
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · อื่นๆ
14 Chs


A/n POV: Erin and Zane is now living with Atheena. Atheena and Erin fix their friendship. Atheena

is happy because she's not alone anymore. Their chit chatting to some other stuff when..

(Knock! knock!)

"Lecs?" Atheena said opening the door.

"Nini" Lecs said while crying and hug atheena.

"Why are you crying?" Atheena said hugging lecs back.

"Dad is mad at me" Lecs said crying.

"Why?" Atheena ask confusedly tapping Lecs back.

"Cause I fail my Math subject" Lecs said crying more.

"Hmm it's okay Lecs don't cry you can passed them in next semester" Atheena said comforting Lecs.

"I will passed it" Lecs said while breaking the hug.

"Yeah you will" Atheena said giggling.

"Uhm can I stay here Nini?" Lecs said nervously.

"Of course baby even if you don't ask i will tel you stay or live here" Atheena said sweetly.

"Thank you Nini" Lecs said and jump on atheena.

(Atheena catch her immediately)

(Lecs notice Erin and Zane)

"oh you have visitors?" Lecs said and jumping off atheena.

"No their not my visitors they are my bestfriend and they're living here with me" Atheena explained.

"Wow really? I never thought you have friends?" Lecs said shocking.

"Well I have" Atheena said calmly.

"You know guys this my sister she's cold after they got kidnap with her bestie I mean she's cold since then but it's worst than that but not our friend" Lecs said exposing atheena.

"She's cold even your parents?" Erin asked looking at atheena.

"yes" Lecs said nodding.

"Stop now let's eat" Atheena said chuckling.

"That's why she became a Gangster in a age of 10" Lecs continued.

"Come on let's eat Yey! Yey!" Lecs said jumping.

(They start eating)

"How's company Nini?" Lecs ask making atheena choke.

"Wow you already have a company?" Zane asked confusedly.

(Atheena is about to talk when Lecs talked)

"Yes she have company I mean companies, Actually she have 10 famous companies, 5 restaurants, 3 Hotels and 5 Unniversity" Lecs said proudly.

(Erin and Zane amazed)

(Atheena just laugh nervously)

"You said she's a gangster right?" Zane asked Lecs confusedly.

"Yes" Lecs reply nodding.

"Do you have a gang?" Zane asked atheena.

"No" atheena said shortly

"But I'll make one" Atheena continued.

"Can we join your gang then?" Zane asked hopefully.

(Atheena is thinking)

"Yes yes I can join too and lili and gabbie!" Lecs said excitingly.

"Okay.. Let's make a gang" Atheena said.

"Yey!" Erin Zane and Lecs said happily.

"Let me call Gab and Lisa later" Atheena said giggling.

"Okii" Lecs said.

"But I need to train you guys" Atheena said seriously.

"This gonna be hard" Lecs said in mumble.

"Okay Nini" Lecs said to Atheena.

"Okay" Erin and Zane said.

A/n POV: After that Atheena call Gab and Lisa, Gab and Lisa gladly accept it, Atheena trained Zane Lisa Erin Gab and Lecs how to fight self defenses and more, After 2 years.

"Finally! The MQB is already make!" Lisa said happily.

"Now we just need our position!" Zane said.

"I already made one!" Atheena said calmly.

(The members nod)

"Since Erin is good at reading I will make you as the MQB Secretary you have the important files certificate/agreement and more" Atheena said smiling.

"Thank you Master Yu'I" Erin said while bowing.

"I always think Lisa would be the MQB Hacker, she knows all the keyboard shortcuts and settings, She also fast typer" Atheena said smiling.

"Thank you Master" Lisa said seriously while bowing.

"Gab you're a fast learner I want you to be the trainer boss, I want you to train our Vampire army and our Werewolf pack you're a great fighter" Atheena said calmly while smiling.

"Thank you master" Gab said while bowing.

"Zane, Zabe I saw your leadership when Lecs accidentally hit Gab you immediately approach Gab to check if something got hurt, I want you to be the co-leader of this gang/Vampire army" Atheena said smiling.

"Thank you master!" Zane said in shock while bowing.

"Lecs, Lecs I always watching you on the CCTV I always caught you sneaking in my room, Even in our house your sneaking in my room without me noticing I want you to be the Spy of this Gang/Vampire army, To spy on our enemies" Atheena said smiling.

"Thank you master Nini" Lecs said while bowing.

"That's you positions" Atheena said.

"It's nice master" The members said happily.

"I'm glad you guys like it" Atheena said smiling.

Atheena: Master/Leader

Zane: Boss/Co-leader

Erin: Secretary

Lisa: Hacker

Lecs: Spy

Gab: Trainer Boss

"Let's sleep now" Zane said while yawning.

"Master Nini let's sleep now we have school tomorrow" Lecs said in sleepy tone.

"Let's go" Atheena said.

Fast Forward: Morning

"Guys come on we're gonna be late" Gab said while shaking the members.

(Atheena is just giggling)

(The members is groaning)

"What time is it?" Lecs asked irritately.

"11:53 am" Gab answered faking the time.

(The members stand immediately in shock)

"Guys take a bath now it's late!" Lisa said while panicking.

(Atheena is just looking at them giggling while drinking milk)

"I will take a bath" Zane said while panicking.

(Erin notice atheena and gab is looking at them while laughing silently)

"Yah!" Erin said while approaching atheena.

"Why are you laughing huh?" Erin ask atheena mentally.

"Hmm" Atheena got shock and clear her throat and said "Nothing" Atheena continued acting cool.

(Erin check the time and got shocked)

"It's only 4:37 am!" "You two!" Erin shout while chasing Atheena and Gab.

(Erin still chasing Atheena and Gab and left the three dumbfounded)

"Sorry Rin" Atheena said in cute tone while still running.

"Don't act cute bear!" Erin said while still chasing them.

"She's right Rin sorry" Gab said in cute tone while still running.

"Shut up panda!" Erin said while still chasing them.

(Erin and Gab is panting)

(Atheena is just looking at them)

"Guys come on let's eat we're gonna be late" Lisa said.

(They all Nod)

Fast Forward: School