
Mysterious Murder

Emad Sadiq

Emad_Sadiq · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Past Moments - 3 (Hangout with friends)


(After Aliza's annual exams of University)

(All students and all teachers are entering the university campus. All students are wearing graduation gowns and hoods And all in turn are entering the CONVOCATION Hall. Aliza is also there with her family.)


(In the semi-circle of more than 1000 seats, all the benches were in the form of stairs and all the students were sitting on them while the principal and teachers were sitting on the front stage.)

(The ceremony began with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the national anthem and all the attendees stood respectfully and sang the national anthem. The host of the event invited the Vice Chancellor of the University on stage to speak some words. After the Vice Chancellor's speech, the awards ceremony finally started. Certificates were distributed to the students who passed with distinction marks. After that, certificates were distributed to the high performing students. Then it was the turn of the position holders, first the students who got the third position were given bronze medals, then the students who got the second position were given silver medals and finally the name of the student who got the first position were called.)

Host: Now we call upon the stage, The Student of the year, the Gold Medalist, Miss Aliza Usman Khan.

(Aliza proudly comes on stage with a round of applause and receives her medal from the Vice Chancellor.)

(Tears of joy come to the eyes of her mother and younger sister when they sees Aliza receiving the gold medal)

At the end of the ceremony, all the students took off their hoods and threws them into the air and came out of the hall, all the students started taking pictures with each other and hugged and congratulated each other.While Mrs. Munira is talking to the professors of the university. Aliza was talking to her friends at that time.

Aliza's Friends.( Maria, Ayeza, Fahad and Adil)

(Aliza is receiving congratulations from her friends.

(Adil Said)

Adil: We are not as happy to have our Just Pass as we are to be jealous of our Best Friend's Gold Medal.

Aliza: Yes yes yes... You ghost of jealousy.

Maria: They don't study hard themselves and if any of us take a medal, they get jealous.

Fahad: Excuse me ...! this is what Aliza used to chit-chat the most in our group study and today she is standing with this medal.

Ayeza: Oh, just ... let it be. You used to talk by yourself. And now you are making things up.

Adil: We also work hard man ....! but unfortunately we are still left.

Maria: Yeah....! Yeah..! If you worked hard, you would have a second position, not someone else's

Fahad: Alas, no matter how hard we work, we didn't got this poor gold medal.

Ayeza: You have to study for a gold medal, but those who leave their studies all the time and have fun don't really get it.

Adil: Oh, you just enough...! Aliza's spoon.

Fahad: And that second-position man, a Bookworm Nothing will be found in his mind except Rata, What a miracle he did.

Maria: OH..! Come on ...! he took the second position with Ratta, that didn't happen to either of you.

Adil: Oh yeah....! there's a lot of praise going on...! what's the matter going on?

Ayeza: Your minds go round and round in the same circle, where we compliment someone else and immediately you start saying the opposites.

(Alia gets there during this light breeze)

Aliza: OK...! Cease fire....! Forgive the fighting. Clean the house of Alla....! Oh...! Come on, I have a plan to make you all feel better.

(Then everyone spoke in unison)

Friends: Well whats up dude. Please tell us...! Aliza: Wait...! And just hold on...!

(Alia speaks in a mean time)

Aaliya: Mom is calling, it's too late to go home.

Aliza: OK...! Friends Mother is calling then we will talk on the phone in the evening.

(Everyone went home. Aliza also goes home with her sister and mother Aliza's uncle Irfan brought sweets and congratulated Aliza and talked to everyone for a while and left after drinking evening tea.)

After dinner (Aliza called Ayeza)

Aliza: Hello...! Assalam o Alekum. Are you free right now.

Ayeza: Yes Walekum Assalam...! We have just finished eating our dinner tell me what are you doing?

Aliza: There was nothing special about it. I just wanted to talk to you.

Ayeza: Yes, yes, it is an excuse. We know how committed you are.

Aliza (laughed) Yes, that's right I can now become known as a Gold Medalist

Ayeza: Excuse me, I'm not talking about this promise, I'm talking about the promise of the morning.

Aliza: Look, I didn't promise. I said I had a plan.

Ayeza: Which plane PIA or Air Force plane?

Aliza(laughed loudly) hahaha very funny.

Ayeza: By the way, you must be proud of your father's martyrdom

Aliza: Yes, I would be very proud, but I also remember a lot and you know, if he were alive today, he would be very happy with my success

Ayeza: Dude, I didn't mean to make you sad. And you remember how much Uncle loved us both as a child and he used to take two gifts, one for you and one for me.

