
[Vol. 2] Chapter 38

The next day, my elder sister, Chinami and her husband, Mr Dateko arrived as we all went to receive him from our entrance. A large carriage stood before the entrance door as the chauffeur opened its door.

A tall, fine man with a good build came out as he helped Chinami to hop down from the carriage. From his face, we could see he was raised with a good disciplined environment. He was handsome and the last time I had seen him was when Chinami got married to him.

They came after a year.

Chinami had worn a fine yukata with floral embroideries and she looked pretty as always. She stood beside him, her head slumping down and eyes painted with dry colors.

"Mr Dateko, please come inside. I have heard of your promotion for the samurai head." My father said with a proud face, "Let us celebrate this today."