
Tubal Obstruction

Deep in the city, the midsummer sun was scorching the earth.

Despite the hot weather, Olivia Young felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water on her head.

Her mother-in-law, Brenda Chen, was standing at the door of the crowded gynecology department, jabbing her finger at Olivia as she scolded, "What did I say? It's your problem that you can't have children! Now that the test results are out, let's see what else you have to say!"

Olivia's hand, holding the report, trembled slightly.

Reading the diagnosis, "Fallopian tube blockage," she felt cold from head to toe.

In her four years of marriage to Freddie Chen, she had never been able to conceive a child.

That's why her mother-in-law was dissatisfied with her and considered everything Olivia was doing wrong.

People gathered around them and stared as if they were watching a joke. Some were pointing at Olivia, while others gloated at her misfortune. The room was very noisy.

Freddie was the only son of the Chen family. Olivia knew that the culture of her in-laws considered having a grandchild of great importance, but little did she know it would result in such an extreme reaction.

"Mom," said Olivia, trying her best to be patient, "why are you reacting like this? We're trying hard, and you know it. Let's go home and talk there."

"That's my home," answered Brenda, "not yours. Get that straight! I never recognized you as our Chen family's daughter-in-law! You are unworthy!"

Olivia closed her eyes and argued weakly, "Freddie and I are a legitimate couple who have received a marriage certificate…"

"That may be," answered Brenda, "but the only true certificate of marriage is a child, Olivia! No child, no marriage! You're not my daughter-in-law. Hurry up and divorce Freddie! And don't even think about taking anything from the Chen family fortune!"

More and more people gathered to watch. The scorching heat and all their curious gazes made Olivia even more miserable.

She let out a long breath, feeling desperate and helpless.

Freddie's grandfather had arranged this marriage on his deathbed as a condition before handing over his business to Freddie. As Freddie could not risk losing the business, he had no choice but to marry Olivia. At that point in time, Freddie and his mother had not realized things would come down to this.

In their four years of marriage, Freddie's attitude toward Olivia had been lukewarm; they knew each other only a little better than strangers. She'd never expected Freddie to rebel against his mother for her, but she also had never thought that this marriage would end in such a deadlock.

"Mom," said Olivia, "our marriage was grandpa's wish…"

"Are you still using grandpa to intimidate me?" asked Brenda. "Olivia, when did you become so troublesome?"

The more Olivia said, the angrier her mother-in-law became. Olivia thought Brenda would start a new round of scolding, but instead, a big smile bloomed on her face. She pointed at a hugging couple not far away and said, "You see that? You can't have children, but there are plenty of women who can give children to Freddie…"

Olivia froze on the spot as her gaze followed where Brenda was pointing.

Not far away, at the hospital gate, Freddie was holding a pregnant woman in his arms. He lowered his head slightly to listen to her words and smiled at her affectionately.

Freddie never smiled at Olivia like that.

Looking at the woman in his arms, Olivia recognized her.

It was her cousin, Janet Jacob, whom she had doted on since she was young.

Olivia could hardly believe her eyes. Shock, anger, and disbelief filled her heart.

Janet noticed Olivia's gaze and walked toward her, pulling Freddie along.

"Olivia," she said, smiling as happily as any ordinary expectant mother, "I'm pregnant with Freddie's child. The doctor just said it's a boy."

Olivia looked at Janet's stomach and yelled, "How can you do such a thing? He's my husband. How shameless can you be to actually go and seduce my husband?!"

Olivia raised her hand in her anger, but it was suddenly grabbed in the air.

Looking sullen, Freddie threw Olivia's hand to the side and took a step forward to protect Janet, who was now behind him. "Olivia, let's get a divorce," he said.

Olivia closed her eyes. A wave of exhaustion and powerlessness overwhelmed her. "When did this happen?" she asked.

"Do you still have the nerve to ask?" responded Brenda. "Olivia, I'm telling you, you have no right to interfere in our family's affairs, and even more so, you have no right to meddle in Freddie's concerns!" Knowing that she would be having a grandson, Brenda had become very excited. She was almost jumping up and pointing at Olivia's nose while scolding her.

Upset, Olivia shouted back, "I'm Freddie's wife. My husband cheated. I have the right to know!"

"You're not in a position to ask anything," said Brenda. "You don't even know who your father is, but you still want to be the young mistress of the Chen family? Grandfather was too muddle-headed back then, but I'm not!"

More and more people gathered around them as if they were watching a television show.

Olivia had never thought that one day she would become the main character of such a farce.

Janet leaned weakly against Freddie with a guilty look and whispered, "Auntie, don't blame Olivia. It was my fault in the first place."

Like a completely different person, Brenda held Janet's hand and comforted her, gratified. "Janet," she said, "you gave Freddie a son, and you did a great service to our family. Don't bother with these small matters; I'll take care of them."

Olivia felt truly disgusted watching this scene.

"Janet," said Olivia, "I gave you food and clothes and even sent you to study abroad. Aren't you ashamed to disappoint me like this?" Feeling so betrayed by her closest relative, Olivia felt tears begin to flow. "How could you do this to me?"

"Olivia," Freddie said as he stepped forward to shield Janet, his intention obviously to protect her. "Janet is now the woman I am with. If you have any complaints, come to me."


What complaints could she possibly have now?

Over those last four years, she had swallowed all her grievances and turned them into flattery. She had desperately tried to curry favor with Freddie, with her mother-in-law, and even with the Chen Family's nanny. What complaints could she possibly have left?

The reason for all of this was that she loved Freddie.

She had just wanted to be a good wife, take care of her husband, get on well with her in-laws, and have a lovely child. Was there something wrong with that?

She had already been left without much family, and now, even her cousin had betrayed her by becoming her husband's mistress.

It seemed that, for some people, children were the only thing that mattered, and calamity had fallen on Olivia's head just because she had thought love would be enough to make her married life run smoothly. She felt as if her heart were being ripped out by a giant invisible hand. It was so painful that she could barely even keep standing up straight.

"Let's go home first."

Of course. Freddie had to preserve his reputation in the city, so this show would have to continue after they got home.

But when Olivia grabbed the handle of the car door, Freddie said, "Go and call a taxi. Don't crowd Janet."

There were four seats in the car. Freddie was driving, and his mother was in the front passenger seat. Janet sat alone in the back seat and smiled, apologizing. "I'm sorry," she said to Olivia. "The doctor said that the pregnancy is a little unstable. Freddie's just worried about the safety of our child..."

She laughed and slammed the door.

Children are the source of everything. All this had happened to Olivia because she couldn't have children.

Freddie drove off in the black Bugatti and disappeared from Olivia's sight, leaving her alone in front of the hospital gate, to be pointed at by all the people nearby.

She was now Freddie's wife in name only and had become a complete outsider to the Chen family.

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