Aliza: Yes yes i remember And how can I forget and you remember. When we went to the air base So there we were both playing and suddenly we came to the runway due to which the plane was back in the air while landing.

Ayeza: Then two officers came running and took us in their arms.

Aliza: Yes and you don't remember how much we both scolded by Baba.

Ayeza: (laughed) Yes, my father is also in the Air Force. He came there and said, These cute little girls are terrified of how much you will scold these girls.

Aliza: Yes, that's right, Uncle used to raise our eyebrows a lot.


(At that time Alia entered Aliza's room and said)

Aaliya: Aapi.... It's one o'clock in the morning. You haven't slept yet? Mom is saying that it is too late to sleep.

(Aliza listens to Alia and says to Aiza)

Aliza: Oh yes, it's really one o'clock at night, let's talk tomorrow, I don't know how much time has passed.

Ayeza: Ok let's talk tomorrow ...Allah Hafiz

Aliza: OK.. Allah Hafiz..

(After Saying that, Aliza hangs up the phone and asking Aaliya).

Aliza: Where is the mother? Not asleep yet?

(Alia is smiling quietly but not saying anything)

Aliza: Oh...! tell me...! Mom hasn't slept yet?

(Aaliya is still silent)

Aliza: (Angrily) Will you tell me respectfully or not?

Aaliya: Mom.....! Mmm...?

Aliza: Yes, I am asking about mom.

Aaliya: Unn...! Unn...! Aan...! Aan....!

Aliza: What happened? Did you become dumb?

Aaliya: No I mean that....!

Aliza: I'll mean all of you, Come here.

(Then Aliza throws a pillow at Alia and Alia runs out of the room and said)

Aaliya: Mom has been asleep for two hours.

Aliza: (Laughs) You mean... You bully ... Telling lies.

(Aliza smiles and smiles at her younger sister's mischief and then she asleep)

(Breakfast in the morning)

Aliza: Mom, what time did you sleep at night?

Mom: I fell asleep at half past ten at night, but why are you asking?

Aliza: (Staring at Alia) No, nothing special. Just asked.

(Alia hurriedly had breakfast and ran away)

(In the evening, Aliza's friends came to her house and wished to each other.)

Adil: Miss. You have won a gold medal. When are you giving the treat?

Fahad: Yes, it is a treat time.

Maria: Yes of course Just congratulations what worked. Treat will have to be given.

Ayeza: Oho...! You all have fun. If you read properly, you will not.

Aliza: Repentance, you people need an excuse to fight.

Fahad: (Chuckles) So what's the plan?

Aliza: Let's go for a tour to somewhere.

(Everyone shouted for joy) Hip hip hurray

(They all said together) Where will we go?

Adil: I think we should went to Murree.

Maria: No, please, we went to Muree last vacation. I think we should go to Swat.

Fahad: No, my uncles live there, I used to came and go.

Adil: Well then let's go to Nathia Gali or kharan.

Maria: Dude...! Ayeza why are you silent? Give me an idea too

Ayeza: I will support Aliza as much as her idea would be mine.

Fahad: Yes, you are Aliza's spoon

Ayeza: Is that why I live in grace?

Fahad: Yes, whatever is cooked in this pot, you get it first.

Aliza: Hey don't bother my dear friend.

Fahad: I saw that pot also got hurt.

Adil: Well, she is friend and we are all enemies.

Aliza: Am I the mediator between you? When the opportunity arises, you start fighting. If you all stop fighting, I will say something.

(Both boys spoke together) Dude, we were arguing

Aliza: Yeah...! Yeah....! I know both your argument and your fight.

Adil: Well, how much suspense will you

create? Now tell me where we will go.

Aliza: OK I will tell you all... I think we... (Aliza deliberately leaves the conversation incomplete, than everyone speaks together)

Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys .....!

Aliza: Yeah... Yeah...! I'm telling you, take a deep breath.

(Everyone's anxiety increased and then they spoke again) Let's tell now.

Aliza: Aan....! Aann....! Let's trip to Azad kashmir. What do you all think?

(Everyone shouted for joy) Wow....! What a great idea. Wonderful...!

Ayeza: Look, that's why I was silent because everyone likes Aliza's idea.

(The both boys spoke together again.) Well, that's why you were silent because you already knew

Ayeza: Being her childhood friend, I know she comes up with new ideas every time.

(In the meantime, the maid brings a refreshment item with tea, then everyone leaves after eating and drinking).

(Aliza was sitting with everyone at dinner but at that time she was thinking something else)

(Everyone was eating quietly when suddenly the mother broke the silence and said)

Mom: In the evening, your aunt from Karachi called. She was calling us. She was very sick.

