
First Class

Regius sat in his training room with Link wrapped around him as he continued to rapidly create masses of new batteries and stuff them into each cell. He had started shortly after he read the letter and had been sitting in his training room ever since creating. Regius was roused from his trance and could hear knocking at his door.

He sighed and made his way up the stairs while an annoyed-looking Link returned to his mana space. Regius opened the door in sweat pants and no shirt as Ashlyne bounced into his room uninvited and started to look around.

"Woah my suite looks nothing like this, why do you get a cooler-looking suite?" asked Ashlyne. Regius shrugged as he closed his front door as he smiled and turned to Ashlyne that was sitting on his couch and smiling "Maybe because I won our fight and the school knows it."

Ashlyne's smile dropped from her face and she looked at Regius and her mana flared "It was a Draw Regius." Regius smiled and said nothing more as she eyed him. "Are you gonna hurry up? There are actually ten minutes until we need to be in our first class. Not that you with your shirt off standing around is all that bad either." She winked at Regius and he waved her off as he walked into his room and came out five minutes later with his hair still wet and a tie around his neck just hanging there.

Regius straightened his clothes and tucked in his shirt and slid on black leather boots that he created on the spot with mana. He looked at the tie and realized that he had no clue how to tie a tie and threw it on the table as he walked to the door. Ashlyne hopped off the couch and grabbed the tie off the table wrapping it around his neck and tying it perfectly under his collar and straightening the black blazer as they both stood in front of a full-body mirror that was right next to his door.

As the top two of their class their uniforms matched, Regius wore a black blazer that had shining red striped lapels that had thin gold edges while Ashlyne wore a blazer that looked the exact same. He wore slacks and she wore a skirt that stopped a little bit above the knee and all-black socks that came up to her knee and simple flats that didn't look all that comfortable and she wore a gold and red tie that matched Regius all red tie. Regius had to admit that the school uniform looked good. He looked down at Ashlyne's feet and creation mana whirred to life as he offered her a pair of flats that he made on the spot they were more padded and since Regius was rank four the shoes he made her were also rank four artifacts.

She smiled and took the shoes on her feet off as she tossed them in the trash and put on the ones from Regius as they instantly changed to fit her perfectly. She whistled out loud "Maybe you do know how to treat a lady." Regius opened the door and they walked into the Hallway before taking a couple of steps and stopping "I have no clue where I'm going, I didn't look at all." She looped her arm around Regius' arm "It was in the pamphlet I'll lead." Regius thought he must have skipped that part of it and followed along as they started off at a decent pace knowing they were certainly already late to their first day of class.

"Why haven't we seen anyone yet?" Regius questioned after their third turn down an empty hallway. "Freshmen are required to start a week before the other years so that they can learn locations and where to be before the other years are also moving through the halls," said Ashlyne. Regius nodded as they continued on their way after another couple of minutes of walking they got to a door where they could hear a booming voice.

They looked at each other and walked through the door with Ashlyne's arm still hooked around his own. A middle-aged man stood at the front of the room and stopped speaking as the two walked in and Regius scanned the room and saw the faces as he spotted Gerald and Kingsley sitting together at the front of the class. Regius was going to climb the steps and make his way to the back of the classroom but Ashlyne pulled him to the front row and he allowed it and sat down with her next to the two of them and Regius in the last seat of the Row. The man stared at them for a good while he looked at Regius and Ashlyne "This is the first day of class so the late is excused but next week it will be one point deducted from your school points." Regius completely ignored him and Ashlyne nodded.

"Now starting back from the top for our late people, You all can call me Mr. Genus. I am the teacher of Intro to the Races of the Myriad Realms. The goal of this course is to introduce you all to the Races of the myriad realms so that when you are headed through portals you will be more aptly prepared. Make no mistake as we have learned although the other races are capable of being friendly, we are in fact alone in the Myriad realms and the info I teach you in this class can very well be the difference between life and death."

Daily Reminder to throw me in your library.

Alexander_Aeroncreators' thoughts