
The Great Phyramid

"We were Islanders too! But then everything became enemy and we were badly defeated. However, what made us regressed here wasn't that but the fact our will to strive forward waned. We became exhausted body and mind." The old man said with pain and his eyes red, barely holding tears.

Elias closed his eyes and sighed, he had felt the same way in the Trials. Back then he became a zombie that just waddled with no passion or ambition.

"A choice was given to us. Guide the newcomers and heal while doing so. The more we helped, the more islanders we guided the more we recovered, the opposite of that is waning until death. But, we were bound by chains, rules that are vague. One wrong mistake we will face our demise. Countless others have perished because of that!"

"How far have you gone!"