I think we all go to Karachi for a few days.

(Aliza is so lost in her thoughts that Alia speaks)

Aaliya: Yes, mom we goes to Karachi.

Mom: OK then....! (Looking at Aliza) Aliza, why are you silent? You also say something.

Aliza: (Speaks slowly) Mom ..... the thing is .... I have some other plan.

(Mother thinks that Aliza wants to talk about her future)

Mom: Hey my child... when did I stop you from setting your future and doing the job, do the job but at the moment I am saying that your aunt from Karachi is very sick and she is calling us.

Aliza: Oh no no ... I'm not talking about a future plan.

Mom: So what plan are you talking about?

Aliza: I'm thinking of treating my friends.

Mom: So what's the problem with that?

Aliza: Mom I'm... I want to going on a trip with my friends.

Mom: OK go ... but where are you going?

Aliza: Actually, our plan is to go to Azad Kashmir.

Mom: There is no other place to go so far.

Aaliya: (Whispers) Oh wow Azad Kashmir ... I will go too

Mom: (Speak a little angrily) No need too ... I have already told your aunt ... We will all going to Karachi.

(Saying this, the mother goes to the kitchen for a while. Then Aliza scolds Alia.)

Aliza: You had to jump in the middle .... I'm having a hard time getting permission for myself and you got in the middle too.

Aaliya: Oops sorry....!

(Everyone finished eating and sat in the TV lounge for a while. Aliza came and sat next to her mother and started begging again)

Aliza: Mom please....!

Mom: (Mother replied a little angrily) I said no, then why this stubbornness.

Aliza: (Explaining her point) I am not going alone. All the friends you know are going with me.

Mom: But I'm scared. How can i let you go alone.

(Aaliya interepting again)

Aaliya: (Emphasis added) Yes mother you are right. It's not okay for her to go alone like this ... after all, it's a matter of a young girl.

(Aliza throws the TV remote at Alia and stares angrily)

Aaliya: (Said innocently) Look mother, she is angry with me. Did I say something wrong?

(Aliza hits Kushan Alia hard on the sofa The mom suddenly laughed at the tug of war between both sisters. Seeing her mother's mood improve, Aliza asked again.

Aliza: Then mom ... should I go?

Mom: Laughing doesn't mean that I permitted you.

Aliza: (sadly said) OK fine...!

(The mother went to her room and Aaliya followed her room dancing and humming.)

Aaliya: We will succeed ... we will succeed ... one day. (hum hongay kamyab... Hum hongay kamyab... Aik din)

(Aliza picks up Aaliya second cushion, throws it from behind, then goes back to her room sadly)

SUNDAY Morning Breakfast at 10 o'clock.

Aliza: So mom what did you think?

Mom: (Said unknowingly) About what?

Aliza: (Said in a muffled manner) Mother I was talking to you yesterday.

Mom: (Said angrily) I forbade you.

Aliza: (Reuniting again) mother please let go .... it's a matter of a month then my career will start. Then where will I get the chance. (Aliza's words were not even finished when the phone rang and her mother got up and left to listen.)

(In the meantime, Alia came to the dining table for breakfast and said)

Aaliya: (Said naughtily) Well .... so the lawsuit is still going on.

(Aliza stares angrily at Alia and says showing the fork in her hand)

Aliza: (Grinding teeth) You eat breakfast quietly ... if you do nonsense ... you will be killed by me.

(Mother returned after hearing the phone call)

Mom: Your aunt's phone rang and she was insisting on meeting.

Aaliya: (Alia immediately chuckles) when we will move, So i'm ready to go.

Mom: (Deciding) Aliza, you go with your friends and Alia will go to Karachi with me.

(Aliza shouts happily) Ya hoo...! thank you mom. You are too good. Your so nice.

(Mother smiles and gets up and leaves)

Aliza: (Laughs out loud) Everyone had fun now.

(Alia started walking back sadly, then Aliza said)

Aliza: (Asked lovingly) Aren't you hungry?

(Alia went back without answering)

(After breakfast, the mother dialed the PIA Flight Inquiry Service number from the diary. Shortly afterwards, a male voice came from the other end of the phone.)

PIA: Hello PIA Inquire service... May I help you?

Mrs. Muneerah: I am speaking Mrs. Munira Usman Khan. I would like to book two tickets for the flight to Karachi this evening.

PIA: OK. I'll check please wait...

