"Nice to meet you too Jen" the members said while bowing slightly.

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