
Fleeting moments. [MHA]

The Sound of police sirens was heard as more and more police cars surrounded the building and officers got out and started setting up a perimeter.

In the middle of the chaos stood Captain James Hadier or Jimmy to friends and family.

A tanned man with brown hair in his late 30s standing at 189 cm with a near permanent frown on his face from years of having to deal with random bullshit that comes with being a police Captain.

His Quirk super strength he can deadlift a police car with little effort but he is limited by how much energy he has as it takes much out of him to actively use it.

"Captain" James turned to see his second in command half sprinting towards him before stopping.

Osian Marco, nicknamed noodle arms by his friends, a lanky man in his late 20s with dirty blond hair being slightly taller than his Captain at 192 cm but appearing taller because of his build.

His quirk, elastic limbs lets him use his arms as if they had no bones in them without any lose in strength or structural integrity.

"Tell me some good news Osian"

"Sorry sir but we could only identify 1 out of the three before we lost visibility"

"God dammit" the scowl on the captain's face got worse somehow as he now had to play his least favourite game which was waiting.

"Did you call the idi…."

"Hey cap"

"SON OF BITCH" James jumped, nearly smacking the man behind him as he leaned back last minute to avoid the back hand.

"Always with the warm welcome huh? hehehe" the man laughed all the while Osian tried to hold back his own as he saw the captain glaring at him, daring him to do it.

"Dammit Impulse how many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that"

"Hehe come on now that's the highlight of my day"

Impulse laughed, the man also known as Russell Wayne or Rush to his friends and family he was covered head to toe in his suit a black and grey one with streaks of blue on the calf, face and shoulder.

He had two sharp blades sheathed his back alongside a black utility belt on his waist.

Impulse didn't waste time making fun of the Captain, dropping his smile as he immediately got down to business.

"Alright, What's the situation?"

The Captain sighed before he nodded to Osian as the younger man started talking.

"We have four criminals inside the bank with around 7 hostages all in the main room confirmed by someone on the inside before they lost contact.

We only identified one of the criminal's powers being a mutant with a crocodile quirk, the standard superman package low end, but be careful of his bite".

"*Sigh* That is like the fifth one this week with a lizard mutation. Why do we have so many?".

Osian laughed at his disgruntled friend "only the khaki god would know that..".

"*chuckle* yeah right anyway I will be in and out in a minute be at the ready".

With that Impulse disappeared.


"Boss, we are surrounded and a pro should be coming soon if not already here. What should we do?" The panicked voice of one of his men only pissed him off more as he was trying to maintain the smoke screen to cover up the glass entrance.

"We follow the plan if the big idiot knew anything about subtlety we wouldn't be in this situation as we would already be long gone"

The crocodile mutant grumbled when he heard his brother insult him for the 10th time that day as he carried the money bags into the back room.

The boss glared at him before he went back to coughing out a stream of smoke that was blocking the police's view.

"Hey snake head, make sure that we don't have anymore James pond wannabes in the crowd."

The man with slit eyes and long tongue nodded as walked over to look over the hostages one more time.

"If anyone still wants to try something I would gladly sink my teeth into another one…"

The hostages coward away as he looked at each one of them.

The last guy who contacted the police was already paralysed on the floor from the venom injection he got from him.

The venom is harmless and would lose effect in a couple of hours but he won't be telling them that.

Meanwhile the muscle of the group was busy digging out the cave-in he accidentally made while trying to access the old service tunnel they planned to use to escape.

Unknown to any of them there little party was about to end.

Time seemed to come to a halt and Impulse strolled in through the smoke as he first surveyed the area to assess what needed to be done first.

'So what do we have here?'

The first thing Russell spotted was the reason for the smoke screen.

The guy had his mouth wide open as the smoke seemed to come out from it, he had his face mask rolled up uncovering the lower part of his face.

Views like this always amused him when he first started using his powers as people often make a lot of funny faces that last not even second but when you are "moving" faster than the eye could see, everything else is looks frozen.

'Hmm so he is the reason we can't see anything doesn't look like he has any weapons'

Russell walked by the guy leaving him for now as he focused on the one near the hostages walking closer he spotted the guy that was on the floor so he walked to him first.

