Safrina, a selfless high schooler was forced to band together with Adams, her high school crush, to save humanity. Why? Oracle, the hidden alien, prophesied both Adams and her would save humanity 100 years from now. One would think it would be easy, right? The Earth would be the same as the three had left it but... the group's thoughts were terribly wrong. After waking up from their long nap, they find themselves in a world where Humans live inside a giant snowglobe but... without the snow. The rain? Acid... and there seem to be strange creatures that lurk within the fog, whispering about the past... Can this ragtag group save humanity? Or will Earth be destroyed?
Clouds, dark grey clouds loomed in the sky like a forewarning of a dangerous storm to come...but it never did. No, for the dome had guarded the small civilization of a near-extinct generation of humans, but Safrina saw something in those clouds.... a monster...
Safrina's eyes snapped open, widespread panic lifting through her body. Her heart fluttered like a hummingbird, and her breathing was shaky from her dream. Green eyes started to scan their surroundings before hearing a soft "meow" which made her begin to search for before her eyes would on her cat, a sigh of relief came from her before she softly patted her bed, the cat joining her, making a spot near Safrina. Relaxing, she plopped her head down on the soft pillow that seemed to welcome her in a warm embrace. She began to drift back into a sleep which only lasted for a few hours before the sound of her alarm awakened her from a slumber. Groggily, she slipped out of bed, turning off the nuisance thing called an alarm clock, telling her that it was time for school.
How frustrating! She wished she did not have to go to a place filled with people who enjoyed saying hurtful things to others; it made dread sink deep into her belly and she hated it. She tried to ignore most of it, however she knew others weren't able to handle bullying as well. She slipped on her favorite hoodie before the young girl made her way down to the kitchen to be greeted by her brother whom she greeted with a roll of her eyes. "Good morning loser, what are you up to?" she asked with a playful retorted noise making the boy chuckle softly shaking his head at her.
"Well good morning to you too Safrina," he said in a happy tone which made her smile at him.
She knew if her aunt had heard what she had said to her brother, she would have flipped and complained to her for using the chosen words she had said, which frustrated the young woman. She was seventeen now and almost considered close to being an adult. In her opinion, she should lay off her. Besides! She was entering the last part of the semester for her junior year making her closer to graduating, which she had a huge distaste for. The way the school ran, and how the people treated others who weren't in their "social status" group annoyed Safrina greatly, but she couldn't complain about it.
"Alright smart one, let's wake up Aunt and Uncle and get going to school, eh?" she said with a smile before grabbing her book bag and her sketchbook— not bothering to eat anything finding that thing pointless.
* * *
Not far off, another was awakened by the sounds of an alarm clock while deep grumblings of protest rumbled in their throats. Adams was a loner of sorts who moved around from one house to another, and one school district to another, yet who knew that this year would be quite special. He had also experienced a dream similar to another he'd soon get to know quite well. The dream had been terrifying and unusual. Adams lifted his head, reaching out to turn off the alarm clock before dropping his head back into his pillow, attempting to push back his dream…it was only a dream after all, a bad one of course, and nothing of any significance to him, or so he thought. A few seconds later, Adams was rolling out of the bed. He let a soft sigh part his lips and he rolled his shoulders, readying himself for his first day at a brand-new school.
This had to have been the second or third school that he had gone to, and honestly, he resented his constant change. He showed this by taking his time, not caring if he will be late for school or not. First, he took the long way to school in his own car, gifted to him by his father who is too busy working to know what his son truly wanted, and secondly, he would wander the hallways before making his way to his first class.
His boots thumped rhythmically on the ground as wondered about before finally finding the place, the door partially opened as a lecture on mathematics could be heard coming from a male's voice. Frowning, Adams made an attempt to slip into the room without being noticed by the teacher, and yet to his bad fortune he was spotted, and instantly called out before being forced to introduce himself to the class. A desk in front of an oddly familiar figure was offered and he strolled over, easing into the desk while he felt eyes bore into the back of his head.