(After waiting for a while, the answer came) Due to bad weather, the passenger load on this evening's flight is high. If you book one of the flights tomorrow morning or evening, you will easily get two seats ... Currently we have only one set available.

(Mrs. Munira starts to think for a while, then the voice came again from the PIA inquiry) So, madam, let me confirm your seat.

(Mrs. Munira is still thinking. The voice came again from the PIA inquiry)

PIA: Madam, I am asking for the last time whether I can confirm your seat or not.

Mrs Muneerah: Please confirm and tell me the time.

PIA: OK Fine, Madam, your flight time is 7:30 this evening.

Mrs Muneerah: ok thank you.

(After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Munira calls Naheed Apa in Karachi and informs her of her arrival.)

Mrs Muneerah: Hello Assalam Alekum Aapa how are you now?

(Naheed Apa who is five years older than Mrs. Munira and resides in Karachi)

Naheed Aapa: Walekum Asalam (she replied in a very weak voice)What you asking about my health conditions, is the same. You pray and tell me when you are coming?

Mrs Muneerah: Apa I also called to say that I could only get one seat due to bad weather.

(Nahid Apa interrupted)

Nahid Apa: What are you saying, only you are coming alone, my nieces are not coming with you?

Mrs Muneerah: I am sorry to say that due to bad weather I got only one seat but as soon as the weather improves I will call them.

Naheed Aapa: okay. Then tell me the time of your flight. I will send someone to the airport to pick you up

Mrs Muneerah: I have a flight at 7:30 this evening, so I will reach Karachi by 9 pm.

Naheed Apa: OK. I will send someone to the airport to pick you up and tell everyone about your arrival. Allah hafiz.

(Mrs. Munira answered by saying Allah Hafiz and hung up the phone and while sitting there she started thinking that I would send Alia on a trip with Aliza and give a few days off to all the housemaids of the house. After thinking all this, the mother came out of her room and called her both daughters. Aliza came empty handed but Alia packed her bag and brought it out of the room with her. So the mother smiled at her and then said to Aliza)

Mom: Look at her ... how fast she's going to see her aunt.

Aliza: I think she misses her aunt very much so she hurriedly packed her things but mother

you didn't tell us what's the time of your flight.

Aaliya: when I have to go with mom, so I have prepared my things on time so then I can help mom in preparing her.

Mom: (Laughs softly) Oh no daughter there's no need for it I'll pack my own stuff and I have a 7:30 pm flight this evening.

Aaliya: (Speaks without understanding mom's point) yes, then it was good that I packed my things already.

Mom: (Explaining lovingly) It's good but you don't understand me. I mean I got only one seat by chance so you are going on a trip with Aliza and not with me.

Aaliya: (Alia couldn't believe it so she asked again in surprise.) Will I really go with Aliza Aapi?

Mom: Yes of course. After all, you also wanted to go with him. Go now, I pray that you both have a safe and comfortable journey. Go well and come back well and take care of each other on the journey. Before I go to Karachi, I will give you some money for travel expenses. Take care of it.

(Then the mother called the two girls to her room and took out about Rs. 70,000 from the closet and gave it to Aliza)

Mom: Aliza, ask your friends and tell me when you will go on your trip.

Aliza: (Replying) Well, I'll call and find out.

(Then the two girls came out of the mother's room. Aliza took the money and put it in her closet and called her friends in turn. Then she came to her mother and said:)

Aliza: I have talked to my friends and they all think that they will leave tomorrow morning (ie on Monday) after having breakfast.

Mom: OK. You should also tell your sister that she will be late for waking up in the morning so that you don't all go to bed. I give all the servants four to five days off. They're staying until breakfast tomorrow morning, I'll have one set of house keys and the other you take with you.

Aliza: yes mom... OK.

(Saying this, Aliza came back to her room, packed her things and put them aside in the room)

(The mother called all the servants and told them about her and their daughters departure and told them to take four or five days off and go home. Then she went to her room, packed her things, drank her evening tea and left for the airport at 6:00 pm.

(Aliza and Alia also went with their mother to see off on airport.)

(Arrived at the airport, mother talked to the driver Feroz)

Mom: Brother Feroz, I am going to Karachi for a few days. The girls will go on a trip with their friends tomorrow morning, so I have given a few days off to all the servants. I'll tell you on the phone. You can also Take a vacation and go home.

Feroz: Thank you so much Ma'am. But I don't need a vacation because I am from the same city. If I leave, who will take care of the house?

(Both daughters say goodbye to their mother at the airport and return home)

(Returning home, Aliza called her friends and tell them to come to my house by 9 am tomorrow after completing their preparations and arranging the car.)