'Hmm bite mark on the hand…'

He stood up walking closer to the one that is watching. or is it *was watching*, he can see that the guy was in the middle of looking away, *sigh* Grammar gets confusing when you are messing with time.

Grammatical correctness aside he carefully looked at the guy's mouth being careful not to touch him.

'Fangs so he is the one who bit him and from the way that guy laying on the ground he is probably paralysed, let's hope that it's only that'.

'That's two. Where is the last guy?'

Russell started walking around glancing at the digital watch that was on the bottom of his wrist every couple of seconds, a habit he had from the days when he was still figuring out how his quirk works.

After checking around he found the big guy near the bathrooms on the other side of the hall.

He looked like he was clearing away the destroyed wall and taking a closer look it seemed like there was a tunnel of some kind.

'So this is how they planned to escape.. not bad.'

With all of that taken care of Russell took a deep breath before he ran back to the main room straight at the guy with snake eyes and punched him straight in the jaw as his quirk's passive came into effect speeding up the guy's time for the moment he was touched.

Just enough for him to be both confused and in pain at his jaw being cracked before he flew off and separated from Impulse going back to normal time leaving him frozen mid air from Impulse's point of view just as he was no longer in physical contact with the pro.

With the first threat taken care of he quickly moved on to the second guy giving him the same treatment and leaving him mid air as he walked to the corner of the room just out of sight before returning his time to a 1:1 ratio with the outside world.

*CRASH* ×2

With the two human kites crashing into a vase and the cash register respectively the hostages looked confused for a second before they saw Impulse standing in the corner as he made a hush gesture with his finger on his lips as he waited.

"Bro? Are you There? I heard a crash and…. BRO!"

Just like he expected, the third guy came out to check what was happening only to spot the two others.

Impulse gave him a second to step into a more open area before accelerating again as the big guy froze mid step from his point of view.

Quickly he drew both of his swords out as he he cut through the the tough skin and into the his achilles tendon and doing the same with his arms, cutting through tendons that run along the joints like under the armpit and the back of the knee and elbows with practices ease effectively paralysing the powerful guy.

He also didn't forget to cut along the jaw remembering the warning Osian gave him, before he stepped back and returned to base time.

And once again a crashing sound was heard as the croc came down as all his limbs gave out mid step.

"Alright everyone calm down and nobody move the paramedics will be here to check on all of you"

Impulse said while quickly carrying the paralysed guy outside as the smoke screen was already beginning to thin out letting the officers outside see him and move in knowing that it's safe.

Handing the guy to the paramedics he explained what he knew before walking towards the captain and the vice captain.

"You might be a brat but you are a damn efficient one I will give you that" the captain remarked before moving past him leaving him and Osian alone.

"He is just a joy to work with isn't he?"

"Hehe careful Osian if he hears you will be doing the all of the offices papers work for the next week again"

"Agh don't remind me I had to take a week off after that just so I can look at a paper and pen without cringing"

"Yup, it was quite the fun week you were so easy to tease, oh and side note do you have the time?"

Osian smiled helplessly at his friend before showing him his watch.

"2:25 mine says 2:35 that's 10 minutes"

"Old habits die hard huh Rush?"

"Yeah I might now know I'm ageing slower but you don't spend 5 years worrying about ageing faster than everyone else without it leaving a mark"

"*Sigh* if only every school had the funding UA did then you would have had enough money to run those test a lot earlier"

"Yeah that rat is fucking crazy he made that place a fucking fortress the size of that stadium alone is insane.

It honestly makes me wish I was born in Japan so I could have attended there."

"Hey careful now we don't want the khaki god to smite you down now do we.."

"Yeah you are right…"


"Pfffffft hahahaha"×2

The two of them burst out laughing at the age old joke that they had running about that old documentary Russell found that was before the time of quirks.

"Ahhh man that joke just never gets old does it.."

"Nope, but seriously I gotta go now I can feel the captain burning a hole through my skull"

"Yeah I should finish my patrol too, see ya Friday?"

"You got it"

Osian turned around after that as Impulse disappeared.

Off to continue on with his patrol.

Name: Impulse

Quirk: time zone

Effect: Impulse can speed up time around his body along side anything he touchs making him appear to have super speed with the only downside is he technically ages faster then others considering he can crame a whole hour into a single minute.